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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. With the new engine they should had made the animations more fluid.
  2. I'll probably only have emulators with a few games each, I'm a bit limited since I have about 5 PSP CSOs on my memory stick. Games like God of War and Crisis Core can be deleted later though, since their replay values are moderately low.
  3. Actually, the gunshot "Bang" would be a great Friendship.
  4. It was actually perfect timing for me, because the Pandora arrived today, and this weekend is a great time for me to play my PSP. I feel delighted, even though the mod took under a minute technically, I feel like I really accomplished something today.
  5. I think that the game's concept is trash, but it actually looks half-decent as an actual fighting game. Here are some new renders.
  6. I just can't help the fact that it looks like a Ready 2 Rumble rip-off.
  7. I'm not understanding the death rituals with the skulls and the candles with the snakes and stripper poles.
  8. It's funny how hardly any of the characters from the early 3 dimensional Street Fighter games haven't made appearances in any other games since then. Atleast, I think so.
  9. That was Sony's plan in preventing piracy. Using Blu Ray format, so not more than two games can be ripped to the HDD, if it ever became possible.
  10. http://www.imeem.com/groups/CyD_cNFz,mugen//forums/MoIcrMZK/
  11. I don't know anything about anybody, evidently.
  12. It's a temporary problem with AVG 8 itself, don't worry about it. It's happening to every user with AVG 8, it's their problem. It'll most likely be fixed in a future update.
  13. I always find these YouTube videos shady, my excitement isn't there because I don't have a PS3, and I really have to see it in person to believe it. YouTube videos aren't enough proof for me, until I see some de-facto multimedia websites verifying it, I won't believe it.
  14. All of you fail miserably with explanations.
  15. I'm glad Samuel L. Jackson didn't die, it killed all of the conspiracies going around on the picture that was taken.
  16. From my standpoint, (a person who has Swap Magic), it's a great alternative for people who don't want, or cannot throw out the extra buck to purchase Swap Magic. As a homebrew loading process it takes much longer, but for free there's not really much room for complaining.
  17. Why do you need to extract them manually? It can all be automated. Because I wasn't aware that that was possible.
  18. ? The use of 7-zip doesn't make it harder to deal with Inconvenient for the downloader? Yes, it's such a pain to have to download much less bigger files with exactly the same content. All the Goodsets I have ever downloaded have been in 7-zip format, and better off for it. The same thing went for most Xbox emulators, no 7zip support. I can't remember what I used at the time, but I was able to extract each rom to it's own folder and then repack each into a zip file, all automated. I said that because I have to extract each archive manually, and rom sets can range from hundreds to thousands. Extracting thousands of archives one by one is inconvenient for the downloader.
  19. Could anyone recommend some colleges in the state of Georgia that are good for computer engineering?
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