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Posts posted by ken_cinder

  1. Takes 4-5 shots of Novocaine on me, I have a very high tolerance to narcotics and any surgery I've had has required twice the dosage of anesthetic to put me out.


    Only have one cavity that was filled 6 years ago with acrylic, today I get to go back and get it fixed as part of it came out a few weeks ago.

  2. Grim you do realize 70% of NA is still on dialup right? Very high speed connections like that are only available in larger urban areas.

    Could I get something that fast? Maybe for a few HUNDRED dollars a month, I'm in a suburban area to boot.


    Europeans laugh at us, they've had 100mbit+ connections for years at a fraction of the price we pay for 5mbit~ connections. We get the shaft in the west, and put up with it.

    My 8mbit/512kbit connection runs me $50/month and it has a 60GB cap. Moving to another provider in December, as my cell phone contract is also with current provider till then.


    I can't be bothered trying this out, I have almost 70 360 games and my PC can still run anything out right now.

  3. My buddy sups cider in tins though, you got to be hardcore to drink cider all the time.






    Plus this?




    That's a Black Velvet and it will kick you in your nuts.


    Swap the Strongbow for this...




    And you have a Black and Tan or a Black Widow, and it will kick you in your nuts even harder.





    Mmmmmm yummm

  4. Why would you replace the video card, when replacing the fan is a few dollars and a few screws? Or in my case once, some freakin super glue (Yes, I super glued a fan to the heatsink on my old Radeon 8500 and it's still there and working!)?


    Unless you totally cooked the card, which would be hard unless you were stressing it with a game while it was overheating...artifacts on screen should clue you in WELL before the thing roasts.

  5. somebody's not on a private tracker / running peer guardian.


    You still believe in that junk? Peer Guardian?


    I've had friends who have had their personal IPs on the lists, I've found MYSELF blocked back when using Direct Connect because MY IP address was on the list. You really think the morons who make this program know where the people watching, will be coming from? They don't stupidly come from domains tied directly to publishers/the ESA/RIAA etc


    Peer Guardian is a goddamn joke, always has been and always will be. It's tinfoil hat wearing, parents basement dwelling, paranoid nerd created software and nothing more.


    Private tracker won't save you either, though it's less likely that a company will take the time to register, they may very well do just that and track their own property.


    I continue to scoff at the idea that PG and Private Trackers will somehow magically protect anyone, placebo at it's finest. Never worried about either, and I will be the first to admit I have DJ cases FULL of pirated shit (Got boxes full of stuff I've paid for too mind you), and nary a peep has come my way.

  6. That's the one thing I don't like about SFIV...the art style. Cell shading was a gimmick, 3-5 years ago. STOP IT ALREADY! It looks like ass. There's a reason Prince of Persia did it once, and it's gone...it's UGLY.


    The fuck it is. That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard all day.


    I love how you NEVER elaborate on ANYTHING you ever say...


    Cel shading doesn't work for anything but "Cutsie" games...like Wind Waker and games that are 100% aiming for a comic book look, like XIII. Everything else that has tried it, looks wrong and feels wrong.

    You can't mix in a realistic style of play with cel shaded art. Won't agree with ANYONE that it works in any capacity.

  7. That's the one thing I don't like about SFIV...the art style. Cell shading was a gimmick, 3-5 years ago. STOP IT ALREADY! It looks like ass. There's a reason Prince of Persia did it once, and it's gone...it's UGLY.

  8. I think cinder is saying his kids are good.

    Seriously cinder you would have to see the states of some teenagers over here they are real bad.


    I am of the school thought that kids should be under much more stricter discipline in school.

    Much much much stricter.


    Well aware...I see the little bastards that live on my street. Some people should be sterilized.

  9. I would say its that mentality that hampers child discipline, seeing as how kids spend more than half their lives growing up at school, I think teachers should be allowed to discipline kids.


    Do you have kids? I'm the parent, nobody else gets to discipline my daughter with the use of anything but their voice.


    Anyone else ever struck my daughter, and they would be needing dentures.

  10. No offense but the racially western folk and their passive approach to child-rearing is laughable. Threatening child services because you hit your kid is laughable, abuse is one thing but discipline is another. I've had my ass beat by my dad plenty to know when you do something bad enough and you get flogged for it, you deserved it. And I thanked him for it as I grew up, seeing the delinquency in people my generation and younger. In Korea, teacher's are allowed to whip you for misbehaving. You know what the parents do when it happens? They say "THANK YOU TEACHER, PLEASE TEACH MY CHILD A LESSON." Talk in class, they chuck hard piece of chalk at your skull, get in trouble they whip the soles of your feet or palms of your hands bare with wooden rods. Not like in the U.S. or even the U.K. I suppose, where parents who do such a shitty job at parenting act like victims when their kid is smacked by a teacher.


