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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. I'm really digging Far Cry 2. But then again I kind of liked Boiling Point.
  2. I can't remember the last decent game Midway released. I'm always surprised they are still around.
  3. Yeah that is one of the major problems with this new DRM. I've only played the game for about 20-30 minutes so far and it's got its quirks.
  4. So this malaria thing is not a joke. oh well. I guess I won't go on a rampage and kill the animals. ;(
  5. is that the official medical term? I'm going to try my best to make it so. "Patient is a 22 year old white homosexual male who presents with a bleeding rectum and poopdick."
  6. I cheated to beat it. Fuck that game.
  7. More details on Fallout 3's gameplay please.
  8. Another trailer showcasing different factions and sweet explosions: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41568.html
  9. New trailer showing some gameplay and editor stuff: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41616.html?type=flv
  10. I don't know. It doesn't exist yet. Or should it even exist at all? Questions to stir the mind and soul.
  11. Nope, no trigens or mutated beasts. It's a purely human story about weapon's trade and shit in Africa. I think it's trying to be more serious than Mercenaries and more open with the story structure.
  12. 50 bucks for L4D? I hope that's not the final price since imo the game doesn't have the content to warrant such a cost. It is 50 bucks. Also, teck, this isn't the thread to post the latest scene releases.
  13. That means you have bad taste in everything.
  14. I thought epidermis was common knowledge. You need to watch more Loreal commercials.
  15. I'll just buy it when it's super cheap and they won't make much money off of it. I'm in no real hurry to play the game. Especially now since Left4Dead is supposed to cost a full $50. L4D, Far Cry 2, and Fallout 3 take precedence. Maybe Mirror's Edge.
  16. What's odd is that this game is pretty much nothing like Far Cry 1 outside of open spaces. Everything from the gameplay, setting, scope, plot, etc. is different. I don't think it should be named Far Cry 2 but I guess it already is an established brand name and they paid good money for it so might as well use it.
  17. A relatively crude fix but sometimes those are the best.
  18. Ever since the first video for this game I have been quite excited for it. It just went gold today and I pre-ordered it off Steam so I'm ready to play it. If it's as open world and free-form as they make it out to be then I'm in for a real treat. Plus it has awesome explosions. Anyone else hyped for it and plan on getting it?
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