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Posted (edited)

Well judging by the number of PMs I'm getting, a lot of people want to use CoinOPS for arcade games only with no consoles. BP has admitted now that this is actually possible but to help people out I thought I'd post some info. Basically, you only need a certain number of roms in your list to avoid the locks (I think BP mentioned it was 1200) these can be arcade, console, whatever you like. As long as you have that number, everything is fine.


Bigby seems to have been the first one to figure this out and he's posted his method over at the xtremely helpful and informative . :D


But you don't have to download the full 20Gb pack if you don't want to. All I did was, I took the CoinOPS 2 standalone release (thanks again to Bigby) and filled my rom folder with about 2000 MAME games. Everything works fine; CoinOPS with nothing but arcade roms. So if you remove the games you don't want and you find yourself under the 1200 limit, just add a few more arcade games that aren't included in the full package to top yourself up to the correct number. These games won't have the videos for them of course but you can use a still screenshot just as easily or even make the extra videos yourself.


From what I've seen here, nobody cares about all the drama and 'misinformation'. Nobody really dislikes BP or any of the 'xtras team'. Everybody just wants to use the emulators on their Xbox in the way that they choose and not have that dictated to them, which I am entirely in agreement with and that's why I've made this thread. Feel free to ask questions if you need more info.


Enjoy CoinOPS everyone. :)

Edited by Robert
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lol bigby worked it out.....what a joke


lock 1 - 1200 plus games must be on CoinOPS 2 if not reboot on playing games (for raped version)

lock 2 - xbe is checked (for raped version)

lock 3 - 0 games in CoinOPS 2 means a reboot till there is games (for general issues with support)

lock 4 - updates are locked unless consoles are present (for xtras team)


and the full package has alot more than the 1200 arcade games in it :D


I only recommend you dont remove the consoles and it would effect your future....as per lock 4....I said remove what you want etc...as you need to remove 1000 plus games for it not to work....worked it out lol....if I wanted to lock you guys out it would be easy as....remember I can write to bios....check saves...check crc...encrypt xbes.....remove files....change files....format drives......it was only to stop the raped build as they got alot of downloads and caused me support issues....xtras team is pretty much dead....and if they continue they will be locked out all upgrades and anyone that uses there stuff :) and it will message them why this is so at the time.....


if this stuff goes once more 2.1 will have really really good locks and will format drives it atempted to get around.....so stop this stuff or else ill give you a proper challenge to break locks....and see if you guys are clever or just newbes.....


remember everytime you talked about locks I was like what newbes are there where non that you guys talked about all the time....and I never said there was....you asumed


so everyone that gets that build he released will get the warning when they update and as you pushed the situation and didnt relax it.....the locks stay and I can have my laugh later....soonish looking now actually but ill give it a few weeks to get out there....if this didnt happen I would have unlocked it in 2.1 probably as ive done in the past


Im out and yes this is a helpfull thread.....read what I say its my final word on locks....I wont vary from what ive said ever....read them with caution.....as it has effects.....I dont want to effect normal users but I need to stop the rubbish builds for my support sake and other users sake.....this effects no one really and out of 1000s and 1000s of downloads its only the usual complainers...eg xtras and +T+ shooting off when I only recommended they didnt remove this stuff and said it wasnt serious....they may make it serious down the track for people that use there stuff depending on there behavour.....I dont care one way or the other....its a 1 sec job now to turn off the locks that are there that you cant see


as for +T+ you try and dictate to me how I release my emus and what I do.....freedom person you are.....what a joke...I never use CoinOPS you tell me....ive heard this from you guys so much yet its all you do....is ride me....and are the first to go ive worked out shit all and im helping you guys....oh I use this but tell everyone its got to many features and to many releases and all the other cry baby stuff....


well thanks for your help +T+ its users like you that make things great...and why I do this :D good luck with all the bad things you say about CoinOPS


gone guys.....what ever is said ive had my say above take it or leave it im allready moving forward


*****Remember if you use Bigbies build it will effect your Future as promised....but the payload comes down the track....it wont kill anything at present will just lock you in the future*****


To clarify; there is no special build. The standalone package released by Bigby is just CoinOPS 2 with all the roms and videos removed. You can remove the console games from the full pack and it will work just as well. If you already have CoinOPS 2, no other downloads are required.


with coinops 2 standalone (arcade only games in there), do you get the long load time on even the older games (galaga etc) ?

or can you delete something to make it load quicker - I did this when i last updated, awhile ago now.

been so long, can't remember what it was i deleted or changed to do that.

