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Everything posted by SQrL

  1. for any newsgroup users out there, GGXX reloaded for pc can be downloaded from newsgroup: alt.binaries.games.anime
  2. pffft.. seems like more of an inner "circle jerk" to me.
  3. what happens when you press CTRL+ALT+DEL ? should bring you back to windows with task manager open yes?
  4. Burst! is my number one choice: http://krypt.dyndns.org:81/torrent/index.phtml
  5. I'm a software developer... mostly write/design web applications using: SQL Server, Classic ASP, JavaScript, ASP.NET, VBScript, etc... It's not game progging, but it pays tha bills --SQrL
  6. And for the non-DDR fans Stepmania is also able to emulate "Pump It Up" (5 button dance pad)...
  7. I suggest you do the same !! just because you like kiddie warez does not mean the rest of us have to be like you. no no no... you have missed the point of my comment. It's not that i enjoy "Kiddie WareZ" (I enjoy the real deal way more), I was only suggesting people stop complaining about downloads that are being offered for FREE. If they don't want them, then don't download them. And yes.. most neoHacks are pretty lame!
  8. Freakin wahh wahhh wahhh... all you damn babies should really just shut your mouths and hold your negative comments.... something is being offered to you for FREE and you just complain.... no wonder I never post here... and to think this use to be a *GREAT* community. pffffft....
  9. these old bones are 27..... SQrL...
  10. newsgroups anyone...... anything your little heart's desire can be found there irc is always a good fail safe as well... specially some of the sweet DCC search pages on the web like ircspy.com or packetnews.com SQrL...
  11. My fav is MosASCII... even does great with generating color art. Give it a lookey see http://www.mosascii.com/ SQrL...
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