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Everything posted by Juniel

  1. Jacko is an AUSSIE?! hehe.... I tought Cable was quite huge in AUS? It ain't too big here in NZ, but still, lotsa people have it.... EDIT: Please stay with topic of this thread James
  2. knock knock? er... it's broken...
  3. yeah no prob, there is always room for peace...(?!) Oh yeah, I just finished highschool...I have to go to College(uni) but the semester don't start till march so there...that x plains my free time... I do work, but only at night... the clock in this website is screwed anyway...haha why is your ID Anti WINNER? souldn't it be the other way around???? anyways yeah, lets make peace...
  4. some person in a korean band.... I just wanna copy hair style...I do that to get more familiar to it... hey wait a sec.... were you the one that asked me how did I get like 200 posts in a month??? if so, what is with you and my numbers eh?? take a look at Agozers....he signed up around the same time yet...he has over a 1000!!
  5. So~~~~rry for not having meat in posts eh, I do this -simply put- because I have so much free time bah.... I guess I should start to post stuff with meat from now on huh? Thx for an advice(?) Antiwinner.
  6. Hey I was wondering..and it does sound strange, how long do YOU think your hair grows in a months time? well, just a question....hehe
  7. that is such a relief..thanks! I didnot want to stay up to 3am to download...
  8. Too true hahahaha rag... I will see lotsa girls once the semester starts...no need to hurry there...
  9. Hey..it's dis... I think there are too many...just too many...some of them even go back to sept 2003....and nothing since!
  10. I used devil666's link...it came with MAME32+..... EDIT:speaking of such, I have a question. If I wanna get it working on Kawaks or Nebula( once KOF starts running on it) Do I need to download the files again or can I edit the MAME version I have, to make it run on Nebula or kawaks?
  11. I can't beat 18 secs now...... ahh...frustrating....
  12. There are links somewhere in this post.....I suggest you read the whole thing...
  13. Robert is good. Yes he should have been in those games. At least we agree on this one eh Fatal Rose..
  14. why don't we cut down the number of forums? Vintage gaming....It is quite out dated eh? what do you think?
  15. well, no...this is not meant to be frightening.. um..I was just looking around the site, and found a lot of abandoned forums.. you see, Current affairs is really busy. But.... The rest of the forums are somewhat outdated and needs attention... don't you think so? If it is left there with a reason, I'd like to know but if there is no reason, what is going on?
  16. it's true, I haven't yet seen a girl( I don't like the word Fe-male...sounds too scientific..?) gamer in my life....They are normally into Chatting... I guess it is their nature....first the phone, now internet chatting.....
  17. I have to disagree fatal.. when it comes to Ninjas, Hattori Hanzo is the first thing that strikes my mind. He is unique, and has slick moves, but guy...i am not saying he's not cool enuff but he's somewhat SIMILAR to all the other unfortunate characters who never made it.. Cody was a protagonist of some games that were released during the 90s but to continue to the new age just doesn't seem right.. What is with the Prisoner out fit? Cody is easily lost to Terry, and the new coming star Rock Howard.. compared to them, he has no uniqueness whatsoever. It's true, that Guy is better than those 3rd rated ninjas like Eiji( sorry SNK fans) but not as good as Lin, and still better than Hiryu( is that how you spell?) but not as good as Shiranui Ninjas( hokutomaru,mai,andy...). so yeah, that's how I see it. The most successful characters in CAPCOM I think that has uniqueness would probably be Ryu, Ken, Guile and M.Bison along with Sagat, Balrog and Vega....(maybe Akuma) the rest of the characters seem a bit...robotic...
  18. Robert is slick, and he should have been in that game... but when it comes to cody, guy and that other guy( black person that used to be in the same game as cody and guy..he's big..) I don't think they should be in any games anymore...they're just not unique enuff...
  19. lol hahahah agozer...don't forget the earrings eh? oh yeah, tights only come down to his upper abs area so you can still see his bellybutton...NOT THAT I WANNA! actually, whoever did the sprite on Yuri, I am really impressed because now she actually looks decent....go yuri~!
  20. so...uh..where does cyrix fit into all this? anyone wanna say anything good about Cyrix?....or not...
  21. 21 seconds for me! EDIT: 23 seconds!
  22. so there is no point in getting nebula jukebox then? ahh.....
  23. thx agozer the thing is, I actually thought Benimaru was really cool in 2001... now he looks real gay with that leopard skin tights..
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