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Status Updates posted by Alpha

  1. congrats to everyone who made it happen!! finally over 200 likes on facebook! beautiful!!

    1. Bambi


      Still waiting on the 100 likes party...

    2. Jitway
    3. Robert
  2. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robert
    3. Robert


      100 likes !! Where's this party???



    4. Bambi


      Yes I am also waiting for the party!

  3. today's music is utter crap...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jitway


      Not Rock n Roll

    3. Bambi


      Depends on the RnR...Some does suck. Indie rock isnt to bad

    4. Jitway


      There are a lot of new RnR bands and supergroups that are pretty good. But ya some do suxx.


  4. someone make a new thread for the love of humanity haha

    1. emsley


      Already did.

      No replies.

  5. Anyone here willing to upload more emulators for us? I need help :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LoRd_SnOw


      I tried earlier this weekend and it doesn't look like I have the rights to do so.

    3. Alpha


      hmm... have you uploaded any emulators before? if you're still on skype, shoot me a msg, and i'll hook you up

    4. LoRd_SnOw


      Well, not officially on 1emu, but I'm well versed. I will pop on skype later this evening EST around 10pm.

  6. So word on the street is that there are real 360 and PS3 emulators now for the PC. Time for us to get jiggy with it!

    1. veristic


      Oooo weee ... my HTPC just got a new lease on life lol.

  7. I'm really sick and tired of this new blog scene of these early 2010's... message boards > blogs

    1. LoRd_SnOw


      Times are changin'.

    2. veristic


      I have been an internet junkie since the 28k dialup days, and still haven't found a good reason for blogs lol. Boards > blogs forsure.

    3. LoRd_SnOw


      No doubt Boards > blogs, but from a professional outlook it's that type of mindset that can lead to ignorance when keeping up recent advancements and may even prevent you from growing your work/business. With that said for a hobby, I prefer the formal.

  8. Still here. Still rocking. Expect some cool updates soon.

    1. Bambi


      Wow you been gone too long and you don't answer me on skype anymore :(

    2. Alpha


      really? i haven't been on skype in a while. been much too busy. but i'll be back on soon.

  9. E-mailing old members to return....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert


      Any luck with that?

    3. Alpha


      I halted it for a little bit, as I research new ways to increase activity here

    4. Bambi


      ive been asking people i see online

  10. Anyone interested in being an admin on our Facebook page? We need people to invite their friends to start liking it :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alpha


      btw, have you liked the facebook page yet? :) we need more likes lol

    3. Cominus


      Yeah I have

    4. L.S.D


      i would have done it if i have frequent FB access. But since i am in China, i am lazy to jump over the firewall everytime i need to access FB

  11. Is GTA V coming out for the PS3/360 or PS4/ONE?

    1. Lucandrake


      PS3/360. PC release at a later date.

  12. Anybody pre-order xbox one or ps4 yet?

    1. ken_cinder


      Hell no...social media box not want, back to PC gaming I go.

  13. Going to be switching from part-time to full-time on 1emu in a few days

    1. Robert


      Was that days or months? :P

    2. Alpha


      it's now lol

  14. Anyone try the Dolphin emulator?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hard Core Rikki

      Hard Core Rikki

      Not yet on Android (still alpha)

    3. Lucandrake


      My friend claims he beat Twilight Princess on it. Should be pretty stable.

    4. Alpha


      @Rikki - I meant on PC.

  15. It took me 3 days, but I finally finished organizing our news section! Check it out at the top :)

    1. Jitway


      Nice work there

  16. I'm going to post some good stuff tomorrow. It's gonna knock your socks off!

    1. Jitway


      Ok will put on two pair of socks so when you do I will still have a pair on.


  17. Re-doing the news section here. Also planning on complete integration with the social networks very soon!

    1. Jitway


      So what is the social network thing you implementing?

    2. Alpha


      Essentially, we're going to make our official entrance into Twitter and Facebook very soon. We already have our YouTube channel, so that's checked off.

    3. Jitway
  18. I wonder if L.S.D has ever actually tried LSD? 0_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jitway


      I have more than once. Got to say it sure was freaky

    3. Alpha


      damn Jitway lol... I wonder what inspired you to use the name then L.S.D.? hmm :P

    4. L.S.D


      i dont know, it sounds cool when i was young :D

  19. Someone please post on Facebook we're back online!! lol...

    1. Alpha


      thanks Jitway!

  20. welcome to 1emu v6.0! 11 years since the start date :)

  21. Making a fucking blog people... SHEEESHH!!! http://www.1emulation.com/forums/blogs/

    1. Alpha
    2. Krosigrim


      oops I deleted that

    3. Krosigrim


      Alright blog finished, check it out man!

  22. Thought I was dreaming when I woke up with all these new threads this morning... :o

    1. emsley


      I heard all good things come to those who wait and believe.

    2. Bambi


      It was a good day!

  23. Need a pill that makes me relaxed and highly motivated at the same time. Otherwise, it's stressed filled belly + highly motivated at the same time lol

    1. Lucandrake


      I call that feeling "Insomnia".

    2. Bambi


      Take a Sudafed, perk ya right up

  24. Disappointing Wrestlemania for me... overall, felt HHH vs. Undertaker match was the best

    1. gamez fan

      gamez fan

      agree not the best mania

      the rock vs cena was 2nd best


  25. knocked the fuck out... :(

    1. emsley


      why - stop thinking so violently.

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