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    Un-Official UltraHLE v1.1.0 Released

    By XXLEnigma,

    "l@g", who is a member on EmuTalk, has released his first un-official release (v1.1.0) of Nintendo64 emulator UltraHLE. He has plans for this un-official release to, as he said in the release notes:



    Fixed 'romnames with spaces' bug. (Folders supported too).


    Eliminated very much redundant code (more speed).


    Some GUI corrections.


    Better support for WinXP Voodoo Drivers.


    Fixed some sound routines (more speed).

    Future plans:


    More compatibility (of course).


    Add all SupraHle modifications and more (always is possible...).


    Zip support.


    Language support.


    Plug-in support (Advanced Options), not only plugins under the zilmar specs. I think to release better Audio and Graphics plugins (with D3D and/or OpenGL support) under the own 'UltraHle specs'.


    Skins support :).


    and more...

    Get it HERE

    DCStella v0.2d Released

    By XXLEnigma,

    A new version of DCStella, a Atari2600 emulator for DreamCast, has been released. Here's the list of changes:



    DCStella is now based on Stella 1.2, so it now works with more games like Pitfall 2. Basic paddle support (try up/down on d-pad for diffrent modes). Left trigger and right trigger are now also mapped to buttons C and Z for the arcade stick. Swapping of joyports for Raiders Of The Lost Ark and others (use left trigger to swap after activating in the menu). Thanks to a hint from Dan Potter, the author of KOS, sound now works like intended. New and exciting features are already in the pipe, so stay tuned.


    Get it HERE

    PCSX News

    By XXLEnigma,

    "Dark Watcher" has posted some interesting news for PCSX on this thread. Well worth a look :)


    View the thread

    THIS page.

    TR64 OpenGL Plugin v0.73b

    By XXLEnigma,

    icepir8 has released v0.73b of his OpenGL plguin for Nintendo64 emulators. Here's what he said:



    Biggest improvement is in zelda. Now all the hearts show up and the map is working now.


    Get it HERE

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