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Everything posted by Shibathedog

  1. Ah okay, So i'm going to lose everything by doing that right? Unless it can change it without formatting somehow. EDIT: NVM I found out it will erase it so I'll back everything up now, When I format with this tool with it format every drive and return it to stock? That's what I am trying to do before I put all my stuff back on. Or Do I not need to because only F is corrupt? If only F is corrupt I can live with only formatting that.
  2. Games and entire directories are either entirely disappearing or becoming corrupt. The HDD is almost brand new. I think what I need to do is backup my games/saves and format. Can anyone help me out here? Why would this happen? I've already lost a ton of stuff and this is very shitty, I'm going to be up all night fixing this. It doesn't seem to be giving me any free space back either so I think I have to format to get that space back now.
  3. I watched Visioneers because Zach Galifianakis was in it. It was a stupid boring movie that went nowhere. Not a good movie at all. I kept expecting some kind of grand finale or something but it never happened because the movie was too busy going in circles. I guess it was trying to be philosophical and deep but failed miserably.
  4. I played through it and came to the following conclusions: -This Demo is too short -The badass fighting system they bragged about is BS, you just keep hitting the same button over and over and it's all automatic -It is very easy because of detective mode, you can see through walls (and find out how many people are in the room, what weapons they have if any, health conditions/etc.) and everything you can interact with turns bright orange -Linking combos sucks because if enemies are too far away from each other your just screwed, there are no launch/jump attacks from the ground. -Nvidia must have paid them a ton of money, You can't enable anti-aliasing without an nvidia card (What a total load of BS) -It isn't overly cheesy like most superhero games, this might actually have a good storyline (The voice acting is at least good, but the lips don't match up on some parts) -The AI is stupid as hell, You can kill those three guys that are right next to each other with their backs turned so easily, and to escape them when noticed you just have to fly around in circles in the rafters and they will forget where you are even if you are right above them -You HAVE to use finishers to kill most enemies, pretty annoying (my friend knocked one out 4 times and he kept getting back up, so I'm guessing you do anyway) -Why does Harley Quinn look like a stripper now?
  5. http://www.batmanarkhamasylum.com/demo Get it now!
  6. Yeah Foobar is pretty hardcore, I've seen some insane customizations for it. You can turn it into a full blown media center if you want to.
  7. Well I'm not saying this is all I eat, it's just what I eat when I'm trying to save money. I love to cook unfortunately I can't cook anything that isn't on a grill which is why I have the woman lol. That's why I've been obsessing over this george foreman grill I have now, you can make so much stuff on it with ease! Krosigrim: That's very lucky that you have a cultural market that is a good deal. Those places around here charge ridiculous prices. I love trying new foods and I usually end up liking them no matter how weird. In fact I'll eat just about anything. The last thing I tried that I didn't like was years ago and it was swordfish. Too tough and not enough taste. I had it in sushi so maybe it would be better grilled or something. Oh one more thing I should add. Meijer! I don't know if you guys have Meijer around but they are great for saving money. They always have at least one brand of everything on sale and the best part is the Meijer brand is actually very good. See when you go to Kroger or Wal-mart, the in house brands tend to be crap or just barely good enough, but Meijer brand is quality so I don't hesitate to buy it. We also have Remke around here but the store brand there, Best Choice, is SO BAD. It is easily the worst out of all the stores, everything they sell is a ripoff too. I've seen things cost an entire extra dollar+ there which adds up quickly when your getting more than just one thing. They have pretty decent sales though. I picked up a loaf of bread for 70 cents there yesterday.
  8. I'm not sure either. You could always tag then import. Although you might want something a little more compact than Mediamonkey if that is all you will be using it for.
  9. I finally got around to beating Crysis Warhead. There where definitely some cool parts in it where it was like "Wow I never got to do THIS in the first one!" but it was too short, I finished it in one sitting. Much more run and gun than the first one. I probably should have played it on a higher difficulty though so maybe that was why it seemed like this. The final boss battle at the end was kinda lame. (and I don't think it would have been much better on a higher difficulty) It was worth playing but the first one was better. There where a couple scenes where it was obvious they where showing off the game engine, not that I minded because it looked awesome I had to stop myself a couple times from just looking at stuff. I dunno though I kept getting the feeling that the first one looked better if not only slightly. I should play it again to see because it has been awhile. Oh and why can't the grenade launcher destroy vehicles? That is stupid, my thrown grenades can! I didn't try it with the grenade launcher attachment for rifles. At the very end I kept getting killed by all those stupid tanks/vehicles with guns on them because my grenade launcher was useless. I shot 12 grenades directly at one and it wouldn't die.
