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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. do you bother to read the forums at all ? here is the link again mame32 78.1b http://members.westnet.com.au/the-kula/mam...ame32v78.1b.exe
  2. i am looking for the new p1 rom for mslug5 any ideas ? Ms5_newfiles.zip
  3. icons ? mslug5 does not have one i need to make them as for icon packs try here no doubt there are other sites that have this stuff http://www.mameworld.net/icons/ http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/down.htm
  4. yes ok nows lets and see what happens with kof2003 .
  5. ive been doing this since mame 74 http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html and in case you do not know there are two rom sets mslug5nd 30 MB mslug5 75 MB this emulator run all the removed neogeo games plus svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 and non neogeo rom sets vasara 2, gunbarich .... Not added : snow bro 3 was not added for two reasons no sound and is a known hack .... also supported is the uni-bios that allows you to use console mode in mame http://unibios.free.fr/download/uni-bios-12.zip goes in the neogeo.zip an updated cheat file here for svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mame32Latest...files/cheat.exe
  6. Hehe James, this is the same line that there's in my code! So it seems this line works for you too! Not only for me! Hehe! the one i used before and the one you use both work for me . so have no idea
  7. look at the mame driver and it is not hacked .... hacked is the wrong word for writing a driver for mame in /src driver.c under neo geo add the following -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVER( mslug5 ) /* 0268 © 2003 Mega Enterprise / Playmore Corporation */ DRIVER( mslug5nd ) /* 0268 © 2003 Mega Enterprise / Playmore Corporation */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in /src/driver neogeo.c under the last ROM_END add the following ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROM_START( mslug5 ) ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "268-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(3F1CF3D2) SHA1(2C85EB5ACDEDE4816675B91F8989C9E13C1573F8) ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX1, 0 ) ROM_FILL( 0x000000, 0x20000, 0 ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX2, 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfx", 0x000000, 0x20000, CRC(354029fc) SHA1(4ae4bf23b4c2acff875775d4cbff5583893ce2a1) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "268-m1d.bin", CRC(6FA01C9A) SHA1(3DAB7593BFCCE318D22EC3DF672EE3B4AB73DCF5) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v1.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(C3540E0D) SHA1(BF7CA3ABE291B28A4CFAEF791F0C556CC98AD8D8) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v2.bin", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(077BD2F4) SHA1(1699959D17F8C7113CEBDB9DA2E1CD18CE48486C) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v3.bin", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(39B14567) SHA1(1658612A93BA30130F9260BC41D3F18F6B90C1E7) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v4.bin", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(969FF3B2) SHA1(50FECEB741A1C08B000B077A33151AB1352EB798) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c1.bin", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(27d59de8) SHA1(0447a675d885721cedc079788cf41ae3f797834b) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c2.bin", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(e600dee1) SHA1(e55e5a25616c4daf09692d1b53a92d6f31e842ac) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c3.bin", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(b650f098) SHA1(4cd729153bd5b2054fbe10c96d2bb370084d1d24) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c4.bin", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(10499589) SHA1(24542a3b70080e5a61fdab04ab314450a1d821ef) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c5.bin", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(19352405) SHA1(5ee255403739c11a65608dcff0984480f067d824) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c6.bin", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(bbec8745) SHA1(99bf3d46ce4bb89ef246da27978abc8a2959b6ee) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c7.bin", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(fe2c1338) SHA1(de9d257574881dd1684956f60011a20c1dd5a0d9) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c8.bin", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(ecce3141) SHA1(103247b57f8ea5746dd1cf92dda95a6dc9268c78) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END ROM_START( mslug5nd ) ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "268-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(3F1CF3D2) SHA1(2C85EB5ACDEDE4816675B91F8989C9E13C1573F8) ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX1, 0 ) ROM_FILL( 0x000000, 0x20000, 0 ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX2, 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfx", 0x000000, 0x20000, CRC(354029fc) SHA1(4ae4bf23b4c2acff875775d4cbff5583893ce2a1) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "268-m1d.bin", CRC(6FA01C9A) SHA1(3DAB7593BFCCE318D22EC3DF672EE3B4AB73DCF5) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v1.