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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Ah, thanks for the release, I've downloaded the 32 and 64-bit Windows versions, and I'll have a play with it later.
  2. I still have the Windows binary here, from when we did some testing and fixes. But you never posted the fixed-up version. Were you able to access your site?
  3. If only someone with a sense of responsibility was president... https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/coronavirus-donald-trump-refuses-to-take-responsibility-after-downplaying-the-threat-for-months/news-story/f1c9df3ff16a7c277142216d2929cc96 As it is, America will soon be flooded with the dead bodies of the poor. Whatever happened to the saying "The buck stops here" ? For Trump, it stops somewhere else - anywhere else - but never with him.
  4. Now, for the 2nd theory. This one is rather complex - and it's not over. Again, I don't really believe it - but who knows? Perhaps there's an element of truth in there somewhere. As we all know (or are told), this virus made the transition to humans in Wuhan province, somewhere in China. A doctor raised the alarm and was told to keep quiet. https://www.thedailybeast.com/china-silenced-doctor-who-first-raised-alarm-about-coronovirus-nyt-reports I contend that China intended this virus to be spread around the world, and the doctor was supposed to say nothing. A few weeks later he was conveniently found dead. https://globalnews.ca/news/6705990/coronavirus-chinese-doctor-death-report/ Finally, after hiding the facts for 7 weeks, allowing the virus to spread in the community and tourists, China finally took action. https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/02/quarantine-camps-door-to-door-searches-in-wuhan-as-coronavirus-rampages-on/ The latest we hear is that China has it "under control". If this is true, then soon the world will have a healthy China, while the rest are falling down sick, with hospitals overrun, dead piling up, etc etc. Did China already have an antidote? How did they control it so quickly? The world's workers will increasingly turn to working from home, placing an increased reliance upon the internet and telecommunications in general. Wouldn't this be a convenient time for a certain nation to attack another nation's internet? Or even for a certain nation to start a war, while everybody else is sick? Or, at the very least, for the world's economies to crash and leave themselves open to control from a nation that has "3rd world" economic status but is in fact the world's most powerful. Think about it. Also, think about why their state-controlled company is so aggressive in getting a foothold in other country's telecommunications, even suing countries that have locked them out. https://www.afr.com/companies/telecommunications/huawei-confirms-it-will-sue-us-government-20190307-h1c3r9 Why are they so desperate?
  5. I currently have 2 theories that contradict each other, so I'll put the other one into another post. The basis of a good conspiracy theory is to gather up "facts", as presented by the media, and weave them together with a bit of logical thinking, to produce an outcome. It all must be entirely logical. In my case, I don't even believe these theories - but they make sense. Now, for the first theory, and this one is pretty easy to shoot down. Ponder this question. Do you PERSONALLY know anyone with this virus? It mustn't be what you heard in the media, or some rumour from your friend's sister's boyfriend - it must be someone you personally know. If the answer is YES, then the theory ends here and now. Otherwise, let's continue on. Does this virus pandemic even exist? Or is it some kind of social experiments by governments, to find out what would happen in a real emergency? If so, one can just imagine the amount of lawsuits when it's declared over.
  6. * BGB 1.5.8 [Gameboy] - http://bgb.bircd.org/ * Mednafen 1.24.1 [Multi-system] - https://mednafen.github.io/releases/ * Ootake 2.96 [TG16/PCE] - http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ * Qemulator 3.3 [Sinclair QL] - http://www.terdina.net/ql/winql.html * Classic99 v399.018 [T.I. 99/4A] - http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?1 * Cemu 1.17.4 [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * Unibios 4.0 and UniCDbios 3.3 - url="http://unibios.free.fr/download.html"]http://unibios.free.fr/download.html[/url]
  7. Looks like nobody cares. I think I'd rather just get this disease over and done with.
  8. Been panic buying of toilet paper for weeks. Pretty much all sport cancelled or played to empty stands. Stockmarket crashed 30%, worst ever. Recently, the panic buying of everything people can get their hands on. The world has gone crazy. America doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. There's been less testing there overall than South Korea does in a single day. This, I've heard, is because of America's corrupted health care system which only exists for the rich. The poor can't afford either the testing or the hospital treatment. I have come up with certain conspiracy theories, we'll see soon enough if they are more than theories.
  9. * Xebra/Arbex (2020-03-10) [PSX] - http://drhell.web.fc2.com/ps1/index.html * Classic99 v399.017 [T.I. 99/4A] - http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?1 * Romvault 3.1.2 [Rom Manager] - https://www.romvault.com/ * Rom Properties 1.5 [Rom Manager] - https://github.com/GerbilSoft/rom-properties/releases * JRomManager 2.3.0 [Rom Manager] - https://github.com/optyfr/JRomManager/releases
  10. * MAME 0.219 - https://mamedev.org/release.html * MAMEUI64 0.219 - http://www.mameui.info/ * RPCS3 0.0.9.alpha [PS3] - https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/releases * Cemu 1.17.3 [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * Mark5 1.7.0 [Hitachi BML3] - http://s-sasaji.ddo.jp/bml3mk5/download.htm
  11. * Pantheon 9.4000 [Multi-system] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm * Cemu 1.17.2b [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * Zesarus 8.1 [Multi-system] - https://github.com/chernandezba/zesarux/releases * PK201 (2020-02-20) [Sony Pocketstation] - http://drhell.web.fc2.com/pocket/index.html * ARCADE 0.219 - https://arcade.mameworld.info/ * MESS, MESSUI, MAMEUI 0.219 - http://messui.1emulation.com/ * Rom Vault 3.1.0 [Rom Manager] - https://www.romvault.com/
  12. New packages have been uploaded containing a fixed hiscore plugin.
  13. MESS64, MESSUI64 and MAMEUI64 0.219 are released. https://messui.1emulation.com/ https://arcade.mameworld.info/messui Changes: - None. If anyone wants to make a 32-bit build, please post the links here in this thread. Indicate if they will (or won't) work on XP.
  14. Decided to do a 0.219 release of this, for comment.
  15. * SSF PreviewVer R14 [Sega Saturn] - http://aaaaaaaa.g2.xrea.com/ssf/files/ * WinArcadia 26.3 [s2650-based] - http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/ * mGBA 0.8.1 [GBA] - https://mgba.io/ * Applewin [AppleII] - https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/releases * Bletchmame 1.8 [Frontend] - https://www.bletchmame.org/
  16. The next release of MESSUI is expected to be 0.220 on or about the 25th of March. It will no longer contain all of MESS; it will be filtered to only contain systems that have been tested to work. The filtering will be done by source code, so even if only one system in that source works, all systems will be included. Further filtering - the system must start up, with working screen and inputs. If the system requires a disk to boot with, a suitable disk must be included in the software list. If the system has BASIC, then it will be included as long as I can type PRINT 123 and get the correct response. If the system is a machine-language monitor or debugger, it must be able to produce readable output to a data dump command or similar (usually D command). If the system is a trainer (usually just 6 LED digits), it must be able to respond as designed. Systems that require mechanical attachments to work (car computers, washing machines, etc) will be omitted. Systems that work but don't actually do anything will be omitted. Some systems are quite complex - if it takes me more than a minute, and I haven't got anywhere, then it will be left out. I don't have all day. Now, it's very likely I will make mistakes, usually because I don't understand a particular system, or just an oversight. All comments are welcome, especially if you know how to get something to work. Sometimes a system doesn't work because of a regression - but check with official MAME first. The command-line version, mess64.exe, will continue to include all systems, working or not.
  17. * SDLMAME 0.218 for Ubuntu - http://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/ * Emma 02 v1.35 [cosmac-related] - https://www.emma02.hobby-site.com/download.html * Ootake 2.95 [TG16/PCE] - http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ * Classic99 399.016 [ti99/4a] - http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?1 * Cemu 1.17.1 [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * ScummVM 2.1.1 - https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/
  18. Robert