  10. Lately I've been on a money saving rampage, and I noticed one of the best ways to save money is by changing the foods you eat. So I was wondering what are your favorite cheap foods? I'll get some out of the way I have discovered/are obvious. Ramen: Screw Ramen, you can't live off that. Noodles/Shells/Spaghetti: A box of this and a jar of sauce is cheap as hell and pretty good for you or at least way better than ramen. You can save even more money by making your own sauce. Making sauce is extremely easy too. Mac and Cheese: Very cheap, often on sale too, but I found I got sick of it real fast. Soup: Pretty good depending on what you get, Most soups don't fill me up very well (standard campbells is mostly water) but if you look you can find soups with more in them. Some are a ripoff though so you have to be careful. Lunch Meats: For sandwiches, bread is usually also cheap Hotdogs: I love hotdogs, you can make them on the stove, on a grill, or even in the microwave if your feeling lazy. Don't buy ripoff hotdog buns you can't use for anything else, use the bread from the sandwiches! Chili: Just get some cans of meat only/meat and beans chili and add your own vegetables and stuff, much cheaper that way and tastes better. Salad: Even if you buy pre-made salad this is pretty cheap, I like to make my own though because the pre-made ones are more expensive and tend to have too much lettuce/not enough anything else. That reminds me, you can use most of the ingredients for salad on sandwiches as well. Cereal: This should be obvious, not sure what to say about it besides buy off-brand, its the same damn thing. You can get those huge bags of offbrand for the same price as a small box of name brand. Eggs: Pretty obvious Hamburger Helper: Cheap and easy, you can use leftover meat for hamburgers again using the bread from before! Bags of chicken nuggets: Not that cheap, but a pretty good deal and easy to make/tastes good. Dip them in ketchup or bbq sauce or something. Burritos: I can get good ass burritos at the store here for 50 cents each. Can't beat that. Tuna: Used to be a lot cheaper but went up in price, I still get it sometimes though. I can just eat this right out of the can because I love tuna. Frozen Pizza: Usually on sale here, makes things easy when more than 1 person is eating. You could always just eat the rest later though. Personally I like cold pizza and won't even bother to warm it up again so it gives me something ready to eat for a quick snack later. Drink Mixes: Water is best, but sometimes I need something flavored. I get a lot of gatorade mix but I'm thinking about switching to store brand. It's not as bad as soda. Just stay away from the smaller quantities or the individual 1 per water bottle packets. They are a ripoff. Pretzels: Way cheaper than chips/other snack foods and surprisingly filling, or maybe that's just because once I start eating them I can't stop. Tea: Tea is ridiculously cheap, especially if you bulk order online, you can get a pound of tea for around 3 bucks. Even the fancier teas are only like 9 bucks a pound. That stuff they sell in bags at the store is an extreme ripoff. Fruit: I just eat fruit all the time, I don't really put it in much, I should start making smoothies or something.
  11. ID3 tagging is garbage in iTunes, I remember this well. Switch to Mediamonkey or something.
  12. I have a decent system for keeping stuff organized: -My 320GB HDD is there just as a downloads cache, It has 3 folders in the main directory: Bittorrent Downloads, Usenet Downloads, and a Temporary Extract folder where RARs and such get extracted to automatically, This drive is shared over the network so I can immediately access things if I need to before they are organized. -my 640GB is dedicated to the OS -my 1TB is the organized network share, It has a Music/Games/Movies/etc folder, inside of movies I separate by SD/HD, in games I separate by system, etc. -I haven't figured out what to do with my 120GB HDD yet, I got it for free, I was thinking about buying an enclosure and making it external. I used to be insane about organizing my MP3s, Now I just throw em in there organized by artist/album and I don't even bother with ID3 tags anymore. I used to have around 2 and a half months worth of constant music, all hand renamed and organized, all ID3 tagged by hand, completely flawless, but I lost it all and I don't have the patience to build a collection like that again. It's kind of pointless to anyway nowadays because you can just look something up on youtube or whatever for a quick listen and if you really want the CD it only takes like a minute to download, I figure eventually it will grow in size to what it was but I'm not actively collecting like I used to.