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(C3540E0D) SHA1(BF7CA3ABE291B28A4CFAEF791F0C556CC98AD8D8) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v2.bin", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(077BD2F4) SHA1(1699959D17F8C7113CEBDB9DA2E1CD18CE48486C) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v3.bin", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(39B14567) SHA1(1658612A93BA30130F9260BC41D3F18F6B90C1E7) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v4.bin", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(969FF3B2) SHA1(50FECEB741A1C08B000B077A33151AB1352EB798) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c1d.bin", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(969C0D62) SHA1(DE3C5CFA980CCA2FAB0416AC0D292948B5D4C9C3) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c2d.bin", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(C69AE867) SHA1(3198EE5C7C2C7563B49EBD9F7BA95D9B0B303F6C) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c3d.bin", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(D7BEAEAF) SHA1(99443EA4C1BAB45F1977A390EB7E1A0163915110) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c4d.bin", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(E1B1131B) SHA1(68A36D336582069E79AD481638D92F57C4CD6523) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c5d.bin", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(2FA1A5AD) SHA1(4AE15D29BA979601598EDDF8905072FE1D9E0A98) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c6d.bin", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(6DE89589) SHA1(86A6C036BF51AF516FEA83A30874026EC1586A83) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c7d.bin", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(97BD0C0A) SHA1(30F3280FE527098ECF46541CC645A59B366105EA) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c8d.bin", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(C0D5BC20) SHA1(B5D0D81D5CC624538B0651C568295E578A1330D1) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in src/driver neogeo.c under DRIVER_INIT add the following ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ms5_bank_offset = 0; static WRITE16_HANDLER( mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w ) { ms5_bank_offset = (data>>12)%0x03; } static WRITE16_HANDLER( mslug5_bankswitch_w ) { neogeo_set_cpu1_second_bank( (neogeo_ram16[0x10/2] + ms5_bank_offset) << 20 ); } DRIVER_INIT( mslug5 ) { neogeo_fix_bank_type = 1; kof2000_neogeo_gfx_decrypt(0x19); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff0, 0x2ffff1, mslug5_bankswitch_w); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff2, 0x2ffff3, mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w); init_neogeo(); } DRIVER_INIT( mslug5nd ) { /* the S data comes from the end fo the C data */ { int i; int tx_size = memory_region_length(REGION_GFX1); int rom_size = memory_region_length(REGION_GFX3); UINT8 *src = memory_region(REGION_GFX3)+rom_size-tx_size; UINT8 *dst = memory_region(REGION_GFX1); for (i = 0;i < tx_size;i++) dst = src[(i & ~0x1f) + ((i & 7) << 2) + ((~i & >> 2) + ((i & 0x10) >> 4)]; } install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff0, 0x2ffff1, mslug5_bankswitch_w); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff2, 0x2ffff3, mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w); init_neogeo(); } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in /src/driver neogeo.c at the bottom under the appropret make add the following --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Mega Enterprise */ GAMEB( 2003, mslug5, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, mslug5, ROT0, "SNK Playmore 2003", "Metal Slug 5" ) GAMEB( 2003, mslug5nd, mslug5, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, mslug5nd, ROT0, "SNK Playmore 2003", "Metal Slug 5 (decrypted)" )
