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Everything posted by veristic

  1. Can someone give me a brief summary of what this is about? The video is too long and i'm at work.
  2. What was the lady shouting near the end? More protesting?
  3. Rygar: The Legendary Adventure Bujingai: The Forsaken City
  4. Well just like the PS2 when it first came out, slow start but the development took off eventually. Shouldn't be any different for PS3.
  5. Well he's biased, so there's really no point in arguing. He thinks its trash because of opinion, not based on factual comparisons.
  6. You ever hear the phrase "you get what you pay for"?
  7. Well Too Human looks pretty good too but i'm willing to bet that Heavenly Sword will get better reviews. And DoA is ridiculous, so easy to play. A button for counterattacks? I mean c'mon... Tekken has a better story than DoA AND VF, and cooler characters than both (with the exception of Ryu Hayabusua because he's Ninja Gaiden...) with more character development. And PS3's price has been reduced to $499 just a heads-up.
  8. Lord... are you telling me you're unwilling to play these titles just because you have preferences? Too Human and Heavenly sword are completely different. I can understand a comparison regarding an MMORPG because that's a lot of time and money, but console titles? Those are all good titles even if you feel like DoA is better than Tekken (which I find insane btw). And Lair is good. Japan is good for original series' they come up with but the westerners bring real drama and plot to games nowadays. Lair has that flavor, like GoW does. And again Nintendo stands out just in terms of party games. For a weekend party with the pals having laughs and getting drunk, the Wii is great just like Gamecube was. But a real gamer needs private time to sit down and really get into the single player titles that are predominant on PS and I guess Xbox now.
  9. Don't forget Lair, Heavenly Sword, Tekken 6, GOD OF WAR 3. Also, the PS3 can help cure cancer because of the Cell processor! Check it.
  10. Largely under-exposed SNES Game: Demon's Crest.
  11. Better acting usually = a better movie. But hey if you want to speak out of preference that's your choice. You prefer largely exagerated cg over Stephen King, oh well. I thought it was a better movie in terms of directing and acting. But yes they are incomparable in some senses. I think the better movie-going experience would go to Transformers. The better cinematography? Again Transformers. But the better story, the compelling acting and involving plot? 1408.
  12. Transformers is definitely an experience considering there aren't any robot movies to date like it. But i'd say the better MOVIE is 1408.
  13. Don't like Nero's character. Another Dante clone, kinda boring. The hand is cool... but the english voice-over is silly. "SLAM DUNK!" .............weaaaaksauce.
  14. Good thing. Why? Because God of War wouldn't have had as great an impact without the strong narration and voice-cast. Especially Kratos' voice.
  15. Well that's understandable, but its not like this sort of game has any real connection to any of the games that it takes characters from. Its just a dream-match action-fighter like Capcom vs SNK. Has no relevance beyond the fights. ;]
  16. *laughs* Even if your cynicism isn't misplaced, a game like this is too rare to disregard easily. Kind of like the Transformers movie, I detest Michael Bay for what he did for the feel of Transformers but its Transformers... I can't not watch it.
  17. I'm really looking forward to THIS. I like how it seems to be more than just a 3D fighting game. I believe the battles progress with input commands (GoW style) and is effected by environment, distance etc. There's also apparently a plot involved and a minimum of 10 playable characters that will be mandatory to play with within the plot (possible secret characters). Looks exciting!
  18. Man you guys are a bunch of japanophiles huh...
  19. Lost Planet Assassin's Creed Devil May Cry 4 Heavenly Sword Lair
  20. Are you serious... damn uneducated flockers.
  21. Weak. They should let America make a comic-book out of it. That would be worth checking out.
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