  13. That's awesome that it is on youtube, I'll probably play it tomorrow for a laugh.
  14. If it is the Northbridge wouldn't underclocking the CPU probably help more than underclocking the RAM? I suppose both would help but it seems like underclocking the CPU would help more. You could try running your CPU 1:1 with your RAM to make things easier as well. I had a set of dying RAM I kept alive by underclocking it until a replacement arrived. It's default speed was 1066, I went to 800, eventually that didn't work, went to 667, 533, and then it just completely died, so It's only a temporary fix if it is dying RAM, If you ran all those tests and it passed though it probably is the mobo. So I'm confused, Do you still need help fixing it or do you not care because your getting a new one? I'll tell you what you need to get to fix it if you give me all your specs if you would like. Replacing a motherboard isn't something a beginner should attempt though because you are going to have to remove almost everything and then put it all back. (Sorry if your not a beginner here, I really have no idea what your computer skills are I'm just saying.)
  15. True, a 320GB was just easier to find at the time I bought it I guess. Most of my games are PAL actually because for some reason most of the games uploaded to usenet are PAL, I have been able to run them all in NTSC fine though except for The Warriors. Apparently there is some problem with that specific game where you have to get the native version. I get NTSC when I have a choice though so its hard for me to say exactly how many are NTSC and how many are PAL. I should look into deleting the extra languages though, that's a good idea and I never thought of it thanks!
  16. Watch the Rifftrax for Twilight, they do an excellent job of making fun of her acting. She acts like she is overly confused/interested at everything that is said to her and blinks more times than a hummingbird or something along those lines. Excellent Rifftrack overall too, MST3K quality for sure. (It has Mike Nelson and the old gang in it) I would not have ever seen Twilight if it weren't for the Rifftrax.
  17. Oh that's neat, the emulators on my old PDA had something like that but the PDA also had buttons so I didn't use it that often. Does that work well for quick actions? You probably look like one of those kids in the 90s game boy commercials when your playing a fighting game
  18. But that is exactly why you don't want to run it from GRUB! You need to burn it to a disc using a fully working computer and verify it too. If the RAM is bad in the computer it could have gotten corrupted when it was copied to the HDD.
  19. You don't even need to go that big I have a 320GB HDD and I have: 85 Xbox games CoinOPS R1 with a full set A Full verified Goodset of NES, SNES, Genesis (and 32X+CD), Gameboy/Color (Only a few GBA), and N64 (don't bother with N64 lol I'll probably delete this eventually, It's quite a few GBs too) A Few PSX games Some random homebrew games/apps I still have about 70GB free. (How do you only have 1GB on a 250 with seemingly less stuff Ice Man?) The trick is DON'T put music and movies on your xbox. Just stream them over the network, much easier that way anyway because you can just share your downloads folder and it's always up to date/ready to watch.
  20. Yeah I would play more PS2 games but I only have a Swap Magic V2.0 (OOOOOOOOLD) so certain games don't work right, I can't install McFreeBoot with a 2.0 swap magic either because I don't think it supports USB at all, and burning it to a disc didn't work either so it probably doesn't support launching ELF files. I guess what I should try next is booting an Action Replay or newer version of Swap Magic with my older Swap Magic. I hope it's not on a CD though because for some reason my PS2 will not launch CDs unless they are certain original audio CDs or PSX CDs. It reads any kind of DVDs burned or not though which is weird.
  21. Ah okay, I've made sense of everything now, Thank you very much for your assistance. I think what I'm going to do is switch back to FBA then because I don't want to hunt down an old romset that is probably going to take forever to download. Even if I did get this romset, it would be pretty large and I would have to keep it around just for this purpose, not really worth it IMO. Like I said I already have the latest set which I always keep up to date taking up space. So I guess FBA gets added to my list of awesome bonuses to maintaining an up to date romset. I feel like they update the sets for a reason too. I've got Coinops Ignite R1 on there that works, I'll just leave that on there in addition to FBA in case I need it for something, but I dunno it looks like they both support all the titles I would insist on.
  22. Don't run memtest86+ through an OS, download the ISO and boot from it. Run test 5 at least 20 times, Run test 7 at least 10 times, and then let the whole thing run overnight.
  23. yeah, I mean I see what they where trying to do with it, I just don't think it turned out that great. I don't know if it was really their fault though. They had to do too much with too little time. Series is a lot better. Before I saw the series I was just like wow, this is the most terrible shit I have ever seen in my life. Me and my brother where just laughing and making fun of it the whole time. It was just like who are these people, what is going on, and why should we care? At that point I didn't even know Serenity and Firefly where related, in fact I didn't even hear Firefly existed until months after seeing the movie.
  24. So is this really complicated and you guys can't figure it out or what? It seems to me that dealing with DAT files would be something you guys do quite often/understand quite well and the answer to my question would be very simple so I cannot help but feel ignored.
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