    MAMEUI 0.218

    OK, been fixed for 0.219 To clarify how multiple swpaths work - Multiple paths ONLY work for the SW Files tab. Everywhere else (Media view, Newui, official Mame) - only the first path is used, the remainder being ignored.
  19. Robert

    MAMEUI 0.218

    Yes you are right. I'll work on that now. The reason it worked before is because the 2nd and subsequent folder was totally ignored in the SW Files tab. When that was fixed, seems this other bug appeared.
  20. MAME 0.218 was released * Official - https://mamedev.org/release.html * ARCADE64 - http://arcade.mameworld.info/ * MAMEUI64 - http://www.mameui.info/ Other releases * Cemu 1.17.0e [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * SSF PreviewVer R13 [Sega Saturn] - http://aaaaaaaa.g2.xrea.com/ssf/files/ * Mesen 0.9.9 [NES] - https://www.mesen.ca/ * Emulicious (2020-02-02) [Multi-system] - http://emulicious.net/news/ * Steem SSE 4.0.1 [Atari ST] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/steemsse/rss?path=/ * Applewin [Apple II] - https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/releases * OpenEmu 2.2.1 - https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/releases * ZXDS 2.0.1 [Sinclair emulator for the 3DS/3DS] - http://zxds.raxoft.cz/
  21. Official MAME 0.218 has been released.
  22. The person who does the release is feeling a bit under the weather, so it will be done when it gets done - whenever that will be. Also, there will no longer be a 32-bit official release. If someone wants to make a 32-bit build, you can link to it here. Please specify if your build will or not work on XP.
  23. Robert

    MAMEUI 0.218

    MAMEUI 0.218 is released. https://messui.1emulation.com/ https://arcade.mameworld.info/messui There were some changes but I've forgotten what they were - I've had rather a lot on my mind with the wildfires and the terrible heat and humidity. I've had to disable the creation of CPU.ini - it seems that one of the 6 new CPUs created this month in Mame is faulty. This issue caused MameUI to crash at start. If anyone wants to make a 32-bit build, please post the links here in this thread.
  24. * Cemu 1.17.0d [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/ * EightyOne 1.16 [Sinclair] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/rss?path=/ * mGBA 0.8.0 [GBA] - https://mgba.io/ * Applewin [AppleII] - https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/releases * Wine 5.0 [Windows emulator for Unix] - https://www.winehq.org/ * RomVault 3.0.49 [Rom Manager] - https://www.romvault.com/
  25. * Simcoupe 20200117 [Sam Coupe] - https://github.com/simonowen/simcoupe/releases * Attractmode 2.6.1 [Frontend] - http://attractmode.org/ * dgVoodoo 2.63.1 [Plugin] - http://dege.freeweb.hu/index.html
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