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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. What did you receive and what did you give? We don't celebrate christmas so I didn't give or receive anything. But I did go to a Christmas party last Friday and I got a fifth of Ketal One vodka. I brought Season 1 of Dexter to that party which my friend Charly won.
  2. King of Kong made me so angry. I absolutely hated Billy Mitchell and his nerd gang. They were the uber nerds that I thought existed only in fiction.
  3. I play a game until I stop having fun. For some games (Far Cry 2, Fallout 3) that is playing them fully and doing every possible quest I can find and for other games I play them half way through and uninstall them (Gears of War).
  4. Happy belated birthday, Inky! I never check this thread so I missed out.
  5. That sounds really awesome. I've been listening to a lot of Johnny Cash lately.
  6. A lot. They usually have no sense of humor. At least not one compatible with mine. And most importantly, they don't put out. See above. There is this one girl in my class who won't date another because he is a Baptist and she is Catholic. I mean what the fuck. But most importantly they don't put out. But that's the ones in my class, not in general so I don't have a problem with all of them. Same for me, dude.
  7. Welcome back, man! Nice to see you again.
  8. It's mainly due to the ladies I am surrounded by. Either they are taken, super Christian, or ugly. I don't have much time to meet people outside of school either so that is a problem. Oh well.
  9. Something revolutionary because WE ARE THE REVOLUTIONARY FORCE IN ENTERTAINMENT!!
  10. Some fucking cunt in the aisle next to me at the funeral was texting someone. What the hell is wrong with people.
  11. I watched LA Confidential for the 50th time just now. Still a great great movie.
  12. Thanks guys, I didn't really have time to grieve since I had my last final just now. Cinder, I hope everything looks up for you real soon.
  13. I just learned today that a friend of mine died sometime earlier this week. The funeral is on Saturday.
  14. Here is a more serious topic. So the year is almost over and I've been thinking about how I wasted it. Did you set any goals for yourself and did you reach them? They don't have to be major goals, it can be anything. What unplanned stuff happened to you that you really liked or disliked? I had hoped to get a girlfriend but that didn't happen. I wanted to move closer to school and I did which is probably the best thing I have done this year. Not because I am close to school, but it's because I moved next door to some really cool people who I am now friends with which makes this town a little more bearable. So I didn't get a girlfriend but I made some cool new friends. More stuff later maybe if I think of it and when I'm not busy.
  15. That's good to hear that you are feeling better. Hopefully once that is taken care of your CKD won't progress much anymore.
  16. People said Iron Man was bad? I thought it was pretty much well liked.
  17. I totally forgot about that game. This one wins as most disappointing for me.
  18. I'd say Spore and Civilization 4: Colonization. What say you?
  19. I don't like how fast you level up. I got to level 20 really quickly and the rest of the game was really easy. And if you get Charon combat is always a piece of cake. It's only gets somewhat challenging if you take on more than one DeathClaws.
  20. How do you do that? Just go for all the side quests that you can? Its a lush game and it keeps me of the bottle on an evening so it can only be a good thing right? There was this dude outside paradise falls so I shot his gun out of his hand, it took a few trys but eventually I picked up his own gun before he could, then I stripped to my pants and shirt and got him to chase me round while i jumpoed around saying "youll never catch me!!!!" I then threw ALL my weapons on the floor he picked up a nade and started throwing them at me and i was still like "youll never catch me!!!" lol I did a lot of side quests and just explored a whole bunch. I never tried that strip down and run around thing. Maybe in my next play through.
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