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Everything posted by suvo

  1. you so badly wanted to say that Man they are by far the best i have ever seen good job
  2. go Jamaica all the way. i havnt heard of any models from there ?
  3. haha but she isnt very hot she just has big boobs
  4. can i ask for a new tourney ? lol there only has been two.
  5. What's up with you guys and asian chicks? They are good, but not great. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so gamecop says.... Asian chicks rock
  6. i like all types of chicks. There is something about brunette asians though. let me find some other pics this one is nice ( its in Elazul Yagamis post ) something about it http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...ndpost&p=166379
  7. Lol He hasnt been posting here for ages. He did ages ago but since i came here he hasnt been posting. Hope he gets through his tough time.
  8. the second has got to be my favourite by far. God she is so hot
  9. tried looking.. couldnt find much. Tila Nguyen is hoT
  10. GC can you sample us with some v.3 ? stop keeping us hanging.
  11. Ninja 4 life. Good on him i bet he will strike again
  12. but the ps3 is meant to cost more. meaning not much of you here will get it on release ?
  13. That would of ended the day sweet. Sin City was one of my all time favourite movies.hope you had a good birthday
  14. true but it would make life easier for gryph
  15. haha nice joke. I wouldnt have seen that if no one told me that it was there.
  16. finally. We have a price people. I want to get one. we just need a ps3 price now and i can decide the one that i want. drake get the $400. The cheap ass xbox sounds gay.
  17. this topic is turning out to be your dream girl thread
  18. Gryph i dont think L.S.D can keep it in his pants.
  19. They should have thought about it before they announced the sale. Plus could you really be bothered to line up at flocking 1 am.. so sad but worth it for 50 bucks
  20. what agozer said. They might add some more feature's. Hopefully it makes an advantage to the game and some extra gameplay. If only zelda you gained levels and got xp for kills. It would be more rewarding and actually worth killing guys cause on the first zelda i barely attacked monsters only if i had to.
  21. ahahah, Fatal is a playa . Lol they must own a crap load of land.
  22. Im an alliance night elf druid and a human pally. i might swap servers but only if i get to keep my characters on the server im on now
  23. No one is spamming accept for chode. Im not talking about anyone else but him. he posted like 5 or 6 times in a row
  24. thats totally understandable. Its a sacrafice out of my working dough. Parents actually pay for some of it hehehe
  25. i might. I hear its awsome. for now i will stick to wow
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