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Everything posted by waal

  1. Thats not an example for your friendship against BP !!! Et autre chose et je pense que c'est évident " Ne crache pas dans la main qui te nourrie" Certe je n'est pas inventer cette phrase mais elle est valable dans toutes situations ! Mr Waal !!! Ah and it's the same for you too Waal! You're using CoinOps even if you don't like BP edit : "Sous-merde". Vous adorez critiquer les autres, mais en gros ce n'est que de la jalousie!! It's always the same, even if we caught you stealing, you will always say "I"m not guilty" CoinOps and the xbox community can not go forward with guys like you ! "Cria cuervos y te reventaran los ojos " that's a wonderfull spanish proverb! I remember you. We already had this conversation with you on our forum. I'm sad to see you didn't change your mind... Then so be it.
  2. Enjoy the topic, people. It's zygomatics friendly.
  3. Who cares... Because there are much better places for serious stuff. Too bad you couldn't manage to make this section a decent one. Reading your old posts was hilarious though I'm not involved. That's the point. So you can still complain about the mess here and dream of a "supa'dev_elite forum", you are the problem not the solution. These 14 pages demonstrate it. You should contact Bigby about arcade stuff. And that moron above is commenting on something completely outdated and unofficial...
  4. I don't understand what this kind of post is doing here and what Cbagy and I have to do with this conflict you have with Sparda (which in fact wasn't concerning you in the beginning) . A classic, you are affected then you go delusional. Did you even notice that Cbagy haven't posted anything here since months you stupid weirdo ? LOL And recently you were crying because some personal infos nobody cares anyway were leaked about you recently... But now you use Sparda's personal age... That's so low... So you... You locked down the help thread actually. I didn't. Be a man for once, assume your actions. Oh and I thought that thread was a poll ? Probably it's a call for help. You know, the subconscient...
  5. BUMP. Almost two years and always hilarious. The casting changes but the main role will shine forever. I hope one day to see a film adaptation.
  6. Thus according to you one person can say anything or act like an idiot as long as he provides you the software you need. Beautiful example of independence. Thank you for having confirmed this. And obviously you can't even produce a personal thought regarding your quote above. So sad.
  7. Oh please stay. I'm sure we all want to learn more details about the life of Brian euh... of Britney. So you multitask too ? You'll always impress me.
  8. Oh maaan that's so gooood ! I'm going so hiiigh.... Youtube... Download sites... So greeeat ! So inteeeresting ! Oh please ! Please ! One more vote !
  9. Yeahh I see we're having fun together. I wouldn't post elsewhere, I'd miss you so much... What else ? 31 votes. Wooooow.... Do you realize how much we are a cool duo ? So many fans...
  10. So what kind of machine do I need to run these games ? Is a Macbook Pro with Open GL and stuff enough ? Or is best to run it on windows ? I find Death Smiles graphics so great.
  11. It's becoming increasingly difficult to choose which of your messages is the most stupid. This one isn't bad either. Although redundant. But it's true that we're used to this. Like your programming as well. Finally all this is very funny and that's the point.
  12. Hum, back to topic. I'm curious to try these cool shmups. So I need the latest MAME which is easy to get but do you think i'd need a powerful machine, too ?
  13. Excellent, Phil. "La planète sauvage" by René Laloux is a classic. This man also worked with Caza and Moebius (the guy who also worked on Tron and Panzer Dragoon). I used to read a lot of comics by these designers in my childhood. We used to have a magazine back in the days named "Metal Hurlant", you should take a look.
  14. You can't eat snails because then you won't get any xtras anymore ! (and also because snails are the good guys of course)
  15. J'ai oublié ce site français! avec xbins bas j'ai essayé d'obtenir les anciennes versions de MAME ... merci pour le rappel. Et allez... Encore un français haha. J'aurais du m'en douter, tiens. Toujours les mêmes qui râlent.. New Poll: How do you eat your frogs ? o raw o cooked x with credits o I prefer kiwis !
  16. Philexile. Don't even try to compare. Nothing beats BP's attitude and deeds. Don't act like you were blind or numb either. Everybody can find where the emus come from while using Xport-Madmab emus. A thing you can't with CoinOPS. Period.
  17. I must also add that with XPort-Madmab's emus and with others authors as well like Nes6502, the Surreal64 team or A600, there is a CLEAR reference to the original emu. Anyone can download an XBOX port and then easily find the original emu whatever the platform or author is. But when someone downloads CoinOPS he can't even know on which version of MAME it's based. So don't expect anything about other cores... So here we don't find any indication of the origin of the program but permanent makeup instead. And many hidden defects in addition that will be called later called misinformation by its author... All of those being more reminiscent of a counterfeit product than a genuine.
