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Raine 0.95.5 : big cps2 update !


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4 hours ago, mer-curious said:

Thank you Tux for your work in adding this rom. I didn't expect it would need any especial programming rather than allowing Raine to see the new driver. Hopefully it didn't give you so much work. 🙏

I tried it here one turn until the final boss and it's working pretty normally. The sound associations also work for this clone, I just had to add a new entry in games.cfg with the same associations from the original samsho2.

Thank you again for this.

Don't worry, that makes it interesting !

4 hours ago, mer-curious said:

Yes, I took a look at the code added and I guess I understood most of what you did, but perhaps I would still need a hand of yours if possibly adding a new "version 1.9" of this hack in the future...

By the way, in line 1265 there is a typo:


We have "samsho5pe" after the /, when it was supposed to be "samsho2pe", no?

Anyway, this probably won't affect the game emulation, right?

Thank you so much again for your time and work. 👍

Yeah it's a comment, it's harmless, but it just shows I had a quick look at samsho5pf just before adding this clone !

I fixed it here. At least it shows you had a look at the code, good, and thanks for that !

Except that, the main part is :


    LOAD_SW16( CPU1, "063-p1pe.p1",     0, 0x100000, 0xf63e163d ),
    LOAD_SW16( CPU1, "063-p2pe.sp2",    0x100000, 0x100000, 0xffc16c11 ),
    LOAD_SW16( CPU1, "063-p3pe.p3",     0x200000, 0x020000, 0xedffbd8a ),

LOAD_SW16 is the way to load the rom, it's often the case for a 68000 code rom, the bytes are swapped compared to an intel cpu, and you have to use LOAD_SW16 instead of LOAD, it shows in the console when using the dump command, but anyway. Then CPU1, it's the 68000. The name of the rom, then its offset, apparently fbneo doesn't have any offset, which must make some romsets a little awkward to write because there are all kinds of oddities in the arcade roms and everything is not always in 1 block. That's probably the hard part for you here, you have to count manually the offset, 0 for the 1st one, then add the sizes of what has been loaded so far : 0x100000, then 0x200000. Then the size, and finally the crc.

Then the CLNEI line which says it's a clone of samsho2 and gives the long name, the company (I left SNK here, but actually it's a hack, so I just replaced it with HACK instead), year and type of game.

Then you need the DRV( smasho2pe ) line in drivers.h to declare the driver, and that's all, your driver can be accessed and played, assuming it doesn't do anything funny like this one which used a new rom mapping.

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2 hours ago, Tux said:

Yeah it's a comment, it's harmless, but it just shows I had a quick look at samsho5pf just before adding this clone !

I fixed it here. At least it shows you had a look at the code, good, and thanks for that !

Hello Tux! I'm glad I could help you in some way.

By the way, you changed the company name for "Hack", but I guess it is "Bear". At least this is what FBNeo calls it, as you see below:


This is also what we see when we load the game, in the title screen:


Anyway, not too important but just a detail I noticed.

As for the instructions on how to add a new rom, I'll read it more carefully later looking at the code. But I still think I would need a hand in doing that, especially for these more different rom hacks.

Thanks again for your work!

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Well I don't know any "Bear", it's probably the group name author of the hack, if you want to create a new company entry for Bear when you add a new one, go on. For now Hack will do...

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  • 4 months later...

I finally got to add this game to HBmame 0.245.19, but a later version 2.0 - the odd memory mapping already existed for several other games for example samsho2sp, so no issue to add this one as well. I listed Bear as the author.

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Yeah well I don't know where the 2.0 rom is, and I don't even want to look for it anyway for now, it's very late after the party here. About the author's name it would probably have been better to have strings but we have int constants here, I guess antiriad chose this to optimize space thinking that since raine started mainly as a taito emulator there wouldn't be much change in the company name... it made sense at the time, raine grew a lot since then !


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/24/2024 at 4:12 PM, Tux said:

Yeah well I don't know where the 2.0 rom is, and I don't even want to look for it anyway for now, it's very late after the party here. About the author's name it would probably have been better to have strings but we have int constants here, I guess antiriad chose this to optimize space thinking that since raine started mainly as a taito emulator there wouldn't be much change in the company name... it made sense at the time, raine grew a lot since then !

Hello Tux! There are always some Raine users out there to make a new party eventually!

If you may allow me, here is the link to the new CRC files for version 2.0 of samsho2pe:


And as expected it is updated in the FBNeo full romset in archive.org:


If you may decide to update the romset in the code it will avoid the "wrong CRC" warning I reported in the other thread some months ago.

Thank you so much for considering this request.

Edited by mer-curious
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Yeah you could do it on git, but since you don't compile of course it wouldn't be super convenient...

Ok, it reminded me that the finalburn roms are on internet archive too, so I got my update from there, crcs updated and tested, finally... !

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