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Everything posted by Hawq

  1. If it doesn't already this may end up hitting like a gods hammer
  2. Don't forget to grab a clrmamepro or romcenter .dat for the version of mame its based on to check your roms, some xbox mames come with .dats others you'll have to find yourself but most are based on mame 0.84
  3. Mame Plus! .119u1 its not on the news page yet but the downloads are up
  4. wouldn't show up embedded in a preview so just have to make do with the link
  5. The changes from the forum not the history: - FIX: In the demo Coma Light 8/Oxyron, the Keferns Bars part now works properly (a bug with sprite indexing). - FIX: In the game Platoon, the small horizontal white line below the Platoon title no longer appears (a bug with changing between certain graphic modes within a raster line). - FIX: Ex-DOS memory mirroring on the 1541 Device ($2000 - $27FF) is now supported properly. - FIX: Various un-documented C64 behaviour fixes for the demo Aurora 90%/Level 64. - FIX: Various fixes for Final III and Sharp.
  6. Check in the SDLMame forum to see if its already been mentioned, if not thats gonna be your best bet I reckon Hmm the readme for that Houba32Kplus mentions using PSX plugins, might not the best build to mention for the future of Zinc, speaking of which a tidbit from the Zinc board from R Belmont
  7. Back to school in my head with this one, ah to think of all the useful stuff learnt on it... wait a minute!
  8. AGEMame audit patch for .118u6 AgeMame & age32 binaries both in the one zip as usual
  9. Ah my webspace is working again, the agemame binary is up, still no age32 in it due to compiling errors though, the ready patched info.dat is up & mame32Hp4 will be up shortly
  10. One thing to note is that Mame Plus Plus seems to be holding back Zinc so it may not be great to mention it much, from R Belmonts page Worth bearing in mind perhaps
  11. Damn that was fast & roll on .119 for fixes to any bugs and compiling 32 versions eh?
  12. Mame History.dat 1.18c Fixed Also updated is the ready to go info.dat but I'm having trouble getting at my webspace for now so its over at emuhq for the time being till I get it uploaded ^ the same goes for my agemame binary for now as well, no age32 yet as its throwing up all kinds of errors at me
  13. More to the point where are they gonna be able to shoehorn the ad's into Far Cry & Prince of Persia? hopefully pic's of them will appear at some point, 'A new McDonalds coming soon to Micronesia' billboard in the jungle perhaps?
  14. AGEMame & AGEMame32 binaries, both in the same .zip 32Hp4 Mame32 Plus Plus 0.118u4
  15. info.dat ready to go AGEMame/AGEMame32 binary 32Hp4
  16. Mameinfo.dat v0.118u2 prepatched info.dat Mame Plus Plus .118u2 Mame32Hp4
  17. Mame32 Plus! Plus! AGEMame binary well no point making a new post just for that 1 bit eh? its gonna have an age32 version in as well (same zip) once I make some space for it online, figured I'd try doing one & it worked, untill the space is cleared for it then it can be found on emuhq for those that cant wait
  18. Mame Plus! AGEMame32 didnt see it mentioned along with the regular one
  19. Nah thats got the gui built in, well the mame32 one anyway, mines just got the basic game select thats in mame now. Decided against trying to do a mame32 type one after the basic game select gui appeared in mame recently
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