  18. arcade games arent pointless to me as they offer playablility which is lacking in todays games.just pick up and play as for the nostalgia factor im sure with some games there is that for some people but its also finding games you never played before,the hidden gems so to speak. also the amount of people using an xbox for cabs now seems to be increasing. Well Fu, actually that depends of what kind of gameplay you want. You know we both share a common interest on retrogaming. But I prefer console and computers instead of games that were originally designed to make you put coins in a machine. But I also admit arcade game aren't only limited to this aspect. arcade probably gives you the best and purest form of playabilty,no messing around with options,everything ready to go so to speak. i would say the purest form of playability you can get in arcade games has to be sega they wrote the rulebook on it in my opinion. I agree with the usability argument but I find arcade games often too short compared to console or computers games. But yeah, they're often very well balanced hence the Sega games you mention. Or maybe I should raise their difficulty in Coinops, if it's possible to edit the dip switches, coz they don't last long with unlimited credits...
  19. arcade games arent pointless to me as they offer playablility which is lacking in todays games.just pick up and play as for the nostalgia factor im sure with some games there is that for some people but its also finding games you never played before,the hidden gems so to speak. also the amount of people using an xbox for cabs now seems to be increasing. Well Fu, actually that depends of what kind of gameplay you want. You know we both share a common interest for retrogaming. But I prefer old school consoles and computers instead of games that were originally designed to make you put coins in a machine. But I also admit arcade game aren't only limited to this aspect. And yeah, todays games are often shit.
  20. Again this is biaised. This was never asked. Just put an about box option in the menu and a text file in the archive, that's simple to do... for a mentally sane person. Fortunately Madmab's work is not concerned by your lame project. In this case it's you who's off-topic. Your stupidity is truly unlimited. LMAO By the way I'm not crying, I express the contempt you deserve. It's also the fun that you bring me because of your bitterness , always whining about the "Xtra team" even if we keep silent before. Whatever you do, wherever you go, dickhead... I don't care. Seriously. To me arcade games are pointless. Just a few hours in a whole year for nostalgia... It's only common courtesy to give credit to people who did some of the work... One wonders how you've been educated, poor guy ! But really, do what you want... Any survey, any faked poll... They gather only a few persons each time ... Although you claim to have such a large audience ... What a joke... LOL And again BP demonstrates his great sense of democracy... Ruling out people from a votation... Mwahaha Nobody from our side claimed to own nobody. This is an element of your language. But Im OK. This part is funny too. Take a look at Emuxtras.net and Xbox-scene.com forums and you'll see much more activity than this forum section... Everybody can see that. Again illusions of grandeur by His Master himself... Also you can see how people can get help there... Just try then you won't be disappointed.
  21. Well it's obvious you need help but first I've got a life, second I play arcade games once or twice a year at best and above all I'm too expensive for you as a psychologist. But keep on your fascinating quest for truth, you're doing good tweaking old stuff. I'm sure the academy will reward you one day... Again this is biaised. This was never asked. Just put an about box option in the menu and a text file in the archive, that's simple to do... for a mentally sane person.
