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Everything posted by ME!

  1. nope. sorry. i dont recall those you mention. i'll take a look at some cowboy bebop to see what ya mean. its been a while since ive watched it.
  2. the first thing you must know, is that, when drawing comics, the goal is to be able to tell a story without ever writing a word. ofcourse, with comics nowadays, with their complex story lines, this is almost impossable, and is rarely ever acomplished. your story on the other hand, is a simple one. not that "simple" is bad, but i think you could tell the story without a bit of dialogue if you just changed a few things. 1-more detail. not that im against stick figure drawings, but i couldnt even tell it was a gun he was holding at first. make your drawings clearer, and easier to distinguish, and people should have less of a problem trying to figure out what is going on. 2-facial expressions and body laguage. these are actually two of the most important things to work on when doing a comic, or any kind of illustrated story, for that matter. our bodies can express emotion way better than our words ever could. in your case, this would apply to the two pokemon trainer guys the most. stick with these two features at the moment, for they are key in drawing a good, and, clear story. ps- if you are wondering, i went to school to learn to draw comics. for 4 years i studied illustration and journalism in a joint major. so, if you are really intrested in drawing comics, and arent just playing around, feel free to ask me anything, and i will do my best to point you in the right direction.
  3. im actually somewhat of a vegitarian, but every once in a while, i spoil myself and buy a huge bucket of buffalo wings. if you have never heard of them, they are basically chicken wings, covered in a real spicey sauce. ive been eating them since i was like 4 or something. THEY ROCK!!! mexican pizza would be my second choice. i really like spicey foods!
  4. Thats right! RomUniverse has moved to a new forums. They have also added some new forum sections to the board covering (non-emu) next gen consoles. If you were a member there before, you will need to register again. The new address is... http://www.romuniverse.com/forums Lets show our support for our friends and visit their new board today.
  5. neato...do you have the actual rom by chance?
  6. yah, definatley the hulk. i may even go to the theater to see it instead of just downloading it.
  7. exactly. nothing is impossable. dc++ i way better anyway. after using it, i couldnt even see myself going back to the standard dc client. the only reason anyone would use the dc client from neo-modus would be either to fake their share or they just dont know about dc++.
  8. a simple way to get rid of the fake sharers in the dc hub would be to only allow peeps using dc++. i know of many hubs that have done this for the reason that dc++ is difficult to hack or something...at least, that is what i have heard.
  9. my first game was doctor. i used to play it with all the girls in my kindergarden class at the catholic school that i attended. awwwww...the memories. the kissing...the hugging...the touching...the feeling...the getting beaten by the nuns when they caught us. yep...those were the days. OH WAIT!! you were talking about video games?? oh, i see. whoops...ive said to much. now isnt my face red. hehe. *ME! struggles to quickly think of an answer* ummm....i'll go with Asteroids.
  10. Its english slang such as, "Word Dude!".....or "Hey isn't EmulForums Awesome?" "WORD, DUDE!!" Its what I call Surfin' Talk. i myself have always heard it used by the homie dog rapper gs. its always like, "word dawg! what it is?", and then i would say, "yo nig...i just be chillin up in the cut." . j/k i wouldnt be caught dead saying that.
  11. np. make sure to use the mame32 emulator. you can get it at arcadeathome.com in the arcade section at the very top of the page.
  12. the character from my avatar ofcourse! ONSLAUGHT!!!!! basically, two personalities fighting for control over one body. thats ME!! exactly.
  13. GYMNASTICS, my eyes popped out on that one ME! Man, if my momma told me I had to go do gymnastics I would go jump off a cliff! ~ Really I can't even do the splits if I wanted too, nor a summer-sault, backflip, kickflip (oh wait I think thats SkateBoarding). Please tell me more!! hehe...i actually got into it when i was REALLY young...like 6 or 7. at first i didnt want to do it, cause i saw it as being too much like dance, but my mom made me. im not afraid to say it, but i dont regret it now, cause it helped to pave the way for me going into the martial arts. gymnastics gave me the flexability i needed aswell as the jumping and fliping techniques. ps- oh, and i can do all the stuff you mentioned...including the splits. i cant do a full horizontal split (with my legs out to each side) but i can do a vertical split (with one leg infront and the other leg behind). im presently still working on doing a standing split, which i beleive is the hardest to do. the goal is to get your knee to touch your chest...you should try it.
