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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. Name: Street Fighter MiDI Music Version: 2.0 Copyright: VGMusic Compiled By: GameCop Amount of Songs: 86 Download It Now! { Right Click And Save As } Password: emulforums.cjb.net ------------------------------------ 100% No Viruses 100% No SpyWare 100% No Crap, Just Music ------------------------------------
  2. Good work.. I will probally use them in a new section, link to us or something. However I thought Magnis made those?? Anyhow check these out too made by "Snafu"! Looks Best: http://www.cgiaxis.com/usr/forms/EmulBanner3.gif Looks Best: http://www.cgiaxis.com/usr/forms/MmulforumsG.gif Enjoy!
  3. Well I got to admit, I did do some research on it. But to be honest I have added so many modules to this site that we really don't need Invision Board. I will though may be consider transfering to it when version 2.0 comes out. Otherwise I am probally going to stick with phpBB.
  4. Well everyone it has finally been done. The new " Reviews and Rants " section!! If you would like to post a review and it says you are not able to please PM me and I will configure it for you. Please read the rules & howto guide first if you notice you already have the ability to post a review or rant. Enjoy and check out our first rant! PS: Please give me all your feedback in what you think about this new feature in EmulForums!
  5. If you would like to post a review or rant, please PM me. If you are a user who already has gotten the ability to post reviews or rants. Please remember the following... You have to have the following thread format or your review may be deleted: Thread Name: [Month/Day/Year] NAME OF GAME Inside The Thread Make Sure You Use The Following Format... Game: NAME OF GAME System: NAME OF SYSTEM Emulators: NAMES OF EMULATORS PLAYABLE WITH ###################################### ###########INFO AND BIO OF GAME####### ###################################### Controls: -- Gameplay: -- Graphics: -- Sound: -- Overall Score: -- Grade: -- Overall I give this game a [thumbs up or down] Makesure you add the images between pharagraphs. To get a overall score; add the four scores and divide it by 4. Grades go by the following: 5 = F, 6 = D, 7 = C, 8 = B, 9 = A, 10 = A+ Only Feedback related comments are allow in reviews. Don't use ImageShack, Geocities, AngelFire, or any free host that has strict limitations for off-site linking to images. This post has been edited by GameCop: Dec 30 2004, 12:32 PM
  6. Game: Marvel Vs. Capcom System: CPS2 ( Capcom ) Emulators: WinKawaks, Nebula, Mame Well this is the first ever retro rant made by me, GameCop! For our first review ever I just had to pick the long awaiting Marvel Vs. Capcom! As you all know this game was emulated late 2001 and was one of the most anxious games to get. It was just impossible to see a message board without a request for Marvel Vs. Capcom or when it will be emulated. Surprisingly though Marvel Vs. Street Fighter was emulated first. Some people say that Marvel Vs. Capcom was really one of the games that brought them to emulation. Unfortunately today the Arcade is not what it used to be. Now of days, you can just get a Nintendo GameCube and play all day and watch your neighborhood arcade center go out of business. It's sad that we will never really see another game like this in the Arcade. Some may speculate it may happen, but I doubt it, arcades are dead. Well anyways, I got to admit, I checked back on Rom Depot so many times to see if the emulated roms for the game was released yet or the XOR Tables. God... I probably searched so many times, to see if you can download one that worked. ( I really didn't know that much about XOR Tables at the time.) When I got my hands on the XOR Tables.. I just went through my whole hard drive looking for the unplayable rom, pasting the xor's and then right away playing it on the newly released " Final Burn Alpha". It was probably one of the most jubilant times. The game consisted of Strider Hiryu, Mega Man, and Captain Commando from previous Capcom games. I myself was in love with playing with Mega Man and Strider Hiryu. Especially Mega-Man's special was always a spectacular thing to see. The graphics though was always the same as other Capcom games with the characters. Unfortunately they never tried to enhance the details in the characters which really disappointed me. They really could have gone to the level with lets say, Ryu's face