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random guy

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Everything posted by random guy

  1. Why is the irc channel completely empty for the first time ever as far as I know? I mean, it's not uncommon that people don't talk in there but people are usually logged in. Chanserv isn't even in here! What's going on?
  2. I dunno, from what I can gather she was a model as well as a cosplayer
  3. Hey everybody! Let's cry for Fatal, who has no sense of right and wrong! Let's cry for him when the answer to all his problems is logic! Anon. You took the words right out of my mouth
  4. Jesus christ you guys, cosplayer or not she's still a person who died in the prime of her life! Besides - most of you guys on here are not the type who can criticise cosplayers - sure you may not dress up like video game characters, but you still have regular debates on "who's the best video-game boxer/wrestler/interior decorator?" Not that I'm criticising, because I know what it's like to be really into games. But so are the cosplayers, and that was this girl's only crime. Bottom line, even if you do make fun of cosplayers (and I do understand that there's a deal of humour to be had there) don't make fun of someone for DYING!
  5. Are these going to keep coming now until we get to "best left shoe in a fighting game"?
  6. It's almost identical dude... Granted, I haven't played EVERY MMORPG out there, but there were a few marked differences to Morrowind's combat. I liked it more because it was some twisted combination of first-person-melee and rpg stats. Most importantly, engaging something didn't magically attach it to you with a tether. You could still manuever and it actually MEANT something. Targetting, for spells and otherwise, was actually physical targetting, not just "I have X selected, so I hit X." Stealth was more like Thief than an MMORPG, and you actually had to sneak to use a sneak attack, rather than hitting the thief class' "sneak attack" special button. I also found myself using buffs a lot less, and finding more than one way to get past something. It was typically quicker than MMORPG combat too, and never once did I camp a spawn. It felt like a lot more than "Target, hit auto-attack, use specials, wait for specials to refresh, use them again." Basically, it was much more engaging to me than most MMORPGs, in which combat feels like some kind of automated game of tug-of-war, where you get to watch and occasionally hit a button and hope that the enemy dies before your character. I'm not saying it was some huge leap, but it was a combination of little changes that made it more fun to me than any of the MMORPGs I've played. For the record, that I can remember, I've played or extended-beta'ed SWG, AC, AC2, AO, and played and even worked for EQ. It's entirely possible that I'm missing some evolutionary leap in MMORPG combat, but I'd have to see it to believe it. Since when could you play morrowind online?
  7. Link doesn't work for me. Maybe that's one of the challenges, but if so it's pretty stupid!
  8. beat level 3 edit: level four was a prick but I did it finally level five was easier than level 4 gave up on level 6, it's just too damn hard It freezes IE on level 8 and I can't do the puzzle in firefox. Great, thanks a bunch, Magnis, what a fantastic puzzle!
  9. So you guys have finally added some shading to your banknotes? About time, too! This is what all the Australian notes look like http://theducks.org/notes/
  10. I can't believe they're still using the campy 60's style costumes! -Quick, Robin, to the costume deparment!
  11. Yes, and then I'll abandon 2emulation because I'll probably forget about it. NOOO! Dpn't kill it!
  12. I hope everyone knows how much that would own. And it is complete. And Mizuki is weaker compared to the other bosses, but she's fun to play. Can't turtle, can't rush, just need to be like, a tree and stuff. Whoa. A rhyme. Nice going K´. rush and stuff don't really rhyme
  13. I don't know why I'm doing this again, as you never listen to any of our advice ever, but what exactly do you think will happen? You've said you want nothing to do with her kids. Seriously, think about the best-case scenario...the kids are still there aren't they? They are not going to go away and if you go through with what you seem to be hell-bent on doing they are going to lose a dad. And if you don't intend to stay with her she's going to be stuck raising the kids on her own. Just seriously think about the consequences of your actions would be.
  14. yeah, I finally gave in and started installing sp2 - hope my old games will still work! Especially thief II as I'm playing that right now and haven't finished it yet
  15. well it came from your set so I'm assuming yes right?
  16. So I don't have terribly outdated or wrong vs?
  17. I too seem to be getting a CRC problem. I mean, I'm sure I have the same encrypted Vs as everyone else but after running vconv, the V3D has a different CRC from K'dash. 272-v3d.bin,800000,400000,3F0F7554,0 but it's supposed to be 272-v3d.bin,800000,400000,9AA45090,0 Meh... What the heck - my v3 has a completely different crc than either of those mine is: cd9e7adc
  18. I used that vconv tool on my thingies, then just rezipped up the rom with the new v's and it worked fine. I didn't even have to change the dat files.
  19. Maybe but look at guns as they've already been brought up. Guns have 1 purpose - to kill. And yet, even though murder is a crime, people are allowed to sell guns to people even if that means they are able to commit a crime. Piracy is a far less serious crime, and mod-chips do have legitimate purposes, therefore they should be legal. Here, guns cannot be sold to everyone because like you said, their only purpose is to kill. There are strict laws about that. But modchips are legal, because they can be used to play backups. Much better than the opposite, IMHO. Didn't you read the article? It is illegal to sell mod-chips in Australia.
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