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MAD IDEAS since 2004 - More ideas since 2006!

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Exalted is a game where one of your main antagonists is Death, Creator of the Underworld. Except there's several of him, probably six or seven. Oh, and he's got 13 dread henchmen, one of whom was probably you at some point in time. Also, Hell has a personal grudge against you this time. Did I mention Magical America regularly trains and sends ninjas out for you personally? Ninjas specially trained in ass-kicking? Which, if they won't work, they keep giant robotic suits of armor on reserve for. O



come to yer senses

I wish you would come to your senses come to your senses somehow   your pot of gold is locked in boxes is locked in a bank vault behind closed doors behind closed doors   Your love won't put over me (?) Won't put over me somehow Don't run till you can't walk till you can't walk till you can't walk till you can't walk   yeah yeah yeah



Falling Down The Cataclysm EP Preview

Only 2 CD-R copies of [RE:MEMBER] exist, both burned onto a 29 minute CD-R. I have both copies. This is a preview of my up coming EP, "Falling Down The Cataclysm". The EP is set to be released, eventually. I have a few rough draft songs to finish before releasing it. This is post rock, all past material I've recorded that sounded anything like music is on the back shelf for my band/never to be released. Enjoy!  



Blow Out (First time in 11 Years)

wuCOfakGXI0 Played on the 7th of October, 2008 at the Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan. Last time Blow Out was played was in 1997 during the Running From Demons tour. Resurrected for the final 2 shows of the world tour. Other songs featured during the final two tour dates:   Hunting Bears (after The National Anthem, night 1) I Might Be Wrong (night 1) True Love Waits (intro too EIIRP, night 1) In Limbo (night 2) Wolf At the Door (night 2) Bulletproof (night 2) The One I Love (R.E.M. cove



RPG: From East to West CS - No stats edition.

Name: Zhi Hsien-Ku   Race/Nationality: Chinese   Gender: Female   Age: Early thirties   Height and Build: 5'9”, 55kg, well kept slender build that remains very (very) feminine.   Hair: Long black hair, down till the her backside.   Eyes: Green   Career and Skills: Hsien-Ku is trained medicine practitioner, minor Tao scholar and cook whom travels village to village, city to city, teaching the young and healing the sick for free if they were poor or if they are rich, money for lodging and food. Sh




>> Anonymous 08/14/09(Fri)01:04 No.5448044   How about something a little different.   That morning, we had all awoken and continued on our day as always, or at least we wanted to, but many local governments had begun to repair bridges, subways, and all in all, made a nuisance of themselves. Those of us that managed to make into the city couldn't have expected what came from the sky that day. Like some interplanetary artillery strike, the sky was black from the falling spaceships.



These Are My Twisted Words

F2ztWvuyXeU     Aozaki Aoko !IwEl/9INRQ 08/13/09(Thu)19:15 No.5445236   Goddess of stealing shit, riding a boat and having a harem/crew of female swashbucklers sailing the seas giving aid crews lost at sea.   Because being a lesbian half-elf rogue with an airship knee deep in female elves, fay, humans, nymphs and anything else with a charisma of 12 or higher and isn't out to take my soul or kill me in Eberron is fucking awesome.



Aliens vs Dinosaurs vs Dracula vs Zombies

The players have to choose from five different stereotypes:   - The bully - The nerd - The hot chick - The not-interesting chick - The funny black guy   Whoever picks the funny black guy dies first, because it fits with the horror genre.   The ridiculus plots:   - Dracula raises a bunch of zombies and takes over the tallest tower in the city.   - A giant fissure opens in the middle of the city, releasing dinosaurs into the streets - Aliens attacking the city.   - Dracula eventually taming a T-Re



Best viewed from the first person...

Anonymous 04/24/09(Fri)02:43 No.20752417   Brooke>>>>>>Robin>>Nami>Franky>Chopper>Sanji>Zoro>Luffy>Vi vi>Ussop All in first person for the best viewing experience.   Your closest friends die of illness, leaving you the last to die, alone. You live on, but are alone in an abandoned wreck for 50 years, slowly going insane from the creeping solitude, you hang onto your sanity through humor and overcompensation through your personality. By



What I did with 48 Hours

Courtesy of the ever so lovely Bambi :3   1004 BP 271 Fights 123 Wins 45.44% Win ratio 12 game win streak   Who wants to give me a 6 month card now :V!



Linu is clumsy

Linu: I am Linu Lo'neral, an elven priestess of Sehaine Moonbow. I was hoping to meet you, but I figured I missed you while I was changing my clothes. PC: Changing your clothes? Linu: Oh, when I came in here a waitress spilled some drinks. PC: She soaked your clothes? Linu: Well... no. I bumped into her and when the drinks crashed down I leapt backwards into a dwarf, knocking over his ale and stew. PC: So that messed you up? Linu: Um, no, the food and drinks landed on the floor, but the dwarf cr



Fail Roll Session

[23:59:14] <wizard_> fuck that was a fucked up D&D session [23:59:28] <wizard_> we all nearly died trying to open a box again [00:07:54] <Deej> haha [00:08:23] <Deej> ahhh ill take the box the box! she wants the box, ok! whats in the box?! [00:08:24] <wizard_> honest to god, I wish they'd fucking use like lockpicks or something then trying to use brute force [00:08:25] <Deej> NOTHING [00:08:29] <Deej> absolutely nothing! [00:08:34] <Deej> STUPI



Wizard's Cove - A Fallout 3 Mod - The Sh!t Doc

I have an idea. An idea I'd like to see through, for Fallout 3. And this idea, is called Wizard's Cove.   What is "Wizard's Cove", You ask? Well then, Wizard's Cove is a small trader town that has no relation to any existing town within the game. A separate town all it's own that will contain the following;   *Several Quests. *Able to marry a resident of the town with the freedoms you had in FO2, that includes abusing them and possibly even selling them, or you could just plain rape them. *A bun



Still Alive

KC5PfSNAWiE   Remixed by me (took me an hour) video sliced up by me (also an hour)



The Origins of Ms. Marvel

Hal never really came back to life, you know. The Hal that's currently running around the DCU is only a construct given form and thought by the Guardians.   After Hal's spirit was severed from the Spectre, it was thrown beyond the multiverse, into a place where space and time have no meaning, there it drifted for an eternal instant before finally finding its way to a world strangely similar to the one he knew, yet very different. In time, Hal's spirit drifted to an air force base, one of the few



Mad? No. Insane? Totally.

Makes me sad, because. It will never come true :`(   Unless I write it. But this is so epic, I don't think I can write it. Then I'd have to find a badass artist. Someone so good, he'll do it for free and in their spare time.



Two More Years (Live) - Bloc Party

j2L-hy22b0c   For some reason, I immediately thought of EM when I listened to this. It's a good song, it's apparently about break ups/breaking ups. Now to bug the suckers in the band to cover this tune. It just seems so fun to play   Russel = Jonny when he was younger during the Pablo Honey-Bends era.



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