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random guy

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Everything posted by random guy

  1. If you're interested in that kind of thing you should read "the mismeasure of man". It's about ways in which scientific methods were used to "prove" the genetic superiority of whites. I found it fascinating - for instance, there was this physician called Charles Morton who collected all the skulls he could get his hands on so he could measure them by pouring gun-shot into their craniums (the idea being that white people, being superior, would have higher capacity skulls than any other race ). His results did find that but his workings out were fallacious at best, and although he published all his data, so it would be clear to anyone who would look that these results weren't scientifically tenable, it was held to be "fact" for another hundred years or so. That being said, I disagree with you on many of your views - petrified animals are rare because the state of petrification would have required a body in tact falling into tar (or something or other). Plus our whole planet is built on layers of previous generations - and the layers provide a good indication of timeline - and the dinosaurs are buried pretty darn deep under the earth. A meteor hitting earth causing it to spin a different way does sound like a cooky idea, but the fact that planets do swing different ways does not disprove (or prove) the big bang theory. Finally, if humans had been round since the planet's inception, why is there no indication of dinosaurs throughout our archeological history? If humans and dinosaurs were round at the same time, you'd think dinosaurs would be pretty hard to miss!
  2. No one's been attacking anyone (I think) we're just debating.
  3. I never witness a thing while I was/am/is/hypocrite~ christian. But in the worse of times you'll see those non-believers say "Help me God" blah blah blah. Yes, the bible HAS been re-written over 100 times since years after Christ. The James King version, the New Catholic Church (I've seen it!) and a bunch of other times. The New Testement was written 100 years after Christ's death/acension/whatever. But, how could we tell he was even real? These stories could be of many different people but combined under the infulence of writing. Actually, even most atheistic historians (interested in that era) believe that Jesus Christ existed (whether or not he was the Son of God). Of course, by the available evidence he probably would have probably been of Middle Eastern descent, and thus a lot more brown in skin-tone than he is depicted in Christianity.
  4. Actually they do and he's a prophet in their religion. They just don't think he's the son of God. Muslims, for all intents and purposes, worship the same god too (Jesus Christ is a prophet in the Muslim religion too). You really mean to tell me that you believe that God would keep people who've been devoutly worshiping him all their lives just because they disagree about the geneology of one man?
  5. dont need to ask me that.. 100% sure i made the right choice.. woops sorry about double post.. What about all those differnt sects of christianity waiting at the gates? How many (and which ones) get in?
  6. how do you know that the Bible is fake?.. your saying in this Earth all the millions of people that are Christian is stupid enough to believe in a less realistic assumption.. i highly doubt that.. [edit]: hahah randomguy.. i have no problem debating with you guys either.. but yea iam those guys that believe if your not a christian you'll go to hell.. im not sure how God'll take the little kid but iknow and i stand on my ground on this. Christianity is the way to heaven.. im not being ignorant..but its the truth. Well, besides the kid, consider the millions of other people who believe that their religion is the true religion. Many of these people have faith as strong as yours, if not stronger. They'll pray every day, take religious holidays off, and never sin (by their versions of sin). And they are all convinced that they are going to their version of paradise. So you really mean to tell me that after a lifetime of faithful servitude and faith, they'll turn up at the door and St Peter will tell them, "Whoops, sorry, wrong religion"? Doesn't seem like the God YOU believe in os very compassionate at all! Besides that, say a Morman, a Presbyterian, a Catholic and an Amish guy turn up? Are they all getting in? All of their religions are pretty different - different enough to have massive verbal and physical battles about. And they all preach that theirs is the one true religion. Hmm... it sounds like the window for people getting into Heaven is really closing down! Let me close with this; if you really believe this, how sure are you that you've made the right choice?
