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Posts posted by ken_cinder

  1. I pop in for a few minutes at a time, might post in the lounge or spam but otherwise have no time for the mess that is the rest of the forum.


    I asked YEARS ago for nesting in the forum categories and still have not gotten my wish. That alone would make it so much easier for the staff here to keep a handle on things, as right now it's a HUGE long list of crap to look at and scroll through.


    There is also the problem that us Admins, have NO access to our ACP anymore. There's an HTTP Auth on the page we don't have username/password for, so our hands are tied to do ANYTHING beyond what the moderators are capable of.


    I'm a single dad, working 50 hours (+1.5 hour travel per day) a week right now and as such my time is very limited for real life...let alone the internet.

  2. They sound just like EB/Gamestop. The only thing I buy there, are their used Xbox systems (Hell ya can't go wrong for $30, if they're anything but 1.6's) and used games for $10 and under. My 360 library is over 30 games now, and I bet 20 of those games came from there ranging from $1.99 to $10.


    Trading games in is for suckers...but complaining about it is worse. Sell them privately and spend the money where you want to.

  3. 54000


    I'm assuming lvl 2 requires 4500 XP?


    The easy solution is 5500 x 10 - 1000 (10 levels compounded, 10 levels at 100 increments)


    I think...I did it manually per level and it worked out. It's late and I'm tired though.

  4. will what the fuck are u talking about lol


    I second that...you made no sense. You need to start at 100, increment by 100 and wind up with 5500 in only 10 steps? Impossible...there has to be more to the equation than that.

  5. Have you looked at the boot.ini directly? BootCFG will only show you user based selections, post INI read (You can setup different Boot time options per-user for instance).

    It may be in said user cfg, but no longer in the actual boot.ini. So you won't get your normal options for OS selection. If it's not available from it's root source, it won't be available per user.

  6. I'm sure you can do better, I bought my laptop when it was pretty much just leaving the "Top of the line" bracket, for $600 CAD BRAND NEW...not refurbished.


    Looking on Newegg, there are over 100 laptops in the $500-$750 bracket, that are a more worthwhile purchase than that...you just have to look (And ignore anything with Intel graphics of course).


    I also bought mine online from a brick and mortar retailer here, cheaper than I could find it online at places like Newegg, so check out your local stores online too!

  7. Tips? Really? I can only recommend one natural way of doing things. Depends on what you want to do, I'll outline all 3 "goals", and you'll notice a common here.


    Losing weight


    1: Cut out a constant supply of "junk" food. I eat no candy, my only vice is coffee. I love my greasy burgers, but I don't eat this stuff constantly. Eat what you like though, don't starve yourself of things you like...just don't eat said burger EVERY damn day!


    2: Move your ass around, go for a walk instead of driving to the store that's within walking distance. Yeah everyone advocates excercise, but a half hour to an hour a day, when you get lazy on normal things just cancels it out. If you can turn things that were "lazy" into exercise, you'll be doing it without even realizing it.


    3: Change your meal routine to trick your metabolism. This is the KEY common I've found. For losing weight, you want to get your metabolism thinking it's going to need to work in high gear all day. Eat a big breakfast, a moderate lunch and a small dinner. By dinner time your body is still burning things up quickly, but you're putting less in.


    Gaining weight


    1: High carb diet, seriously. Ones body runs on carbs (Glucose and self made fats actually), if you take in a little more than you need, your body will store it. Junk foods are not a solution though, they're not the same...but hey have some anyway, same deal don't go nuts but don't disallow yourself things


    2: Same thing with exercise, you may want to be putting on weight, but not just become a fat lazy slob. Keep doing stuff, your body will tell you you need to eat more...but hey, foods good shit!


    3: REVERSE the previously mentioned meal routine. Eat a small breakfast, or hell none at all. Your metabolism will start out slow in the morning. Eat a normal lunch, then eat a big dinner. By then, your body won't be naturally burning through things and some will be retained as weight gain.


    Muscle building


    This is different for all. You need to follow one of the previous, and make a conscious effort to try and turn those fat stores into muscle. You a skinny dude with no fat? You have nothing to make muscle out of. Big fat guy? You can't skimp on bringing your weight down and not doing to much for exercise, you'll wind up replacing fat stores faster than you can burn them and just getting frustrated that "nothings happening".



