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Everything posted by Hera

  1. Bingo is awesome. ...and cheese from a can.
  2. My hubby would LOVE that. We'd probably right over it hah.
  3. Yeah the music was pretty awesome. I'm sort of a chiptune artist myself so I dig that kind of stuff. I'd love to start making animations like that. Just need the time...ah precious time.
  4. lol..I edited because I misspelled something. I'm kinda anal that way. I wouldn't scream or force feed my beliefs on anyone. However, if I disagree I will say such. You can respect a view and disagree as well and state your reasons as to why. I don't think that arguing will prove any point on either perspective.
  5. You're an artist. I'm sure you could have come up with something better at the end. I'm really not trying to make this out to be a big deal....sheesh. I didn't say YOU said it was promoting sex, I said it was just like everything else.
  6. No it's not. Seriously, everyone should feel free speaking out their views. It doesn't mean I have to go along with it. We can agree to disagree.
  7. I'm sorry. I'm not meaning to start something. But to be honest, there are more evidence to back up my beliefs than those of evolutionists. I have nothing against them. Go for it..I have nothing against science. It's all about theories though. Once it's proven, there's really no argument.
  8. No it didn't. Though I will point out why i'm sure you'll deny any bearing the following will have on your belief, which is ok. Creationism is a point of view to acknowledge as something any person of sound mind and thought, and willingness to question and to learn should chance upon in their own reflection of the self. Human babies are born premature. What does premature mean? When you compare a newborn human infant to a newborn mammalian animal such as a deer, or a horse, or a whale, these baby animals exhibit the ability to stand, walk and run (or swim in the latter case) almost immediately. Human babies cannot. While both human and animal babies depend on their mothers for nourishment and protection, the former also depends on the mother with the ability to feed itself and movement. Why are human babies born premature? When comparing the skeletal structure of modern man to those of prehistoric semi-bipedal hominids, certain key features set us apart. Our cranial structures, the position of our spines and shapes of the digits on our hands and feet etc. A key feature that sets us apart which you will find with the advent of fully bipedal hominids are our hips. Specifically in the female, though modern women's hip structure is generally wider than their male counterparts (which is sexy, yes) they were much wider in our hominid ancestors. You can see the same trait when studying the skeleton of our closest "cousins" the chimpanzees. For better reference, here is an example: The wider hip structure in the skeletons of our ancestors allowed for less premature births in their offpsring. With the evolution of walking upright (for locomotion and energy consumption) our skeletons had to adapt and thus the hips of our ancestors, like we who descend from them, narrowed. The narrowing of the hips would lead to the birthing of smaller, more fragile and dependent premature human babies. What does this have to do with marriage and god? Well... going back to the above statements, the evolution of man's ability to walk upright leading to premature births (which isn't the same definition of premature births by today's standards) equally led to the male-female pair-bonding. The premature infant baby in all its fragility and weakness required a mother to tend to its needs for surivial. Any mother here can attest to it. Hell... any father here can attest to it by watching their baby mamas. When considering the role of the mother caring for and protecting a small premature infant, one must also consider the mother's needs to survive also while taking care of its baby. This was the role of the father, to further ensure the survival of his offspring and to spread his seed, he would hunt and forage to feed his female partner and child for their own survival and ultimately the survival of its species. They did this through pair-bonding. They survived through this coupling and what would ultimately become known as marriage. So you see, while the word "marriage" and "matrimony" may incur the idea of religion, that is only because of our modern times and the encompassing truth that most of our world is dominated by a majority of religious minded peoples. Be it a cult, or a major religion like Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Hindu and what have you. Historically, it isn't until you introduce the word "holy" coupled with "matrimony" that the term "marriage" becomes something more than male-female pair-bonding. Which is essentially... what "marriage" is. With a license, or "blessed" by one's identified denomination and deity. Anthropology is a great subject btw. I recommend it for any student. That would be interesting if you're into the theory of evolution. I don't buy it. Christian anthropology is just as interesting. I'm more interested in subjects that actually have value and things to back it up.
