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Fire Emblem

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I think he's reffering to..


When you put certain characters next to other cahracters, they "support" that other character in battle. I'm not entirely sure how it works either, I just recently got to that part in the game.




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If I'm not wrong, they become more powerful when the characters are near to each other. But they have elements, some elements works well, while some don't. And you can get to know more of their storylines.

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I do find In gamefaqs about `support` but theres nothing about if this effect the story or not

It doesn't effect the story, just like you know more about them. I think some support do affect what you can in the ending. Those which says what happened to who and so on. Speaking of FE, WHY HASN'T FE 8 ENGLISH COME OUT???!!!!

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Fire Emblem games across different systems are as follows:




Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem Gaiden




Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi

Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki (The Sacred Stones)




Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo

Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu

fire Emblem: Thracia 776


GameCube will have it's own Fire Emblem too.

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Made up post so I doesn't seem like I'm making an unnecessary message; You should know that the support and stuff are not affecting the story or not. Its just like side stories, they just waste ridiculously amounts of time trying to defeat 1 insane guy to have a powerful thingy. (Go gamefaqs!)


Why posted: That title was pissing me off. I changed it

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