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Xbox's Sucessor to be smaller


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...in Japan. One of the biggest problems of the system in Japan was it's size. They'll be fixing this problem with M$'s next console system. Sad to say that True Live Fantasy, which I would of begged for money to get an Xbox + Live + That game.
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Hehe, the title for this news article at VE3D was "Xbox 2 Turns on Japanese?" which makes it sounds like it got up and killed a whole bunch of people like Godzilla.


But I like the fact that it will be smaller and more simple looking. I hate the way the XBOX looks now with all those stupid ridges and crap.

Edited by GryphonKlaw
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i concur with Gryph. A smaller XBox will proably help Japanese sales (i.e. make total number of units sold go from 3 to 4 :) ) but i still don't understand M$'s 2-market strategy. Sony and Nintendo do so well because they feel like they're coming straight from japan. M$'s two-console-design idea only shows how stupid we Americans are.


BTW, anybody notice that whenver somebody beats Microsoft at something, they just hire them? Peter Moore, quoted in the article, used to be a VP at Sega of America. Same with Ken Lobb, a former nintendo exec. Stupid Gates and his money.... :)


PS - Everyone in the US watch the vice-presidential debate tonight. Hopefully John Edwards will destroy Cheney to the point that he 1. has a heart attack or 2. tells edwards to "Go F**k himself".


Vote Kerry. :)

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PS - Everyone in the US watch the vice-presidential debate tonight.  Hopefully John Edwards will destroy Cheney to the point that he 1. has a heart attack or 2. tells edwards to "Go F**k himself".


Vote Kerry. :)


I wish I could watch the debate tonight but there are three reasons I can't: 1.) Edwards grins too much 2.) Cheney sneers too much 3.) I have to study for my mid terms


But I'll be sure to catch some of it.


This is severely off topic...time to bring it back.


Uh...I hope the XBOX2 looks good. MS should hire Apple to do the design. :)

Edited by GryphonKlaw
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Uh...I hope the XBOX2 looks good. MS should hire Apple to do the design.


in your dreams buddy. maybe it'll be the size of an iPod and run on solar power too :)


i think they should just attach canned hams to the ends of the control cords - saves money and doesn't feel different from the original xbox controller anyway :)


P.S. - don't worry, i'll have a debate thread tomorrow so we can see how Edwards ripped into the "Evil Cyborg". enjoy your studying.


Edit - funnier dammit

Edited by darkmage479
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hehe, has anyone played the anti-bush game at www.emogame.com its pretty truthful, but dont play it at work or anything because theres also some pretty gross stuff in it.


And uhh yeah, Smaller Xbox=Good, but hopefully they wont do something stupid like make the HDD external or not have one at all. The weirdest thing about Xbox in my opinion, is not really the size, but the fact that its not flat, its a huge square bubble!! WTF!??!

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argg no not smaller!!!!!!!! i mean its both bad and good , i mean i really like the hd ( hehe exploit-modded xbox :) ) , i guess this means no hd , im also hoping they make it backawards compatiable with xbox games :) oh well atleast itll be easier to lug at lan partys lol

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Smaller doesn't mean no HD these days (Except for PSTwo, the retards). The XBOX was HUGE, even for its time and features. They could have fit it into a much smaller shell, and the controllers were just ridiculous.


I couldn't help but compare it to the American SUV-style "big is cool" mentality. The same thing that happened to our trucks happened to our consoles. We went from the "it all fits in here, it's functional" of the compact truck to "You can actually fit your car in the bed, and the wheel wells extend a good three feet out from the wheels" of the Ford F series and other stupidly large trucks that are so cool, but that only 1 in 10 owners actually makes use of.

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Smaller doesn't mean no HD these days (Except for PSTwo, the retards).  The XBOX was HUGE, even for its time and features.  They could have fit it into a much smaller shell, and the controllers were just ridiculous. 


I couldn't help but compare it to the American SUV-style "big is cool" mentality.  The same thing that happened to our trucks happened to our consoles.  We went from the "it all fits in here, it's functional" of the compact truck to "You can actually fit your car in the bed, and the wheel wells extend a good three feet out from the wheels" of the Ford F series and other stupidly large trucks that are so cool, but that only 1 in 10 owners actually makes use of.


You're not a Ford Tough Man so you just don't understand. :)


Like a rock! Ooooh like a rock! (I know that's not Ford, it's the only other truck song I could think of)

Edited by GryphonKlaw
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hmmm smaller x box but does it mean drastic weight difference?

i dont think so.

and also smaller system might also be possible for the system to overheat


Hey now i cant threaten people with the " Hey dont let me throw an x box at you " line again :(

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