  7. and about having so many different religions,, its the same as why there are so many ideas in science. each people see soemthing and try to understand it by mkaing up reasons. information wise, there isnt nearly as much evidence of truth as there is for christianity PLUS.... almost all other religions (except for muslims and jews) base their belief off of what someone thought. also about believing..Christians beileve IN Jesus Christ/God because we have witnesses and testimonies from other people that God is real.. unless your a Christian that has felt God's presence and not some kid who went to church unwillingly shouldn't be saying that.. and also about the ethocentric/mice.. i do admit that humans think that they are so great or whatever, but i honestly dont think that has anything to do with religion or why religion was made because Humans do the same thing when it comes to God its not like we let God take control. Most cases, we do worse to God then when we say we cant be from mice cause we go a step further and say we know better then God and spit in his face Now come on. I have no problem debating with you, but please don't deride other religions. You're not one of those christians who thinks that if you're not a christian you're going to Hell are you? Because again, that is not what I think of when I envision the ultimate compassion of God. Because, even if you can accept the idea that all other religions are basically lies, that means that a kid who died when he was a day old (too early to be baptised) is going straight to Hell! That's not right.
  8. yea so how reliable is science? if it keeps on changing? the Bible doesnt change,,, I believe the first 5 books were wriiten by Moses and it never changed.. though the scholars translated the Bible into many different languages..the meaning behind the Bible never changed. and for the theory..maybe i heard that wrong so I wont say more about that..but science gets disproven. no?.. That's exactly the point of science. It doesn't just keeps changing as you say. A theory is considered valid if it is proven right with the current knowledge. To prove it wrong, one needs to have valid arguments against it. That's exactly why it is reliable: a theory proven wrong is left behind, and a theory isn't considered true if there are no proofs. That's not like believing blindly in something written long ago with no proofs to back it... My family is also christian. But why would I believe something only because a priest says so, and because it is written in a book? Now, please explain me something: why are there so many religions? If what is said in the Bible, why would there be the Coran? And why wouldn't jews become christians as well? Believing in something just because it is written is very easy. Trying to back what one says with proof is much harder. Most people just follow the easy way... (Actually, that goes for science as well. Most people will believe something if a scientist says it and he has the agreement of the scientific community. Except with science, you can look for his evidences and try to prove him wrong.) About evolution or creation, I think it's evolution. And here is why I think creation was invented: humans tend to be ethocentric and want to believe they are special. "Oh, we are so intelligent, we just can't have a common ancestor with mices and bacterias." and although it is a hypothesis the idea that the world was flat was a postulate (more firm than a hypothesis) thats why so many people believed it given that it was WAY back when in the past but still.. and then there were alchemists that thought they could turn any element into Gold which cant be done and then there are people today still arguing over what the atom actually looks like so... science is always changing even the fundementals of science is all theories everything that sciecce is, Is based on a huge assumption. Before we knew the earth was round, people believed in a flat earth. This is true. So could it not also be true that before we knew about evolution, people believed in creationism?
  9. and how many christians are there in this Earth that we are living in??.... And a good deal of them believe in evolution.
  10. He didn't say that yesterday, did he? What a damn hypocrite he is. No, but he's said it about a million times in the past.
  11. That's the proverb of Job. It's in the bible (or is it the torah?) But if God had that kind of hands-on action back then, why isn't he flooding the whole planet now! Lord knows there's enough violence and hate to piss off the Big Man, if he got so annoyed back then before we had nukes and chemical weapons, and the leader of the free world was torturing people in less fortunate countries..etc...
  12. Yeah, this is not good, but at least it didn't kill nearly as many people as the Bali bombings last year (or rather 2 years ago). And our prime-minister said our involvement in Iraq doesn't make us more of a terrorist target. Ppft.
  13. Our main (only?) arcade's infested with wanna-be gang members as well. It's called "playtime" 'n' all, you think no self-respecting gangsta'd hang out in a place called "playtime".
