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Everything posted by Lucandrake

  1. alien desserved to stay as it was at aliens, no more sequals should be made for this, FREDDY VS. JASON 2 WILL ROCK ALL!
  2. Well, how do I make my own characters, the carreer I want to take involves work related to this, so I like will put alot toward it! Edit:How come my music files won't play?!
  3. O crap cool, that'll be awsome, playing a sequal like if it really left you off on the 3rd part, to bad Halo 3 won't have that feature :'(
  4. Thanks for all the help, so like, what now?
  5. Go al gore! No wonder I told my parents to vote for him!
  6. There random numbers because I don't know what that means, help...im a noob programer because I only know basic C++! :'(
  7. Hey , gryph, didn't emsly just spam? Im just saying here, (drake is now a forum rat!) , lol, anyways, thanks, but why does bungie what that guy to direct?
  8. Still this is idioticy, who made the internet? I don't remember was it governemtn related or something like that?
  9. Yes well, I can't find my way around the portugese website!
  10. Im so new to this, and I've been wanting to make a mugen game for a while, but I don't even know were to start, can someone please help me!?
  11. Help, somebody! I have no Idea of what to do....gaa!!Damn I have never been so lost in my life! I don't know what 00x001298x 923cx24953 is, It's also all fake so don't worry bouts the stupid coding! Help!
  12. Once again, before I start a thread, any news on the Halo movie?! Edit: Making the monsters born from a virus is stupid, they should just stick to the story line, and why is this movie low budgeted? ALL the good games transfered to movie's should have a high budget so that the fans could get what they want, or else the company's shouldn't even lend there licenses for the purpose...this is going to blow..
  13. This is stupid....why bother!! The internet is a way to freely express ourselves! How is america going to make "sharing" data illigel?!
  14. Hey, im just saying, were screwed! Anyways, x-box 2 is awsome!
  15. Eventually , the guys that are making the great games, are going to die, because of money, I mean, think about it, if capcom makes a awsome 2d or even partial 3d fighting game, and bungie or microsoft comes out with a awsome EYE CANDY video game, capcom is getting hit, badly, because they wasted alot of money and got nothing in return, eventually dieing!
  16. I picked HALO 2, just because it's incredebly Fucking awsome!
  17. Great, thanks guys , I have a dream, were people can answer my question, and not ignore me, I have a dream...gaa forget it, anyways, I want to have this guys brains!
  18. I think, that all the good companies, (capcom, snk, the nintento and sega pllatforms) will all be owned by ethier microsoft or sony by the end of 2010, because microsoft and sony are killing all of our classics' there going to want to allie with ethier sony or microsoft just to stay alive!
  19. Hey splinter Cell is the crap, so they can go suck a gaint c*** if they don't like the fact that animal's get abused on this planet, there are to many sick physco's in this world and we can't control them all, guess what peta, your a organazation of idiots!
  20. lol, I guess we all know who one the battle of media last time (X-Box!) , DVD playback, Music recordable and playable , most games let you play custum playlists, and the reason that it had a 60MB hardrive, better then bu ying 15-30 doller 8 MB memory cards, but this time X-Box I heard wasnt going to put in a hardrive, maybe its true maybe its not.
  21. Damn it!! Did this thread just go from X-BOX 2 awsomeness to a battle between gc and sony? Ok, we already know the outcome, the majority love SONY!! There, back to more updateing on the X-Box 2 phenominom plz!!
  22. Mame 32, and no, it wouldnt let me modifyu it, everytime I tried to it kept running at that reso, let me try and download another version, any links to MAME emu's?!
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