or something. I was still extremely happy though, the pace of the game was really great. It never really bored you. Such as the old Street Fighter II for Snes at times really got boring until Street Fighter II Turbo came out. I'd absolutely recommend any gamer to play this game. The music will never get out of your head and will really give you some unforgettable moments. The only downside in this game was the specials... I really wanted them to change some of the specials on the characters and maybe even add some more menu options. If you got a lot of money in your hands though, I would probably even by this game from the Arcade. Speed: 10 GamePlay: 9 Graphics: 6 Sound: 8 Overall I give this game a big, big,
  7. Well 2002 is sadly over... But not the games!! Here is my list of the top games for 2002 and reviews: 1 ) Rage of The Dragons [Review By: GameCop] Speed: 9 GamePlay: 5 Graphics: 5 Sound: 3 BIO: This game was good for the first couple of minutes I got to admit, but then later on, it just got stupid. The sound really sucked. Graphics were ok, but there was wAy, wAy, to much hype for this game! I'd give the game a: 2 ) Metal Slug 3 [Review By: GameCop] Speed: 9.5 GamePlay: 10 Graphics: 6 Sound: 6 BIO: Metal Slug 3 was probally one of the most funnest games I have ever played. It consisted of awesome boses and great gameplay. It really never bored me out. It was especially fun when a friend and I played it to gether. Unfortunattely though, the game is not long. In fact you should be able to finish it within an hour or even half a hour. However, you will be urging for more once you are done playing the game. I'd give this game a: 3 ) Metal Slug 4 [Review By: GameCop] Speed: 8 GamePlay: 9.5 Graphics: 6.5 Sound: 6 BIO: This game was emulated way to soon and almost the same time as Metal Slug 3. To me, I think it deserved way, way, more hype. Even though it was not as good as Metal Slug 3, if there was just a little bit more time span between the two, this game would probally be even better. Its not what's in the game, it what people will do for the game. I'd say though that Metal Slug 4 was a Major Dissapointment. Everyone thought it would be better than Metal Slug 3. But obviously that wasn't the case. I'd still give this game a: 4 ) King of Fighters 2002 [Review By: ------] Speed: -- GamePlay: -- Graphics: -- Sound: -- BIO: This game to be honest, was really not completely emulated in 2002 and still isn't now in the year 2003. If you would like to make a review for it, please PM me. Otherwise all I heard about this game is that it was a dissapointment for many. And there is still way to many problems with it.. ----=====+++++---------======+++++--------------++++---===== Well those are the current top games. Not much for 2002. There were probally more but these were the most known ones. If you want to post your own top games and review in this thread, please do and if you can type it in the same format as I did. Have a good one and lets just wish more games will be emulated this year without the presence of the IDSA.
  8. Geeze it feels like Tim added like 5 more popups whenever you load the site... arghh...
  9. The New M1 Rom For King of Fighters 2002 That Plays the Kusanagi's theme and Orochi Team's theme!! Get it here!
  10. Lol, 97 of those members have 0 posts. Its typically normal actually for a forum. Because usually most of them browse. Anyhow yeah its awesome.
  11. Well if you guys havn't noticed it yet. I made a site just for King of Fighters 2002. It has everything you need to run it with great sound ( not perfect ). I hope you enjoy this sub site of emulforums. Because it has helped many! --------------------------- Link not allowed - Diso --------------------------- Please pass this site around. Its easy to remember and is #1 in information about the game!
  12. Thats weird.. I don't see such a thing.. ( btw wrong forum, lol) Do any of you guys have that problem too??
  13. Gawd I just want to cry.... This is the year that EmulForums started and begun, revolutinizing the emulation scene! -- ( We Hope ) To be honest this was probally the most craziest year ever for me. I made a website, software, got blamed for a ton of sh*t that I didn't do,had a heart attack almost 20 times this year ( lol ). And changed many peoples day to a sad one to a happy one. I want to thank all of you for changing my life because if it wasn't for you.. this site wouldn't be here right now! Have a safe and wonderfull new year.