  8. been there done that both failled System: NEO RomName: mslug5 Game: Metal slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,800000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,077bd2f4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1.bin,0,800000,27d59de8,0 268-c2.bin,1,800000,e600dee1,0 268-c3.bin,1000000,800000,b650f098,0 268-c4.bin,1000001,800000,10499589,0 268-c5.bin,2000000,800000,19352405,0 268-c6.bin,2000001,800000,bbec8745,0 268-c7.bin,3000000,800000,fe2c1338,0 268-c8.bin,3000001,800000,ecce3141,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 1 GfxKey: 1e ButLayout: 9 Fix: System: NEO RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,800000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,77BD2F4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1d.bin,0,800000,969C0D62,0 268-c2d.bin,1,800000,C69AE867,0 268-c3d.bin,1000000,800000,D7BEAEAF,0 268-c4d.bin,1000001,800000,E1B1131B,0 268-c5d.bin,2000000,800000,2FA1A5AD,0 268-c6d.bin,2000001,800000,6DE89589,0 268-c7d.bin,3000000,800000,97BD0C0A,0 268-c8d.bin,3000001,800000,C0D5BC20,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 So why is this rom proving so difficult to get working outside of a hacked mame?...does it have extra encryption or something?........or is it a bad dump? mame is not hacked a driver was written for it and thats why it works
  9. been there done that both failled System: NEO RomName: mslug5 Game: Metal slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,800000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,077bd2f4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1.bin,0,800000,27d59de8,0 268-c2.bin,1,800000,e600dee1,0 268-c3.bin,1000000,800000,b650f098,0 268-c4.bin,1000001,800000,10499589,0 268-c5.bin,2000000,800000,19352405,0 268-c6.bin,2000001,800000,bbec8745,0 268-c7.bin,3000000,800000,fe2c1338,0 268-c8.bin,3000001,800000,ecce3141,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 1 GfxKey: 1e ButLayout: 9 Fix: System: NEO RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,800000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,77BD2F4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1d.bin,0,800000,969C0D62,0 268-c2d.bin,1,800000,C69AE867,0 268-c3d.bin,1000000,800000,D7BEAEAF,0 268-c4d.bin,1000001,800000,E1B1131B,0 268-c5d.bin,2000000,800000,2FA1A5AD,0 268-c6d.bin,2000001,800000,6DE89589,0 268-c7d.bin,3000000,800000,97BD0C0A,0 268-c8d.bin,3000001,800000,C0D5BC20,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  10. i never did thats just a pic i found http://www.arcadeathome.com/forums/viewthr...d=456501#456501
  11. yes i am hopeing the rom is the same and it's just a small change in the dat here is a pic of mslug5 in Kawaks
  12. wanna bet it's not offline at all ... i had problems with limited bandwith thats all http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html and in case you do not know there are two rom sets mslug5nd 30 MB mslug5 75 MB this emulator run all the removed neogeo games plus svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 and non neogeo rom sets vasara 2, gunbarich .... Not added : snow bro 3 was not added for two reasons no sound and is a known hack .... also supported is the uni-bios that allows you to use console mode in mame http://unibios.free.fr/download/uni-bios-12.zip goes in the neogeo.zip an updated cheat file here for svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mame32Latest...files/cheat.exe
  13. members like you will cause us who work hard to dump these roms to start asking for donation weather the rom was dump bad or not give thanks to billy jr because if you have to wait to get it you will pay alot of money for it!) And it's members like you that serve to misunderstand and piss people off. I was disappointed because the thread title indicated this was a new rom set, but it turned out to be the same one we've all already seen. So sue me for not kissing your ass over it. now be nice there is no need for that type of talk you have no reason to complain did you pay for the game ? i have it working in my mame32 compile and i am very happy with it if you do not like mame then thats your problem . and what you do not understand there are people trying to get this rom to work. kawaks nebaua and also to run on X box so relax you will know if and when it will work on other emu's and be thankfull there are people bringing us these games
  14. here is my dat for Nebula Kawaks works fine System: NEO RomName: samsho5 Game: Samurai Shodown 5 [Program] 270-p1.bin,0,800000,611A6687,0 [Text] 270-s1.bin,0,20000,33227D62,0 [Z80] 270-m1.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [samples] 270-v1.bin,0,400000,6849136C,0 270-v2.bin,400000,400000,222E1774,0 270-v3.bin,800000,400000,CD9E7ADC,0 270-v4.bin,C00000,400000,8B305CAC,0 [Graphics] 270-c1.bin,0,800000,4E7BDEA1,0 270-c2.bin,1,800000,7B444985,0 270-c3.bin,1000000,800000,8C709A9B,0 270-c4.bin,1000001,800000,CFD53F5C,0 270-c5.bin,2000000,800000,C026D318,0 270-c6.bin,2000001,800000,B3D9D204,0 270-c7.bin,3000000,800000,FE03A025,0 270-c8.bin,3000001,800000,89DB2D34,0 [system] CartridgeID: 270 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  15. this is one of my dats ystem: NEO RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal slug 5 [Program] 268-p1.bin,0,800000,3f1cf3d2,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6fa01c9a,0 [samples] 268-v1.bin,0,400000,C3540E0D,0 268-v2.bin,400000,400000,77BD2F4,0 268-v3.bin,800000,400000,39B14567,0 268-v4.bin,C00000,400000,969FF3B2,0 [Graphics] 268-c1d.bin,0,800000,969C0D62,0 268-c2d.bin,1,800000,C69AE867,0 268-c3d.bin,1000000,800000,D7BEAEAF,0 268-c4d.bin,1000001,800000,E1B1131B,0 268-c5d.bin,2000000,800000,2FA1A5AD,0 268-c6d.bin,2000001,800000,6DE89589,0 268-c7d.bin,3000000,800000,97BD0C0A,0 268-c8d.bin,3000001,800000,C0D5BC20,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: c --------------------------------------------- this part is where i think the problem is ----------------------------------------------- [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: c