  9. If you know the moves, anything can be a weapon.
  10. That's what makes it awesome! Dumb=Awesome? That's new. BUt I'd definitely love to get that program and team up w/hubby to make something even more rad than that. Why was it dumb? Would you rather 'lil Mario humped her boobs? Maybe her butt? Did any of it seem to have a point? Other than showing the progression of games. I thought it was silly, but funny. Not much point in the video in general. Mario was humping Lara's leg like a little dog. Perhaps the "point" is games are actually "sexy" now. And mario was just a tool for that. To make it silly. I would rather Luigi not hump anything at all. A couple parts made me chuckle but seriously, it was pointless and dull in my opinion. The artist could have used a different approach on how games are promoting sex just like everything else nowadays.
  11. I downloaded A Haunting in Connecticut (I think that's right) and I'm gonna watch it tonight. Hope it's good.
  12. People are uncaring..they'll do whatever they want for drugs or money no matter who they betray. All I can say is that I'm glad you and your family didn't get hurt. In my old home, we had a cabin in our backyard right off a lake. While I was in middle school, I had a call from the office and the cops were there. Apparently, some guy walks barefoot off the shore of this polluted, broken glass infested lake (people are assholes in that area) BAREFOOT. He jumped over our chain linked fence and my dogs went nuts. My mom heard them and went down to there hearing banging and such. She opened the door and the guy freaked out when he saw this huge woman going after him. He ended up tackling her while holding the t.v. and her head hit the picnic table on the porch. When I got home, I was INCREDIBLY PISSED and stayed in the cabin for a few weeks with my dad's shotgun ready to blow someone to bits. What pissed me off more than anything was the cops not doing a damn thing. This guy had bloody foot prints all over the cabin floor and they did absolutely nothing about it. The guy never showed up again. I'm glad he didn't. I was pretty crazy back then.
  13. Even if you go by that definition, most of those songs are NOT classic.
  14. My husband and I took a mini-vacation to see some of his relatives up in Yulee, FL (N. of Jacksonville). We were in the mood for some classic rock and so we turn on the station. First song was from Van Halen, Second song was Journey and the third song.... "Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighers Fourth song... "Rape Me" by Nirvana FIFTH SONG.... "You oughta know" by Alanis Morrisette ...wtf? I remember when Alanis was on "You Can't Do That On Television" back in the day. I'm about to be 25 ffs and they're already considering that crap CLASSIC?!?!
  15. I'm not offended at all. I just had to make a few points.
  16. That's what makes it awesome! Dumb=Awesome? That's new. BUt I'd definitely love to get that program and team up w/hubby to make something even more rad than that.
  17. Been listening to lots of Billy Joel lately.
  18. I hAYTE FF 11 & 12. I sincerely hope they revive my passion in 13. If they screw this one up, I'm done. Old school is much better anyway but it's kinda nice seeing something age with me.
  19. St. Peirre's brother teaches my younger bro. I feel famous. Georges St. Pierre FTW. (and he's yummy)
  20. I don't go to church either. I always walk out disappointed. I'm not "spitting" quotes and I'm definitely not arguing. I go by "that book" to the best of my ability and when I have a viewpoint that reflects what I'm saying, I say it. You are absolutely correct about one thing though, reality is a perception. However truth, what's right and what's wrong are not. They are to the point. Whether you live by them or not, that is your choice. But it is far from one's reality. And that's the problem. Everyone lives in their own little world with no guidance and come up with their own reasoning as to what is wrong and what is right, causing dissolution. Not just from unbelievers but religious groups as well. Personal tip; you might want to read "that book" it's quite enlightening. That's as far as I go when it comes to reaching out to people. I went to a church like that once Weirdy....it made me sick. I was young and this lady tried to kidnap me or something. My mom went nuts on her IN the church. A day I will never forget haha. I'm done with this conversation.
  21. Well, I was reading some of my replies and they kind of reflect on my attitude as of late. So I know I feel like I'm coming off lecture-ee..not a word. I know.
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