  14. Well we can always put it under the Free For All Section!??
  15. To be honest, I kind of like that idea. Lets just see what everyone else thinks about it.
  16. Dapple is a Apple ][ emulator for DOS. News: 1.20: * Reconstructed 1.12 from unreleased version 1.10 after all later versions failed to boot (WAI NE!!!) - good thing I kept 1.10 around. 1.12: * Begun work on improving 65SC02 support; fixed a bug (I didn't grok BBRx) in the 65SC02 disassembler functionality. * Wrote (it's not linked in yet) a routine to determine whether an enhanced //e ROM is active, because you cannot use the NMOS 6502 on an enhanced //e. Get it from this page.
  17. Read the top post or the following quote.. That should explain everything.
  18. Here is what you need to know: Determine MP * MP is calculated by how long the user has been around and how often they post. * Max MP is based on level, and increases with level * Each post a user makes costs them mp, * and a user regenerates mp proportional to how * many days they have been registered Determine EXP percentage * Experience is determined by how far the user is away from the next level. This is expressed as a percentage. * Note, a user of level 0 has 100% experience. Making one post will put them at level 1. Also, a user that is shown to have 100% experience, will go up a level on their next post. Determine Hit Points (HP) * Hp is based on user activity. * Max HP is based on the user's level, and will generally * be the same for all users of the same level. * A user's current HP is based on the user's posts per day. * A higher post per day (ppd), the more HP they will have. A user with an average PPD (set below) will have 50% of their max HP. As a user goes over the average PPD, they will have more HP, but the gains will decrease as the user's PPD increases. This makes achieving 100% hp difficult, but not impossible. * For users with under the average PPD, they will have HP equal to 1/2 the percentage their ppd is of the average. ie- a user with 2.5 ppd, and an average ppd of 5 will have * 25% of their max HP. This is because 2.5 is 50% of 5, and 1/2 of that, is 25%. * Users who manage to post so far above the average that they have more HP than their max will recieve a bonus to their max HP. [Note] Users at level 0 will always have 0 / 0 hp. Enjoy!
  19. Wow this is awesome. Great Job Disoblige!
  20. Check it out everyone, its currently only for SubSilver! If you want it permanentaly please tell me! Btw. Here is another pic with a new style. ( I can change it to this only for SubSilver), plus I can add what it says. [ already did ] P.S. Do you guys like the new stats too below number of posts??
  21. [// Emulation Direct Connect Hubs ] psxviking.no-ip.com psxviking2.no-ip.com www.DragonsSlayers.dns2go.com skullzrealm.sytes.net buromsbu.no-ip.info:2627 classicsega.homeunix.com buromsbu.no-ip.info:2627 psxtrading.dynip.com Credits: Disoblige, ME!, IJTF_CINDER, and everyone else here at EmulForums. NOTE: This list is not aloud to be copied or pasted in any site without the permission of me and everyone else here at emulforums!
  22. Oh really lol, dude you rock. Keep up the good work!
  23. Nice to see you back. Btw is there any file sharing limits or bots on your hub?
  24. Links Section Yes thats right a new emulation links section. It will be well moderated and you can add links to sites for all kinds of systems. If you have any requests for a new category, please pm me! Plus you can even have your own " FAVORITES LIST "!! Enjoy, The Links is on the Front Page! " EmuLinks" or Some Rules To Remember: Only Emulation Sites No Dead Links No Direct Links To Roms No Spam No Advertising ( If you know what I mean!) Otherwise you will be banned or suspended. I will add these rules in our board rules soon! Don't forget this is the " People's Forum"!! Chatroom Today I just got finished adding a enhanced chatroom. You can input smilies and everything. The link to the chatroom is on the main page and the end of the main index forum page. We will be adding many more enhancements soon. I am even thinking of having like a " Emulation Friday ", and every friday we will start giving out live rom requesting and chatting. If you have any other ideas, comments or questions post it here!
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