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Everything posted by Inky

  1. LOL I'd never get that extreme. heheh. if I play one game against a stranger or 20 matches against my best friend I try to win. thats all. If I win I don't gloat. if I lose I don't get pissy. competition is the driving force of innovation and betterment in all aspects of life. whether anyone wants to admit it or not. why is KOF98 good? because of competition with capcom. why did the USA make it to the moon? because of competition with the USSR. I could go on and on.
  2. I vote no. like klaw sayed you just have to ballance everything. I've been playing games since the NES cost 200 bucks. and I made it through school, work, girlfriends, and a wife with no problems. if you're gonna be one of those crazies who ends up dead of dehydration/starvation in front of your game of choice, then yeah i guess games would interfere with your school work
  3. smackdown is by no means the be all end all wrestling game. but the raw and wrestlemania series are really bad. hopefully they will learn thier lesson and import what works in smackdown into thier other series.
  4. good story first. if it's not good I am not gonna suffer through all those random battles. and since there are so many random battles the battle system better be damn good too. or it's just not worth it. Cutscenes are just flavor. the same plot points could be handled with out them.
  5. yeah I've read that before. although I don't always agree with Graffin. there isn't any denying he is a smart cat and a true leader in the punk scene. as long as we all understand spiky hair and a blink182 album are not punk then we're on our way to true enlightenment, heheh.
  6. heheh I know don't get me started on punk and what is and isn't punk. I get all old-man preachy heheh I feel the same about central cali. and I don't much like Nor-cal busters either. SF is cool but the rest is just ack!
  7. i just wish they'd put smackdown on all systems, instead gamecube and xbox have to deal with crappy raw and wrestlemania titles
  8. so no ethernet port huh? so i guess your modem is hooked up via usb. that ethernet port on your modem is prolly only for connecting the modem with an ethernet cable. go get yourself a nic (network interface card)it'll add an ethernet port to your pc. they only cost about 20 bucks. or a router if you wanna do that but a router costs more then just a basic network card.
  9. LOL nah, thats what rematches are for. if you can't handle losing then fall back on little league rule number one: "Winning isn't everything, let's just have fun"
  10. what? so you are at an arcade, you put you token in and a stranger walks up and joins you. you don't play to win? you are just gonna throw your token and your control of the machine away? when I say play to win I guess people don't understand me. to me it's not fun unless you try to win. and if you don't try to win you are cheating your opponent too. I don't wanna play some goof ball, I want a challenge. thow everything you got at me. if I can't beat your tactics then I will figure out how to next time. let the best man (or woman, i've been owned by plenty of girls) win.
  11. ditto. I just wanna mow em all down by the time i get halfway though the level.
  12. the worst thing about metallica is they use to be supporters of fans bootlegging concerts. they encouraged it. how is file sharing different? I dunno.
  13. you'd think that would be a plus.............. I don't know what it is about that series but I am sure to get frustroid when I play it.
  14. anyways it's most likely not anywhere near as big a deal as we and every other video game related forum are making it out to be. kudos to Sega for stirring up so much interest. you know everyone is gonna be rushing sega's booth at E3. prolly to find out about the latest crappy sonic game. heheh (god I hope not)
  15. I was just playing hitman contracts and wondering to myself "why do I play the hitman series?" every one pisses me off to no end.
  16. what do you wanna get going? live or xbconnect? how is your modem connected to your pc? if you want to set up xbconnect you can do a few things. I have my modem connected with a usb cord and my crossover cable from the xbox to my nic. my pc is set up with ICS and xbconnect, works fine. exept all anyone plays is halo on there. the only problem my set up has is when I turn off my xbox it disconnects my dsl. not a big deal but annoying. if anyone knows a fix for that please share.
  17. I'll say for instance xbox-scene. they are dedicated to hacking the xbox, cool. but if you talk about a hacked version of an emulator (fbaxxx for instance) BANNED!! Don't get me wrong I like x-s and it'a a useful tool. but a little hypocritical IMO. that's just an example, there are plenty of sites/forums like that.
  18. even with out file sharing they can't stop that. people have been recording off the radio, video taping MTV, and bootlegging concerts forever. I have plenty of bootlegged concerts and taped mtv videos that to my knowledge (I've looked plenty) are not available on peer to peer.
  19. The true spirit of humanity should not be competion, but co-operation. That'd put an end to all wars and stupid conflicts, and usher us into a new world of peace and prosperity. That's why I play for fun (although wiping the floor with my little brother used to be very fun ) yeah in a ideal world. but a fighting game is a competition. there has to be a winner and a loser, I'd rather be the winner.
  20. what he said. that and people who look at my piercings/tattoos and ask "didn't that hurt?" OF COURSE IT HURT!!!!!!!
  21. oh man you are the king!!! that ones gettign forwarded to everyone I know. heheh
  22. where do you stand? Me, I play to win. Winning is fun. to me "playing for fun" is an excuse coachs and parents use to make losing sting less. losing should sting, that way it motivates you to get better.
  23. go to google and put "weapons of mass destruction" in the search box then click the "I feel lucky" button. funny stuff.
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