  14. I think that there's too much proof for evolution to not take it into serious consideration. I don't for instance, believe, as christian fundamentalists tend to, that God put dinosaurs hundreds of miles under the ground to confuse people. That's not the deity I believe in and seems quite counter-productive ("Hmm I know, the best way to make people believe in me is to provide lots of proof to negate the bible!). That doesn't mean that there isn't a spiritual presence in the universe, but I do think, given the turgid history of Christianity in particular, that it is time for a new, unified religion. The fact is that the bible has been re-written so many times (and was in fact written about 100 years after Jesus's death) that even if it was the direct words of God at one point, it sure as heck isn't any more. Therefore, there is no point quoting the bible as proof of, for example, creationism (there's no saying that you're not quoting one of the many altered passages). What we should do is take all the best parts from every religion, dump all the parts we know to be untrue or added in to appease the public (for instance, King James re-wrote the bible in 16-something or other to reinforce the notion that Kings and Queens had a divine right to rule), and create a new unified religion that has a wide enough banner to be accepted by everybody - that could be the way to world peace and tolerance. Edit: Sultan, that was a damn good point about pure-evolutionary theory removing man from the centre of the universe. That's no doubt why so many people are hesitant to believe in evolution, they don't want to give up their position as the chosen species.
  15. Don't worry - statistically the chances of you actually dying in a terrorist attack are slim to nil - but our governments want us to live in a state of fear and panic 24/7. It's a situation right out of 1984 - the two minute hate (that's the news media scaring you 24 hours a day, coupled with the Bush Gov't's repeated attempts to convince people that Kerry would be useless against the war on terror, even though Kerry served 2 tours in Nam and won a purple heart while Bush dodged combat in the National Guard and didn't even show up for THOSE duties!!), periods of Total War (Bush even said we can't win the "war on terror"), doublethink is everywhere (ie liberating Iraq by bombing and torturing the crap out of the place), and when we stopped in Afghanistan and started on Iraq, I was almost waiting for my TV screen to tell me "We are at peace with Afghanistan. We are at war with Iraq."! Our (the Australian) government has it both ways - they try to push us into the same state of fear the US is feeling, and yet they tell us that our involvement in Iraq hasn't made us more of a terrorist target. How is THAT for doublespeak!? Well the Australian Embassy in Indonesia just got attacked by terrorists (not al Qaeda) - so there goes that fallacious reasoning! The simple fact is, there was terrorism before 9/11 and there's going to be terrorism for a long time afterwards, the only difference is now the US Government/media are working overtime to ensure the American people are sh*t-scared 24 hours a day.
  16. Why? It's his damn fault after all, him and his rat-dirty administration!
  17. Statistically, the chances of you seeing this guy in person - and knowing you are seeing him - are astronomical to 1, so I don't see the sense in getting that angry about it. He's probably just a punk who wanted to feel big so he made up some crap about Ragnorak online and when someone called him on it he knew he was caught in a lie so he started to get all defensive in an increasingly aggressive way (Hmm, reminds you a bit of a certain president and his staff, doesn't it? ) My advice - you're never going to meet this guy IRL, so don't get so worked up about it.
  18. What a waste of an awesome looking game though. Hopefully they can just change the skins and plot a little and call it "chr0n0 trigger" or whatever, but I doubt it.
  19. I disagree. I think that alot of the people who play atari games on emulators would appreciate the fact that the Atari dudes were so accepting of emulation, and buy the games to say thankyou.
  20. It may be because you can't get a gun on every street corner over here like you can in America - we have very few guns and very few shooting deaths over here. Still got our share of nutters though, hence crossbow-boy
  21. LOL! ROFL! That was great Diso, en core!
  22. 3 second rule lol No, I don't eat off the floor - call it germphobia or call it common sense, depending on your opinion.
  23. Hmm...time to hit the history books after I finish this calculus homework. I remember reading a few reports back when this all happened during government class that said Bush would have won anyway. Ah flock it. I'm definitely not voting for him. Good idea. There were obviously forces at work influencing the outcome of the election that you don't yet know about.
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