    I blame MTV, and shows like Jackass and characters like Bam Margera etc. for helping make kids think being retarded is cool.


    Everything you wrote is awesome.

    How to stop shitty kids in their tracks right there.

    My old man beat the shit out of me on only a few occasions, I never stole again I never talked back to my father, my mother got some cheek but mothers are softer (hence why England is falling apart a little because there are so many single parent mothers), she would threaten to tell my father and I would say sorry and behave.

    It teaches them a positive morally correct state of mind, where humble pie is important.

    Parents are scared to hit their kids here.


    Your always gonna get lone wolfs and crazy little bastards anyway so i dont see why we cant take our own country back and give pwoer back to oh i dunno a grown up instead of mtv hyper kid.

    As i have got older i can argue with my old man but realised how much respect i had for him and his iron attitude.


    Sure, save for the fact that nobody disciplines my child but me. If my daughter came home and told me the teacher hit her, I'd break that teachers hand.

    My daughter is however disciplined...unlike 95% of other children I know. When she's older and she threatens to call child services, I'll hand her ass the phone and dial for her like my parents did. Better hope they get here FAST, cause I'm gonna break my foot on your ass before they do!

  11. Heh I studied women's psychology for over three years now, poured over countless books learned "tricks of the trade."

    And not because i was some loser who couldn't get a girl but because it genuinely interested me.


    A couple of good points.


    1. Women want what other women have.

    2. Be happy, be your self and choose women wisely...and choose a woman you want for more than 1 reason


    Ahem, fixed

  12. This is an issue for some reason again, this time within my own home. I can't be logged in on my desktop without it logging me out on my laptop, and vice versa.

    Via a router, single IP address so the cookies are tied to something machine based or the local PC's internal IP address behind the router.


    Whasa matta? I find it so annoying, when I open 1emu on my desktop I just close it again and don't even bother unless I'm on my laptop.

  13. lol dude no they are not all hacked if u buy one out of the store, only downside which i think there is a workaround is that the 360 will be region locked. ps3 are region free for games. i would prefer a hacked one myself but thats just me lol .


    Neither hardware, PS3 or 360 is region locked, and it is left up to the game publishers to region lock their titles or not. Some do, some don't.




    A larger majority of PS3 titles however, are NOT region locked. There are some titles that are, the Motorstorm games for instance ARE.

    Let me correct you here. PS3 games are NOT region locked at all. Only the movies are region locked.


    X360 games are region locked unless the game developers did not lock it (mostly happens in multiplatform games).


    HOWEVER, shops in CHina tends to sell you X360 MODDED as that is their core business :)


    Your correction is wrong, there are a handful of region locked PS3 titles. It's entirely up to the developer, and it's exactly the same on the 360 only more devs have opted to lock their titles.

  14. lol dude no they are not all hacked if u buy one out of the store, only downside which i think there is a workaround is that the 360 will be region locked. ps3 are region free for games. i would prefer a hacked one myself but thats just me lol .


    Neither hardware, PS3 or 360 is region locked, and it is left up to the game publishers to region lock their titles or not. Some do, some don't.




    A larger majority of PS3 titles however, are NOT region locked. There are some titles that are, the Motorstorm games for instance ARE.

  15. Devs are killing PC gaming all on their own, yet they continue to blame pirates. Funny...they're making pirates out of their own paying customers.


    I haven't bought a PC game since I bought MGS2 for PC, and I never will again. Overhyped crap with draconian DRM, games with NO demos or joke mini segment demos are a huge turnoff. Don't even get me started on the garbage EA releases like the NHL games that look 10 years old compared to the console versions...


    Then there's stuff like Crysis when it came out, that required you have THE latest gear just to even play it at a tolerable framerate, means what? I spend $60 on a game, then realize I need to drop a couple hundred more to even be able to play it at all, because the devs lied about minimum specs and the game runs like total ass at those specs?


    Devs don't want PC gaming anymore, I think they're releasing PC games now the way they do, to try to turn PC gamers into console gamers. Consoles are where they can nickel and dime you for micro-transactions, control EVERYTHING about the game, and it's one hardware platform to optimize for instead of the multitude of PC gear.

  16. They kept saying on the radio over here that Clash of the Titans was better in 2D. They were telling everyone not to see the 3D version.


    That's because the movie wasn't made in 3D like Avatar was, it had post-processing run on it.

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