  14. sports are a BIG thing where i live, so my parents had me in every sport you could imagine. baseball football basketball soccer hockey (ice and roller) gymnastics karate kung-fu barrel racing (on a horse in my town rodeo) weight lifting (goes without saying really) track i still take part in most if not all of them to this day. when i was younger, my dream was to go pro in hockey, but that was shot when i blew out my knee falling down a flight of stairs. after i was healed, i had been away from the game to long and sorta lost my edge. now i just play for fun on a team at my local rink. weight lifting, track, and some kung-fu are all still part of my daily regimate aswell.
  15. I believe the reason why is because people get what they need and that is the roms from Direct Connect plus the emulators. Maybe it be wise if star advertising the site around by using banners, making affiliates and telling friends about emulforums. [/b] A forum sig was enough for me to come here. I saw ME! at Gamerz Paradise and I saw and ad for EF in his sig. Clickified instantly! There are more ways to get people here than meets the eye. hehe...see, i knew that would work. glad to see you could make it Nero. welcome to emulforums.
  16. mine would have to be skipping school with some friends and heading off to the arcade. we would spend the whole entire day there. most of the time we would either smoke a fatty or drop some acid then go play killer instinct, mortal kombat, or some other kind of fighter. you guys ever play killer instinct on acid? definately good times to be had. especially when your buddies are the ones playing and you get to sit back and watch them freak out.
  17. i vote the snes as my favorite system...next to the nes ofcourse. the snes had better quality games compared to the genesis. nintendo's mission was to create a better system than the genesis, and they succeeded in my opinion.
  18. hehe...it takes more than super powers to be super. superman has it too easy in my opinion. all he has to do is spit a giant loogy and he can put out a huge forest fire, or, cut the cheese and render his opponent helpless. and lets not forget that he is aquiring new powers by the day. by the time he is 100 years old, he will be able to control objects with his mind and teleport to anywhere his heart desires. now, take batman. even though the guy is stinking rich, compared to superman, he has to work his butt off to accomplish the same results, even if by different means. take away supermans powers, and he would get his butt kicked by batman...easy. as a matter of fact, if superman didnt have his powers, he would give up being a hero altogether, and selfishly go off to lead a "normal" life with lois. some super hero. batman could be 80 years old, and hardly be able to walk, and still he would find some way to help the less fortunite. super powers or not...thats a REAL super hero in my book.
  19. i could never really get into dbz all too much. i watch like 5 minutes of it and turn the channel. im more into robotech, zoids or anything else with huge mechs.
  20. my favorite character has to be batman, then spiderman. superman is my least favorite of the three because i beleive him to be the weakest. no, not because he is weakened by a little green rock. it is because of his "small town" upbringing and how he cant do no wrong. always, whenever he corners a bad guy and is about to teach them a lesson, all they have to do is tell him that they have place a bomb on the bridge located on the other side of the city, and he has only seconds to defuse it. this leaves him no choices but to let the bad guy go, inorder to destroy the bomb. this happens everytime. i like batman the most cause he is more like me (minus the loads of cash ofcourse). but hell, if i had that kind of money, i would be doing the exact samething as he. he is the real "super" hero, because he is "super" as a result of his actions alone, not because of some special powers he pocesses. he has worked his butt off to earn the title, SUPER HERO!!! i think the episode you are thinking about is "heart of steel", which was about that dude that runs the toy company, which gets taken over by this super computer pocessing artificial intellegence. inturn it it gets rid of the owner of the toy company and replaces him with a robot look-alike. it then continues to do the same thing with all the major people in gotham, like commisioner gordon and the mayor, in an attempt to take over the city. its a classic episode and one of my all tme favorites. as a matter of fact...i have it in my share on the emulforums hub if you or anyone else is intrested. i also have "almost" all the episodes of batman beyond, which is a GREAT cartoon, but sadly got cancelled. they still play it on cartoon network i think. as for the movies, batman and batman returns were the only good ones. all the ones they made after...SUCKED!!!
  21. yes, and i works perfectly. you have several options now...you could enter the rom name in either google or go to filemirrors.com and run a search for a download link. lastly, you could go on the emulforums dc hub and download it off of there, along with a million other games. good luck. ps- for more info on the emulforums dc hub, check out this thread and you can download the program, "dc++", here http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net
  22. i dont know what i did, but you are most welcome. j/k
  23. i think i have all of them. meet me on direct connect on the emulforums hub and i will let you download them from me. download dc++ here http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ the emulforums hub address emulforums.servegame.com install dc++, run it and go into the "settings" and choose a username, connection type, download folder and share folders (you must have at least 20mb of roms to share). after that, click on "favorite hubs" (looks like a yellow star), click "new" and add the emulforums hub address. now click "ok". finally, just double click on the address to connect to the hub. when there, just send me a private message and i will let you download the roms from me. hope to see ya there.
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