  16. no thanks this emu is only limited to neogeo unlike my version also this is crap svcplus: P1/S1 marked as NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN as svcplus is a hack therefore there is no dump for that game
  17. its the same problem as kawaks i do not think this will be fixed anytime soon but works very good on my mame32 http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html and in case you do not know there are two rom sets mslug5nd 30 MB mslug5 75 MB this emulator run all the removed neogeo games plus svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 and non neogeo rom sets vasara 2 gunbarich .... Not added : snow bro 3 was not added for two reasons no sound and is a known hack .... also supported is the uni-bios that allows you to use console mode in mame http://unibios.free.fr/download/uni-bios-12.zip goes in the neogeo.zip an updated cheat file here for svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mame32Latest...files/cheat.exe
  18. yes thats why i siad if it works for you . then good
  19. be warned the cheat may freeze up the game on mission 3 with the cheats enabled ....
  20. i think you will be better off useing nebula as you seem not to know what to do Nebula?It Sucks.Nebula IS Not Far Worse Than Krawks.In My Opion,FBA And NeoRageX IS Da Best.=) FBA is crap Neorage is crap neorage is nothing but a hacked emulator. and was only meant for the older pc . now i ask you. have you tried to play svc or samsho5 in nebula? what do you have against FBA? i seriously cant see anything wrong with it. it is faster and multitasks better than Kawaks and seems to have better Rasters support than Nebula. and doesnt even need a loader or dat if you can compile on your own (and recompiling only takes like 30 seconds at most on fairly fast PCs -minutes on slow PCs but not that much). video and sound may be a different thing and entitles to your taste and such. or do you simply think it sucks because it is a low-enders choice? i use mame i find it to be the best and yeah it you have an old pc then FBA is good for that but thats it.. nothing more... Lol thats funny mine is a new PC Windows XP yes i know you like to use old and out dated emulators meaning old stuff that is no longer supported by the people who created it
  21. I don't have the mslug5.zip romset, so I played only mslug5nd.zip romset for the moment. Anyway here is the complete code, surely you know more than me how to read it! ROM_START( mslug5 ) ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "268-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(3F1CF3D2) SHA1(2C85EB5ACDEDE4816675B91F8989C9E13C1573F8) ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX1, 0 ) ROM_FILL( 0x000000, 0x20000, 0 ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX2, 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfx", 0x000000, 0x20000, CRC(354029fc) SHA1(4ae4bf23b4c2acff875775d4cbff5583893ce2a1) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "268-m1d.bin", CRC(6FA01C9A) SHA1(3DAB7593BFCCE318D22EC3DF672EE3B4AB73DCF5) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v1.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(C3540E0D) SHA1(BF7CA3ABE291B28A4CFAEF791F0C556CC98AD8D8) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v2.bin", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(077BD2F4) SHA1(1699959D17F8C7113CEBDB9DA2E1CD18CE48486C) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v3.bin", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(39B14567) SHA1(1658612A93BA30130F9260BC41D3F18F6B90C1E7) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v4.bin", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(969FF3B2) SHA1(50FECEB741A1C08B000B077A33151AB1352EB798) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c1.bin", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(27d59de8) SHA1(DE3C5CFA980CCA2FAB0416AC0D292948B5D4C9C3) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c2.bin", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(e600dee1) SHA1(3198EE5C7C2C7563B49EBD9F7BA95D9B0B303F6C) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c3.bin", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(b650f098) SHA1(99443EA4C1BAB45F1977A390EB7E1A0163915110) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c4.bin", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(10499589) SHA1(68A36D336582069E79AD481638D92F57C4CD6523) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c5.bin", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(19352405) SHA1(4AE15D29BA979601598EDDF8905072FE1D9E0A98) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c6.bin", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(bbec8745) SHA1(86A6C036BF51AF516FEA83A30874026EC1586A83) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c7.bin", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(fe2c1338) SHA1(30F3280FE527098ECF46541CC645A59B366105EA) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c8.bin", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(ecce3141) SHA1(B5D0D81D5CC624538B0651C568295E578A1330D1) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END