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Posts posted by ken_cinder

  1. I actually don't have a problem with the iPhone pricing... I paid $99 for mine (refurbed, subsidized) and I pay about $72/mo after all of the taxes and BS charges. I previously had a Palm Treo which cost me $300 for the phone subsidized and over $80/mo for voice + data. The iPhone ended up being 1/3rd the cost upfront and was even cheaper monthly since my employer has an AT&T accommodation.


    I have no use for a data plan, and $72 a month would get me more than I already have (Unlimited text, 5000 local minutes, 1000 long distance etc), which costs me $40 a month and I didn't even pay $99 for my PHONE (Sorry had to bold that, my point is...IT'S A PHONE FFS!)

  2. Not really, I can say I've been "Excited" but certainly not over a phone. People who spend $500-$700 on a phone, ala the iPhone make me piss myself laughing.

    And sorry, a subsidized nasty multi-year contract...you're still paying for that phone, you're just too dumb to realize it.


    Apple and dude who invented the Blackberry are pissing themselves laughing at you too...while they roll in your money.

  3. id really love to see a first person DBZ game for natal




    DBZ needs removed from the face of the earth, in it's entirety...especially the games.


    I say Mega Man, maybe something else, but not a fighting game.


    Rightttt....remove badass kungfu with some little prepubescent boy with a charged particle cannon for an arm...GTFO!


    Yes because having a tail and going "Super-Sayan" is just soooo much more believable. Bitch please ;) ;)

  4. ^You're saying he's justified when he was thieving alcohol when already being cut-off from the bar?


    She was talking smack but with reason, annoying as she is.


    No he's not justified in hitting her, and I missed that part. I mean women who do that in general.


    I was at the club last Saturday, and was waiting at coat check for my GF...I said something to her friend that was with us as this other girl walked by.


    This other girl assumed I was talking to her, all high on herself, and turned and started with the "Excuse me!?" shit and going on...I cut her off and said "Uh, Excuse you is right. I wasn't talking to you, I didn't even SEE or NOTICE you...so shut the fuck up and stop thinking every guy is looking at YOU, you pretentious bitch." Me 1 - Pretentious Bitch - 0!

    Funny thing is, what I was saying wasn't even rude or anything like that, it was something to the effect of "You girls have gotten me so drunk you'll be carrying me to the car this time."


    There's too many women these days, that think they have a free pass to start mouthing off whenever they please to random men in bars and clubs.

  5. Oh wow, a Guido Douchebag reality show? WTF next?


    I don't believe in hitting women, but (And I use this term loosely and with intent) bitches like that deserve what they get. She's the kind that gets up in guys faces and causes shit and talks trash, because she thinks "He can't hit me, so what the hell can he do about it?".


    Me? I would have thrown a drink in her face, spit on her and told her to take her skank ass somewhere else.

  6. I find guys that need to follow this sort of thing, are only successful with easy whores, whereas a keeper won't give you the time of day because she KNOWS you're running a game on her and you are full of shit.

    If you really want to find a good woman, get all this pickup crap out of your head, it doesn't work...it only seems like it does with women who would take you home anyway, I know...I've had women where I didn't even have to try.

  7. What is it with this game guys?

    I just see a lot of mess when i look at it and bland graphics.


    It's pretty involved story-wise, expansive (to a point) in size of area to play in and bland graphics? Bland graphics? Really? Did you REALLY just say that? It came out over 2 years ago, and even today it still looks great.

    Sure there are newer games with some newer capabilities in their engines, but nothing that's a big leap. Games are increasing rapidly in visual "upgrades" these days thanks to our young generation of gamers being graphics whores, leaving most games being nothing more than Eye Candy...Mass Effect is/was not not just eye candy.

  8. Jailbroke 2 ipods for my sister and niece. Then hosted one hell of a party. Had like 20 people over and enough booze to fill a battleship. Played Rock Band and Guitar Hero all night long. Don't remember going to bed at all. They said I knocked over the Wii off the fireplace mantle and it amazing still works after crashing to the hardwood floor. They said I spilled a beer on one of the guitar controllers as well and that even still works. We also played various drinking games like beer pong and Quarters. I just know when I woke up in the morning most everyone was still here sleeping in all the different bedrooms and all over the floor of the living room. Made a big breakfast for all. All in all one hell of a time just wish I could remember it all.


    Sounds exactly like my night...GH/RB right down to the entire living room floor being covered in blanketed bodies when I woke up. Only nobody knocked anything over, and no drinks got spilled.

  9. 1066 is 533x2...dual channel dude, where it should be.

    400mhz is probably just a default "safe" setting, most bios' come set to those safe settings, and you need to set things where they should be.


    It's just so you don't wind up with your system not booting because of something finicky. For instance an older system I have, won't run with the DDR400 at 400...it crashes like a SOB. It's not the RAM, been tested in another system, but that board may not like THAT RAM. Safe setting would clock it at 266 or 333. I run it at 333, and it's fine.

  10. Sapphire makes their own cards AND the ATi(AMD) cards btw, so you're not getting anything special paying for an ATi branded card. HOWEVER, Sapphire's customer service and handling of warranties, is CRAP.

    I got nowhere over 3 months trying to get an X1650 Pro replaced, with most of my emails not being replied to and them wanting me to pay for return shipping AND a fee! That alone will keep me from buying their products again.

  11. No beeps from my experience, are indicative of hardware that isn't quit seated properly...usually RAM. The board picks it up as being present, but it doesn't function how it should.

    That often shows with that HD activity light staying solid...no beeps and nothing on screen. System pretty much hangs before the bios even fully loads.


    Try one stick of RAM at a time, make sure it's in there solid.


    Your PSU should be set to 115v setting btw

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