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Posts posted by ken_cinder

  1. It's not that the emulators suck, it's that the Blackberries are underpowered.


    I have an 8800 Curve, and my old Nokia 6085 can play NES and Gameboy just fine. The Blackberry? I MIGHT get 3 FPS if I'm lucky on the GB emulator. The NES emulator doesn't even work.

    BB's MIDP support is horrid, so even with enough power...shit just doesn't work, and there are far too many BB modules loaded that eat up what little RAM they have.

  2. Metroid Prime Trilogy? I bought it, Limited Edition in the metal tin...not selling until it's worth a small fortune lol


    I should actually go see if there are more still at the store here, so I have one to keep sealed, there probably is.


    If I can snag more than 1, I would sell you one at cost Will...I'm not greedy, except with complete and utter strangers.


    Edit: I checked every store here, nothing...nada. When I bought mine the "No longer produced" thing was already in the know, just not to me, and there were 6+ copies where I bought mine. Oh well.

  3. I have played through Other M twice now, and I liked it.


    The only "fans" criticizing it, are hardcore morons that think the Metroid Manga is some sort of bible. Those Manga's conflict with the original games themselves, and weren't released until long after the first 3 games.


    Zero Mission has stuff the original game didn't, played nothing like it and wasn't laid out the same yet it wasn't slammed.


    For a 3D platformer Metroid game, Other M was great. The only reason anyone whined is because WE'VE NEVER HEARD SAMUS SPEAK BEFORE!


    If any games should be slammed, it should be the Prime series and Fusion, Fusion especially as it's just fucked and doesn't fit in at all.


    I say this with Metroid being my fav game series.

  4. I have a 1mbit upload too (But I'll never get over 80-90kb/s...not 128kb/s), and I give 10-15kb/s upload. BUT I run Transmission on my BSD server for movie/TV downloads, I run uTorrent on my main windows PC for other stuff and uTorrent occasionally on my laptop if it's something I'd prefer to use on there.


    That's 30-45kb/s of my upstream, leaving me with roughly half for other things. Saturating my upload for the sake of others is not something I will do, I hate waiting for a simple webpage to load for 30 seconds because my box communicates with the server like a kid with down syndrome.


    I however always seed to at least 1.5, and my boxes are on 24/7 (At least the BSD server).


    Never had a problem with dirt slow downloads like that, but I also fill out my tracker list with every tracker there is for a torrent.

  5. It's obvious you guys are like the majority of torrent users, in that you know NOTHING of how bandwidth and seed/peer ratio work.


    You have practically a 3:1 Peer/Seed ratio on that torrent. 3 peers for every seeder.


    Those seeders aren't necessarily seeding your one precious torrent.


    Just because a seed is there, doesn't mean every one of those 1463 peers connects to them. 3-5 peer slots per torrent is average.


    3 torrents seeding, 5 peer slots...there's 15 peers divided by X-kb/s.


    Oh and I'll NEVER devote all my upstream to you, you chew up all the upstream and it obliterates my downstream. You can't talk to a server quick enough, you're waiting on it to return communication with you simply because it hasn't even received anything from you yet, there is a ACK(Acknowldegement) on EVERY packet before another is sent.


    There's a good chance you're shooting YOURSELF in the foot emsley, if you're maxing out your upload...it's going to kill your download speed. 80kb/s your max? Give em 50 or 60 of it.


    Not trying to be mean, but the fundamental lack of understanding in how this stuff works makes me want to scream sometimes.



  6. You can't magically record the game on the other PC with fairy dust and happy thoughts, that requires a capture card in the second PC taking the output from the one you're playing the game on.


    You can't even capture it over a remote desktop session, as no RD is fast enough to process the framebuffer.


    2 options


    1: Local capture software like FRAPS or HyperCam

    2: Capture card on another box


    A KVM switch lets you control 2 PCs with 1 keyboard+mouse+monitor, nothing more.

  7. I enjoy my DS and Wii, and I don't care for ANY of the games you guys spoke of...so I think that says alot about the "Wii has no games" bullshit you hear out of Corporate Fanboy Salad Tossers.


    Nintendo knows how to innovate, EVERYTHING they have created has been copied by their rivals. They're still in business for a reason, and claims of "Kiddy games" are unfounded. Some of the best games I've ever played, from each generation have been on their consoles. Good games don't require blood and boobies...unles you're 10 and have never seen them IRL before!