    I've been skinny and not much fat, I've been where I wasn't impressed with the bit of a "gut" I had...never been a big fat guy, but I've learned to control my weight and build muscle doing what I just outlined in either direction, so I know it works quite well for me. I'll never be "Meathead" as I think anything but toned is disgusting and showing off. I can push around shit that weighs thousands of pounds, where even some guys bigger than me would sweat and pass out...so yeah.


    May not work for everyone, there are medical reasons like thyroid problems etc...some people are diabetic, hell people are different period. Try it if you like though, may work for you.

    You want to stay where you are...follow that "Balanced diet" etc bullshit they feed you on TV/Diet ads. Because it works to do just that! Once you're where you want to be...balance everything out.

  8. I was 165-170lbs in high school, I played football every year then. Wasn't a big guy, big enough but not huge...certainly not lineman material. I played tight end on Offense, and occasional Linebacker on D. I could still hit you like a bus even if you were bigger, so "size" isn't everything.


    Now? I've been around 210lbs since about 6 years ago. I worked as a mover for a year and a half and ate a seriously high carb/protein diet. None of this was intentional, just what I need to keep going, and the result wound up packing on weight and continuously turning it into muscle.

    You NEED to take on fat (Or what will be fat) in order to create muscle, I realized what was happening pretty quick and started making that "unintentional" gain...intentional. You can't just magically turn nothing into muscle.


    I learned long ago just how stupid those diets are, the protein/creatine stuff is a joke and steroids are for lazy asses. I KNOW how to trick ones body into not only losing weight, but putting it on too.


    It's ALL about playing with your metabolism and in not really WHAT you eat...but WHEN and HOW. I eat whatever the hell I want, always have and I don't need me a diet...just a change in my eating routine if I want to lose or gain weight. If you want to build some muscle, just pair the gain with lots of physical workout.

  9. Holy shit, that is an awesome arcade machine to have. I would play that all the time. I can't believe you got it for free! I've always wanted to own an arcade machine but I can never seem to get hold of anything for anything but ridiculous amounts of money.



    Yeah, people don't give me arcade machines either. Don't really have the room anyway, but I'd probably make room for Virtua Cop.


    I've bought machines, got machines in trade for delivering/moving machines for people...it's all about networking, and I spend alot of time on some sites for collectors and have made friends. The guy I got it from, bought a Double Dragon PCB off me last year, and runs an Arcade local to me...I said I wanted em when he put em up, he said (Literally) "They're yours!".


    I currently have...


    1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 Player

    2: Magic Worm - Centipede clone from an Italian company...VERY nice, solid cabinet. ONLY remaining known dedicated cabinet in existance, the pictures on KLOV are of my cab. Free from a pinhead I delivered a pinball to when I picked up the TMNT.

    3: Sega Versus City - MAME'd cabinet, this is a head to head candy cabinet with 2x29" monitors

    4: Virtual On 2P (Of course, duh)

    5: 1978 Williams Phoenix Pinball

    6: Air Hockey Table

    7: 2 1970s Nishijin Pachinko machines - One Model A, one Model B...look that up if you want to know the difference


    One day I'll have my G-Loc R360...lol

  10. Picked up a Virtual On last night, for FREE. Missing it's monitors, but I have 2 already that are easy drop ins.


    Wanted this for awhile, and DAMN they're huge! I had to take the sideart plastics off to get it through my front door.




    My neighbours no doubt think I'm a lunatic by now...they've seen 3 other vids, a pin and an air hockey table come in the door.

  11. When I was 12 and under, I lived in areas that were predominantly black in Toronto, and I can tell you...it goes both ways buddy. It's not racism, it's just plain stupidity and lack of intelligence.


    I took on an "If you don't like me, kiss my fucking ass!" attitude, and I still have that attitude. The best way to go about life, is to BE better than those other dumbasses, and then rub it in their faces years later.


    Get yourself on the "Fuck you if you don't like me!" bandwagon, you'll like it.

  12. As for not having C&C...not everyone likes em, not everyone has been exposed to them and the topic was FREE, they weren't always free.

    I'm not really impressed by them being free, my nice big Worldwide Warfare Collection is pretty much worth nothing now. Though the Dawn expansion and the Red Alert expansions don't seem to be offered, and you're REALLY missing out with the RA expansions.

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