ROM_START( mslug5nd ) ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "268-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(3F1CF3D2) SHA1(2C85EB5ACDEDE4816675B91F8989C9E13C1573F8) ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX1, 0 ) ROM_FILL( 0x000000, 0x20000, 0 ) ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX2, 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfx", 0x000000, 0x20000, CRC(354029fc) SHA1(4ae4bf23b4c2acff875775d4cbff5583893ce2a1) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "268-m1d.bin", CRC(6FA01C9A) SHA1(3DAB7593BFCCE318D22EC3DF672EE3B4AB73DCF5) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v1.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(C3540E0D) SHA1(BF7CA3ABE291B28A4CFAEF791F0C556CC98AD8D8) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v2.bin", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(077BD2F4) SHA1(1699959D17F8C7113CEBDB9DA2E1CD18CE48486C) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v3.bin", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(39B14567) SHA1(1658612A93BA30130F9260BC41D3F18F6B90C1E7) ) ROM_LOAD( "268-v4.bin", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(969FF3B2) SHA1(50FECEB741A1C08B000B077A33151AB1352EB798) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c1d.bin", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(969C0D62) SHA1(DE3C5CFA980CCA2FAB0416AC0D292948B5D4C9C3) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c2d.bin", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(C69AE867) SHA1(3198EE5C7C2C7563B49EBD9F7BA95D9B0B303F6C) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c3d.bin", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(D7BEAEAF) SHA1(99443EA4C1BAB45F1977A390EB7E1A0163915110) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c4d.bin", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(E1B1131B) SHA1(68A36D336582069E79AD481638D92F57C4CD6523) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c5d.bin", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(2FA1A5AD) SHA1(4AE15D29BA979601598EDDF8905072FE1D9E0A98) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c6d.bin", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(6DE89589) SHA1(86A6C036BF51AF516FEA83A30874026EC1586A83) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c7d.bin", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(97BD0C0A) SHA1(30F3280FE527098ECF46541CC645A59B366105EA) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "268-c8d.bin", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(C0D5BC20) SHA1(B5D0D81D5CC624538B0651C568295E578A1330D1) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END int ms5_bank_offset = 0; static WRITE16_HANDLER( mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w ) { ms5_bank_offset = (data>>12)%0x03; } static WRITE16_HANDLER( mslug5_bankswitch_w ) { neogeo_set_cpu1_second_bank( (neogeo_ram16[0x10/2] + ms5_bank_offset) << 20 ); } DRIVER_INIT( mslug5 ) { neogeo_fix_bank_type = 1; kof2000_neogeo_gfx_decrypt(0x19); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff0, 0x2ffff1, mslug5_bankswitch_w); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff2, 0x2ffff3, mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w); init_neogeo(); } DRIVER_INIT( mslug5nd ) { /* the S data comes from the end of the C data */ { int i; int tx_size = memory_region_length(REGION_GFX1); int rom_size = memory_region_length(REGION_GFX3); UINT8 *src = memory_region(REGION_GFX3)+rom_size-tx_size; UINT8 *dst = memory_region(REGION_GFX1); for (i = 0;i < tx_size;i++) dst[i] = src[(i & ~0x1f) + ((i & 7) << 2) + ((~i & 8) >> 2) + ((i & 0x10) >> 4)]; } install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff0, 0x2ffff1, mslug5_bankswitch_w); install_mem_write16_handler(0, 0x2ffff2, 0x2ffff3, mslug5_calc_bankoffset_w); init_neogeo(); } i do not see the any diff between mslug5 and mslug5nd rom sets and where you put int ms5_bank_offset = 0; that is wrong but anyway if it works for you happy new year
  22. emulators that is known to work on so far is mame32 mine .... pigmame and dos mame 78 not surwe what else anyway happy new year
  23. i wish Gamcop was here as i need to upload my mame32 which plays svc svcplus samsho5 mslug5
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