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Everything posted by iq_132

  1. I'd suggest underclocking the z80 and the 68k. You may also want to consider using transparency tables to bypass clear tiles in the layer drawing. This gives huge speedups in fba (see bonk's adventure).
  2. Triple cpus. Two SH2s (master & slave config) and a Motorola 68k. Processing work could be offloaded to the 68k, so it wasn't just a dedicated (dumb) sound cpu like the z80 in NeoGeo/CPS/etc. Not only that, those CPUs are clocked fairly fast -- 28mhz + 28mhz + ~11.5mhz. Also, the don't forget the Atari Jaguar (Two custom "tom + jerry" and a 68k) or the Sega Cd or the Sega 32x. I know that alot of the sega STV games are more 3D based games. But cause this game is just 2D I thought the chance of it running emulated on xbox would be easier since xbox handles 2D games pretty good, this game is no more graphically better than any of the "Samurai Showdown" games for eg, would porting this to xbox really be pushing the xbox emulation capabilities? thanks again The 2D hardware stuff in the saturn (VDP) is slow as it is, add in three fairly fast cpus, some funky sound hardware, and a 3D processor and you're talking about some very slow stuff. I'm not saying it's impossible to emulate on the xbox, but you'd need some very talented/dedicated people to get something like that up and running and at a reasonable speed.
  3. All the celebs are doing it its the "in thing" now. /waiting patiently for Tom Cruise to jump on board for this fad.
  4. I read that thread, the guy was arguing with everyone who said it can't be emulated on the xbox, saying he had a version that worked perfectly, but he really meant the Beats of Rage mod. It wasn't the mod's author. Arguing with the the guy that was saying he was "emulating it perfectly" [lmao] via beats of rage pretty much made me lose interest in porting it to FBA. ATM, all that's left to do is port and hook up the DECO16 graphics routines and squash any bugs. The ARM core is pretty much finished and collecting dust. hey iq this isnt a request but in your opinion do you think this game would run well on fba for xbox and also osman/cannon dancer,im just curious. In FBA all the games on the simpl156 hardware *should* run just fine. They won't even need the VMM hooked up (osman should take about 27mb of ram for game data). The main issue is going to be the ARM cpu. It's at 28mhz (which is actually overclocked by 400%). So it really depends on how well the idle skipping works. The graphics drawing routines should be fairly fast (and if speed is a problem there, It'd be easy enough just disable linescroll and deal with some gfx glitches). The dual Oki m6295s will likely cause some bugs and speed issues as fba only likes to have one of these running at a time.
  5. I read that thread, the guy was arguing with everyone who said it can't be emulated on the xbox, saying he had a version that worked perfectly, but he really meant the Beats of Rage mod. It wasn't the mod's author. Arguing with the the guy that was saying he was "emulating it perfectly" [lmao] via beats of rage pretty much made me lose interest in porting it to FBA. ATM, all that's left to do is port and hook up the DECO16 graphics routines and squash any bugs. The ARM core is pretty much finished and collecting dust.
  6. I meant no offense. It's just hard to swallow news like that.
  7. Holy shit. Are you fucking serious?
  8. Damn, what a fantastic new Emu site! I'm definitely going to be bookmarking that page. It certainly seems like it can fulfill all of my Emu needs.
  9. Holy fucking shit I love to say fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fucking fuck! Someone get me a fucking sammich! Btw, I am always quite pleased that swear words are included in Firefox's spell check db.
  10. 'shiro, couple of thoughts. PGM - how about merging the graphics together in one file and adding an offset to the second half? This should allow everything to be read from the standard vmm and could prove faster (especially not having to seek two seperate files...). About your CPS2 bug, it seems that cps2init is doing something before cpsinit is called. I'd suggest throwing some fprintf's to log how far it gets before catching fire. You can work out what's wrong/missing. All, of course, if you give a damn about this crap.
  11. Ridiculous! If I can play Mirror's Edge, GTA4, COD5, Assassin's Creed, etc just fine with my OC'd (and shhiitty) 8600gt, you shouldn't have a huge problem with an 8800. ^^ Unless of course, you expect to have the settings at ultra max...
  12. Bah, overclock it! There are some software tools out there that can overclock an nvidia card pretty well. ^^ I'm using nvidia's software and have got my card overclocked ~35% without any issues (though I do have an extra fan for it in the slot above it). ^^
  13. I demand pics (of her, not of you boning her). Putting a face to the story helps make it more interesting.
  14. You guys did get the memo that 'shiro isn't going to work on it any more, right? Like.. he's going to put what he's got together and post it, not so much fix any bugs.
  15. With this sad news, I ask, will iq_132 still be working on FBA-XXX Pro? No. I never spent much time on FBA-XXX really, just a little bit writing a vmm and getting pgm & bonk (and a few suggestions for neogeo) working properly. If anyone decides to pick up the project, I would be more than willing to help them get started, but I won't do the work for them. Kenshiro was/is more than skilled enough to need little more help than just a little bit of advice now and then.
  16. Whoa there, hold off the snow cavalry. I wish I could answer that but I never got anyone to tell me what the differences are either (I asked on other sites a while ago). I normally use the Musashi 68k CPU type. I think iq132 or kenshiro can tell us. The A68K (ASM) is slightly faster and takes slightly less ram, but is a lot less accurate/full featured. Musashi (the one MAME uses) very accurate and decently fast -- in most instances, it is better to use this.
  17. Yeah, that's why i wanna keep my current job... Even if he's not sexy lol It's certainly sexier than Mel kicking your ass to the curb for being a jobless bum!
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