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ok since i was stuck with aol for a while:


1- first of all, NEVER use the normal aol, use the aoldialer.exe sure it sucks but it sucks WAAAAY less than aol.


2- second of all, the whole shutdown computer thing, happens from a setting inside of aol, if you can't find the setting, and just don't want your pc to shut down, then open the command prompt, and after you choose to log off of aol, type "shutdown -a" without the quotations, this is not a solution, just a pallative treatment until you find the source of the problem.

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google for the program rasspy.exe


Make a shortcut to aol, and add the parameters to run rasspy.exe with aol (i think you just type -rasspy.exe if you place the exe in the aol directory, i dont remember offhand, someone help me out here)


Now run aol, and dial onto the internet, rasspy will show up with your real username/password/number, Enter this info into the built in windows dialer.


Bingo, you can now use the windows dialer and uninstall aol. yay, this works for every ISP like that (juno, netzero, etc)

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Indeed, AOL is Crap. Just use Trillian. Get rid of it, download Trillian and install and use that. Problem solved.



you do realize there's a difference between aol dial up client and aol AIM right?

Ha. Exactly what I was going to post, but you beat me to it.

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