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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. The movie is too good to see in some lame cam copy. It should be experienced at the highest fidelity possible. I really wanted to see it in IMAX but I don't have one around here.
  2. Don't watch the flocking cam versions.
  3. I used to go everyday when I lived right behind the gym until I moved away. Now I go a few times a month at most. Time to change that...I shouldn't let those $40/month go to waste.
  4. I fell in love with Ledger's portrayal of the character.
  5. They purchased the rights to do the Fallout MMO a year or two ago. And the project is codenamed Project V13. What the hell else could it be?
  6. I feel better after going to the gym today.
  7. I am the same way. I can't play a game for more than 30 minutes. I've had a movie from Netflix for 3 months and didn't watch it because every time I did I stopped it like 30 minutes it and it's a great movie too. I just returned it yesterday because I had to get my queue moving. I'm getting burned out on school too. I think I'm going to start exercising a lot more soon. My body feels like it's shutting down on me. My hair is thinning a crap LOAD. You can see my scalp through my hair now so I hope some good old fashioned exercise will help slow, stop, or even reverse it (I doubt it but I can dream). I have no energy. I slept from 2:30 PM to 8:30 PM and then from 1:00 AM to 9:00 AM yesterday and I'm still exhausted. I had a test yesterday so I could afford to waste time sleeping. I have no focus when I study anymore either. This sucks.
  8. Because she doesn't know all the 4chan memes that change pretty much hourly.
  9. I'm probably going to jailbreak my ipod to have fun with the skins but I'm not going to bother jailbreaking my phone.
  10. Indeed I am. Autobahn, you can jailbreak to use unauthorized apps that Apple doesn't deem fit for App Store.
  11. This should have instructions: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/50888951/r...have-a-pwnapple
  12. The one where they teach you how to tighten graphics on level 3. But seriously, there is the Guildhall in Dallas and that place in Seattle where the pOrtal devs got their start. However, I think mod work/level design and self taught programming would also go a long way too. A strong portfolio and experience speaks strongly. Of course a school along with experience would be great.
  13. This is seriously awful. The TF2 was the only tolerable one.
  14. You are now officially a loser. Congrats!
  15. Most people found the commercials odd and alienating.
  16. New commercial is up: http://gizmodo.com/5052051/microsofts-im-a...but-not-hodgman It's actually not that bad. It's not quirky or funny but it pretty much cuts off Apple's Mac vs. PC commercials.
  17. By the power of the Internet! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Newsted
  18. Noooooo no more of these commercials. http://valleywag.com/5051455/microsoft-ann...re-seinfeld-ads
  19. What a ridiculous statement. I haven't felt much hype coming from the company yet. They've just shown 2 or 3 trailers with mostly the same footage and 2 screenshots so far. All of the interviews have been the exact same too with them giving out very little details about the game. I think the hype train will start sometime next year around Quakecon. And Quake 3 was flocking amazing. Quite possibly the best deathmatch experience ever.
  20. Yeah but I don't want to. I want to keep it as light weight and minimal as possible. The 9 most frequently visited things in Chrome is good enough for me. I almost never use any bookmarks in Firefox and am too lazy to cull through them.
  21. The more I play it the more I dislike it. I LOVED it when it came out but I went back a few months after and saw how flocking shallow it was.
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