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Everything posted by Swithin

  1. Don't get your hopes up, guys. It starts off great, but all the originality is just thrown right out for no good reason and it becomes Yet Another Bad Recca Ripoff. Disappointing. If you've seen the beginning, there's this great take on the afterlife. Soul Society is a great concept... until it's changed to feudal Japan where, for some reason, there is a gigantic sword-wielding private army oppressing the common folk for no good reason. Oh, and the 100+ billion inhabitants suddenly changed into more like 5000-10000, because it's now a feudally Japanese fort. Yes, the afterlife's a fort. Lame. Stupid-ass Bleach wasted a day of my life. I kept reading, but when it changed from high-school-supernatural-brawl manga to crappy-hip-talking-samurai-with-attitude manga it just blew balls. Of course, if you like crappy Kenshin-wannabes, go for it. (Although I'll admit the anime has pretty decent music.)
  2. Kill Bill vol.2 isn't a sequel. Kill Bill was split into two releases because the movie was getting too long, so technically "vol. 2" is just the second half of Kill Bill. I also believe that Spiderman 2 sucked (although I loved the first one.) So did Blade 2 (also loved the first one.) X2, on the other hand, is one of the best sequels of all time, in that it completely improved on *everything* done right in the first, and got right what the original got wrong. Also, the Mad Max sequels are great.
  3. How exactly does this work? Is there any way to come back from the dead, because apparently I've been killed before I even knew what was going on.
  4. First, I kick LordKanti for that post. Then I give a serious answer, because I'm too depressed right now to say something funny. I'd bring back Bertrand Russell. I'd have him take a look at world affairs, and force him to write his thoughts and predictions on how to combat societal decay and the fact that advertising and Rapaille-ian subliminal messages control what people believe (and consequently, how the world works.) People are generally too dumb to think for themselves, but if anyone could analyse the world well enough both to find out what needs to be changed, and to know how best to pitch that good advice so that at least *some* people pay attention to it, it would be Bertrand Russell.
  5. I agree. IMO, if 2k3 had a larger roster and a couple necessary nerfs, it would be head and shoulders above all others. As it stands, I think it has the best gameplay so far, the best graphics, and is on par with the better ones for audio quality. I just miss the presence of Kula/Vanessa/etc on the roster. Very much worth playing.
  6. btw - you're one of the best n00bs evar. You're not going to get flamed here. Then again, you don't really qualify as having most "n00b" qualities, so I think you can stop calling yourself that. Welcome aboard.
  7. Well what about the only ninja that matters? WHERE IS ZANTETSU? Oh well, they could still throw in another LB character. If NGBC-expectation has taught me anything, it's that what I really want is a NM-LB-SS crossover and a KoF with *everyone* else. That's it. Keep them separated. Don't let the chow fun bleed into the mashed potatos.
  8. I don't think I've talked with him much, but doesn't it seem slightly odd for someone who's "leaving forever" to edit their message? (only because he's got a Seinfeld ava...) I mean, what's that all about? Seriously, SNK, if you're reading this: the only thing I can say (because you sound disappointed, maybe in internet society or electronic communication as a whole) is that no-one meant to waste your time. Forums are just for shooting the sh**. Sometimes you meet people you intuitively like, sometimes you meet people you instinctively hate, sometimes you don't know why you're reading three pages of entry-level political debates you have in daily life anyway... mixed bag. The general character of people filters through, sometimes. These are OK folks here, with a fun hobby, and most of us simply need 10-20 minutes a day when it feels like we're being non-productive and conversational. We all have friends, but it's nice to go on-line without the risk of hearing 20 minutes of a sob story of how the boy in psych 415 didn't wink back... and if someone *does* bring it up, you can safely ignore it. You look for a topic to laugh at (or that sucks you in due to utter ignorance on the part of others), 10 minutes later you log out. That's it. If you have somewhere else you need or would like to be, well, good luck. Keep playing the classics.
  9. Well, he appears to be running Windows in German, and he's from Hannover. My guess, he's Polynisian. Don't worry about the dat thing, Kyo. It's happened to *all* of us, I just assumed that if that was the problem you'd be getting an error message to let you know... odd that you didn't.
  10. Try deleting the EEP ROM file (game_name.srm in the eeprom folder) and reloading the game. That usually works.
  11. Try using higher resolutions. For some odd reasons, it might actually *increase* your frame-rate (odd, but empirically tested.) Also, it fixes most tiled sprite/background issues.
  12. Yeah, 16, weird. I *kinda* remember what that was like. Happy birthday Diso!
  13. The dumb thing was leaving the car parked where it was, and hiding the bow underneath rather than in the trunk. Btw, what do Finns think of Norwegians?
  14. I saw this a while back, but I could NEVER find the music video. Thanks GK!
  15. Also, Kenshin only went for so long following the manga. I think somewhere up through episode 67-68 it completely diverged from the manga, after the Kyoto arc. Still an awesome series overall, but you've got to admit the manga adaption beats out the original storylines hands-down, even the ones that aired early on as filler while they still had material to move on to Oh, and there were only 95 episodes total.
  16. Nope, it had a minimal release in Japan. It was also rushed - three characters were developed and not put in the game, if you look around the web you can find photos. Also, the principal character designer was brought in to work on the new KoF 99 charas, which many believe correspond 1-to-1 on K'=Cool and Maxima=Harry Ness. Cool, ne?
  17. I don't think the shrink cheat works on shrink/no powerbars in neb/kawaks. Actually, the no-powerbar sets up a "distance meter" between characters. I don't think there's a fix for this.
  18. That's what I'm here for. Seriously, I stock up and collate these things.
  19. Actually, if I *were* in a position to choose... I'd definitely throw Rick Strowd and Alfred into the mix. Two very cool and underused characters.
  20. When she 'boxes', why does the guy have a tampon in his mouth?
  21. Hey James, just a quick question. Does using an encrypted set offer anything more than the knowledge that your emulator is doing all the work of the MVS? I mean, isn't the first thing the emulator does to decrypt all the encrypted roms anyway? I just don't see if using an encrypted set actually changes the output of the emulator at all, and if it doesn't, then isn't the decrypted set basically just as accurate (just a little pre-chewed)?
  22. Maybe after the price drops (big exception: if an F-Zero title is released and it looks to be very good. Then I'll buy it as soon as I can raise the free cash.)
  23. Damn, this has come a long way since I last checked it. Robert is looking awesome! What's got me really excited is that this is the first chance outside CvS to play some LB vs SS matches. In LB's corner we have Kaede, Moriya, Washizuka, and Akari (I know the whole roster would be too much to ask for, but... why Washizuka instead of Kojiro? Why no Hibiki? And why not Setsun, he's just cool...) From SS we have Haoh, Asura, Genjuro, and Nak (why no Shiki???) Oh this is going to be so cool! Kaede/Moriya vs Haoh/Genjuro... too good.
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