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Everything posted by JKKDARK

  1. so you are the ninja. Who is the other person who is dying?
  2. http://www.mobilemag.com/content/100/345/C14220/ Atari would be too big now if they released this handheld back in the day
  3. I have to buy this game soon, I want to kick your ass
  4. But it's possible to paly a DS emulator with a random controller? I tohught you can use only the keyboard+mouse.
  5. Yes, Kega Fusion is the best one I ever tried.
  6. Your girl want to punch you in the pancreas!
  7. GameSpot should die. When I see this site I want to kick myself for getting an account there.
  8. Davis, you should add some Poison/Bon Jovi/Warrant/Van Halen stuff to that folder
  9. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_wars
  11. Davis and AJ West, play with me and we can be the Dream Team The loading time is too long
  12. I'm installing it now, please play with me Anyone is playing this game?
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