I only recommend you don't remove the consoles and it would effect your future....as per lock 4....I said remove what you want etc...as you need to remove 1000 plus games for it not to work....worked it out lol....if I wanted to lock you guys out it would be easy as....remember I can write to bios....check saves...check crc...encrypt xbes.....remove files....change files....format drives......it was only to stop the raped build as they got alot of downloads and caused me support issues....


Very ignorant of you, as usual, since you obviously never downloaded it to check and are now spreading misinformation yourself. There was never a raped version made, or put up for download on our site. The CoinOPS EPIC R9 that we have hosted in our downloads section is the build you released, there is nothing missing from it or edited.... so if there were support issues it was due to there being actual issues, not some "raped version issues".


Pretty much what happened was Bigby, by himself, as we are all individuals shockingly enough, said something to you about taking out console stuff... and in your warped mind where you believe anyone who says something you don't like is "Team Xtras" (which doesn't exist by the way) took that as we were trying to release versions of CoinOPS with console stuff removed, which was never the case.


Talking to you is truly the definition of insanity because no matter what anyone says you spit out the same responses over and over and over....


let me sum up everything you say,


"I have all games running full speed with sound in private build for me and friends.... not releasing it until misinformation stops. Xtras team is so sad really, all the places they go die and my threads kill in the hits and stars!! Its all about hits and stars!!! I know who rates my threads 1 star and its so sad really. They try to stop me but they can't stop me... maybe because no one is trying to stop me but either way they wont stop me, I will just keep doing what I do and moving forward. New skin color for CoinOPS 2 EPIC R1 Showroom Showcase Version 4????? Maybe if misinformation stops but until then its in private build for me and my friends. My "girlfriend" keeps telling me how great CoinOPS is and just how easy it is to use and how its way better than Xport/Madmab emus, blah blah blah blah misinformation blah blah blah Team Xtras ... You all know why things are the way they are, and the locks stay until the misinformation stops... go ahead and try to enjoy CoinOPS the way you want and it will mess up over time because I would rather mess up peoples Xbox's than have then use more than one emulator!!! .... I mean if they use anything other then CoinOPS then my hits on my threads and stars could be effected!!!! blah blah blah misinformation"


CoinOPS raped wasnt on your site...do a google search...your site is long since failed...that one gets real downloads of 1000s in days normally hence they got the locks...your site is hot air hench its just a down the road lock....your version is 20 versions ago about....dont worry its basically the same stick with it....newbe again...you guys have no ideas although your vocal your site hardly registers

Posted (edited)
CoinOPS raped wasnt on your site...do a google search...your site is long since failed...that one gets real downloads of 1000s in days normally hence they got the locks...your site is hot air hench its just a down the road lock....your version is 20 versions ago about....dont worry its basically the same stick with it....newbe again...you guys have no ideas although your vocal your site hardly registers


1000's a day ... or 3000 total in months.... either one. But the latter is more factual. Maybe you didn't actual do the google search you recommended? Also we host your last build... which last time I checked 1 != 20


You've lived your whole life afraid of misinformation, and now you spew it left and right ... funny


.....I know, we are sad, don't get hits or stars, dying, you're the best, we suck, the locks stay... misinformation.


and "newbe"?? What are you 14? I didn't realize, I will try to watch my language and what not with you in the future. I don't want to corrupt one of the worlds brightest young minds.

Edited by NeoBomb

BP, even if there was this huge conspiracy against you (Fact: There isn't) you are falling into this fake conspiracy's trap! If the conspiracy (Fact #2: There still isn't one) was created to misinform people and turn people away from your work and CoinOPS, then you are only helping it! Placing these locks in CoinOPS, real or not (Fact #3: misinformation? Who the fuck knows?), and telling people YOU CAN/WILL FORMAT DRIVES is going to scare people away from CoinOPS forever. It's already in the minds of everyone now. Your followers, the people you are doing this for, are thinking "Wtf?". Again, if you are not creating this for us then why give it out and ask for people to mass distribute it? If you are not doing it for us and are putting in code to reformat people's drives without them knowing, then how are you any better than the tools/d-bags that create computer viruses? Guess what.. you are better! So quit telling people to "put up or shut up" and you do that! Stand up and show us why we are all here in the first place.

Posted (edited)

I keep seeing mention of all these new arcade games that have been added in CoinOPS 2.


The last set of arcade roms I grabbed was for CoinOPS GOLD (I think).

I believe there were 1017 roms in there.

Is there a list of what I would be missing since then, bearing in mind that:

a - I do not have a 128 memory machine, and;

b - when I use the word "working", I actually take that to mean, you know, "working", and don't mean - to give just some examples - not "properly working" or not "fully working" or not "actually working" or "working without sound" or "working without working" etc, etc - yougettheideawiththat

Edited by RatherAnnoyed
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