  8. Genes also work on a DOMINANCE factor.


    My ex-wife had a genetic bone disease that she could have passed on to our daughter, but didn't.


    Why? I have no history of it in my family, thus no dominant OR recessive genes for it. She however had it, and thus had a dominant gene for it.


    Dominant Gene + Dominant Gene = Will have the genetic trait


    Dominant Gene + Recessive Gene = 75/25 chance of Dominant/Recessive(Carrier)


    Recessive Gene + Recessive Gene = Will carry the gene for said genetic trait (Will be a recessive gene carrier)


    In our case, the Dominant+No Gene factor was a 50/50 shot on our daughter not having it, or being a carrier of the gene...she still may carry it, but doesn't have the disease.


    I have better than 20/20 vision with perfect color pickup still to this day, and I see in the dark like a cat. My eyes also change color throughout the year.

  9. I'm very quiet, shy to a point and I look like I just stepped foot off a military base.


    I've been told by almost everyone I know, that I look quite intimidating and I have a difficult time making friends because of that coupled with the fact I'm shy to begin with. I tend to get the attention of wanna-be tough guys, though it doesn't make it far as I have "little" friends that would much rather fuck you up at the drop of a hat than I.

  10. Syb you need a new woman then. If you like games, she should like games...if you want it 3 times a day, she should too.


    It's like a crackhead dating a seriously religious person. That shit ain't gonna work.


    Whatever you into, your woman

    gotta be into, too, and vice versa...


    or the shit ain't gonna work.


    lt ain't gonna work.


    That's right. lf you born-again,

    your woman gotta be born-again, too.


    lf you a crackhead,

    your woman gotta be a crackhead, too...


    or the shit won't work.


    You can't be like, ''l'm going to church,

    where you going?'' ''Hit the pipe!''


    Fatal if you don't want to be that person, you don't have to. It's all on you and what you want. If you want the real deal, you need to just go with the flow...which it seems you're already doing anyway.

  11. 2 stroke? 4 stroke?


    Not a "Motorcycle" by my definition, a "Dirt Bike" to me...one is road the other is not and the handling is two different worlds.


    I no longer want a dirt bike, once you've ridden street...especially sport, you don't care for off-road, well at least I don't.


    Make sure you keep the carb(s) clean, and change the oil frequently if it's a 4 stroke. Dirt gets in on off-road stuff much easier as you're in it far more often, and you don't want to have to rebuild everything every couple months.

  12. seems like the achievements don't stick. they unlock but don't add to your profile. too bad Battle coliseum doesn't work. that's the only SNK game on xbla I haven't played to death on mame.


    Thats because this doesn't actually unlock the full game outright, it only works when launched via Quick Launch while MW2 is running.


    Expect a patch

  13. No if the fan in the side is over the CPU, it's going to be pushing cooler air at the CPU fan with it blowing in.


    If it's sucking out it's pulling on the air around the CPU while the CPU fan is trying to suck it back in, another vacuum situation (Think mini tornado in that area).


    Your exhaust fans should be at the lower volume areas, where hotter air is more likely to pool. ie; the top of the case and the rear under the PSU. If your PSU has a dedicated fan, there is more volume being pulled out ontop of the case fans.


    PSU fan out and a rear fan out, side fan in and front fan in as an example. If you have a top fan then I would exhaust there too, and try to use larger/faster fans in so you have a higher overall CFM airflow into the case than out.

  14. One issue with your fan setup I see, from a technical standpoint.


    Have even fan airflow. 2 in and 2 out with the same flow, or if you can only do 3...2 in and 1 out.


    The problem with 1 in and 2 out is that you create a bit of a vacuum, which in turn only serves to create more heat in general as well as stress the intake fan if your case is fairly well sealed everywhere else.

    Often you'll see a pair of 80s for in and a single 120 fan out.

  15. They say you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family?


    That's right, but it doesn't mean I can't disown my family! I have extended family that is not allowed to be part of my life, and they know they are not welcome and that I do not like them.


    Fuck family, if they're not with you they're against you and they don't get special treatment simply because they're family.


    For the record, I do not keep touch with my father and the few times my daughter has seen him, he has been informed that "You are not her grandfather".

    He's a drunk that doesn't care to be a father unless it suits him at the time, so he's not going to have his granddaughter call him Grandpa or even know he is. Her Grandpa is my stepdad of 26 years, and that's that.

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