  22. Hey BP can we have an option in the next release so we can finally hide BP ? Oh and by the way... "New" Coinops game already in MameOx128 Plus: No. Rom name Clone of Players Year Game name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 4in1 2 1981 4 Fun in 1 114 alleymas 1 1986 Alley Master 193 arkretrn 4 1997 Arkanoid Returns (Japan) 203 armorcar 2 1981 Armored Car (set 1) 233 astrob 2 1981 Astro Blaster (version 3) 234 astrof 2 1979 Astro Fighter (set 1) 269 azurian 2 1982 Azurian Attack 407 blkhole 2 1981 Black Hole 439 blockcar 2 1992 Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 473 bombbee 2 1979 Bomb Bee 482 bongo 2 1983 Bongo 503 bowlrama 2 1991 Bowl-O-Rama 507 bradley 1 1980 Bradley Trainer 508 brain 2 1986 Brain 519 bubl2000 2 1998 Bubble 2000 538 bullfgtr 2 1984 Bull Fighter 540 bullsdrt 1 1985 Bulls Eye Darts 570 calipso 2 1982 Calipso 782 cavenger 2 1981 Cosmic Avenger 666 chboxing 2 1984 Champion Boxing 688 checkman 2 1982 Check Man 691 cheekyms 2 1980? Cheeky Mouse 821 ckong 2 1981 Crazy Kong (set 1) 761 compgolf 2 1986 Competition Golf Final Round (revision 3) 786 cosmicg 2 1979 Cosmic Guerilla 853 crush 2 1981 Crush Roller (Kural Samno) 910 darius 2 1986 Darius (World) 1094 dbz2 2 1994 Dragonball Z 2 Super Battle 1139 dcclub 1 1991 Dynamic Country Club 883 dday 1 1982 D-Day 953 demon 2 1982 Demon 976 devilfsh 2 1982 Devil Fish 982 diamond 1 1989 Diamond Run 995 dingo 2 1983 Dingo 1012 dockman 2 1982 Dock Man 1025 dommy 2 198? Dommy 1049 dorodon 2 1982 Dorodon (set 1) 1109 drivfrcb drivfrcp 1 1985 Driving Force (Galaxian conversion bootleg) 1187 enigma2 2 1981 Enigma 2 1997 eto 2 1994 Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan) 1317 firetrk 2 1978 Fire Truck 1318 fitfight 2 199? Fit of Fighting 1361 fnkyfish 2 1981 Funky Fish 1346 freeze 1 1984 Freeze 1348 friskyt 2 1981 Frisky Tom (set 1) 1360 funkybee 2 1982 Funky Bee 1395 galxwars 2 1979 Galaxy Wars (Universal set 1) 1493 gimeabrk 1 1985 Gimme A Break 1581 gridiron 2 1985 Gridiron Fight 1561 grndtour 2 1993 Grand Tour 1592 grudge 3 198? Grudge Match (prototype) 1531 gtg2 2 1992 Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V2.2) 1372 gwarrior 2 1985 Galactic Warriors 1647 hachoo 2 1989 Hachoo! 1667 hangonjr 1 1985 Hang-On Jr. 1697 hardyard 4 1993 Hard Yardage (v1.20) 1711 headon 1 1979 Head On (2 players) 1713 headon2 1 1979 Head On 2 1735 hexa 1 1986? Hexa 1750 hoccer 2 1983 Hoccer (set 1) 1739 hvoltage 2 1985 High Voltage 1740 hwrace 2 1983 High Way Race 1823 idsoccer 2 1985 Indoor Soccer 1811 ikki 2 1985 Ikki (Japan) 1826 insector 2 1982 Insector (prototype) 3820 invad2ct 2 1980 Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail) 3821 invadpt2 2 1979 Space Invaders Part II (Taito) 1834 invinco 1 1979 Invinco 1831 invrvnge 2 19?? Invader's Revenge 1848 jack 2 1982 Jack the Giantkiller (set 1) 1845 jackrabt 2 1984 Jack Rabbit (set 1) 1887 jumpcoas 2 1983 Jump Coaster 1889 jumpshot 2 1985 Jump Shot 1898 jungler 2 1981 Jungler 1924 kaos 2 1981 Kaos 1937 kick 1 1981 Kick (upright) 1958 kingball 2 1980 King & Balloon (US) 71 koshien 2 1990 Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) 2011 kroozr 1 1982 Kozmik Kroozr 2015 krzybowl 2 1994 Krazy Bowl 2094 levers 2 1983 Levers 2098 liberatr 2 1982 Liberator (set 1) 2109 lizwiz 2 1985 Lizard Wizard 2110 lnc 2 1981 Lock'n'Chase 2112 locomotn 2 1982 Loco-Motion 2130 losttomb 1 1982 Lost Tomb (easy) 2182 magspot 2 1980 Magical Spot 2183 magspot2 2 1980 Magical Spot II 2309 maniacsq 2 1996 Maniac Square (unprotected) 2318 marineb 2 1982 Marine Boy 2320 mariner 2 1981 Mariner 2323 markham 2 1983 Markham 2324 mars 2 1981 Mars 2375 mayhem 2 1985 Mayhem 2002 127 maze 2 1976 Amazing Maze 2430 megadon 1 1982 Megadon 2434 megatack 2 1980 Megatack 2439 meosism 1 1996? Meosis Magic (Japan) 2479 mimonkey 2 198? Mighty Monkey 2517 mogura 4 1991 Mogura Desse 2528 montecar 1 1979 Monte Carlo 2520 monymony 2 1983 Money Money 2545 moonwar 2 1981 Moonwar 2566 mosaic 2 1990 Mosaic 2578 mouser 2 1983 Mouser 2161 mplanets 1 1983 Mad Planets 2595 mrkougar 2 1984 Mr. Kougar 2348 mshvsfj mshvsf 2 1997 Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970707) 2577 mtrap 1 1981 Mouse Trap (version 5) 2641 natodef 2 1982 NATO Defense 2662 neckneck 1 1992 Neck-n-Neck (v1.2) 2691 news 1 1993 News 2685 newsin7 2 1983 New Sinbad 7 2695 nibbler 2 1982 Nibbler (set 1) 4516 ninjaw 2 1987 The Ninja Warriors (World) 2697 nitedrvr 2 1976 Night Driver 2647 nmouse 2 1981 Naughty Mouse (set 1) 2746 nova2001 2 1983 Nova 2001 (Japan) 2686 nyny 2 1980 New York New York 2771 omegrace 2 1981 Omega Race 2786 orbitron 2 19?? Orbitron 2811 ozon1 2 1983 Ozon I 2841 pairlove 2 1991 Pairs Love 2842 palamed 2 1990 Palamedes (Japan) 3838 panic 2 1980 Space Panic (version E) 2905 pbaction 2 1985 Pinball Action (set 1) 2911 pballoon 2 1982 Pioneer Balloon 2898 phozon 2 1983 Phozon (Japan) 2908 pinbo 2 1984 Pinbo 2923 pisces 2 19?? Pisces 2926 pitnrun 1 1984 Pit & Run 2936 playball 1 1983 PlayBall! (prototype) 3008 polaris 2 1980 Polaris (set 1) 3024 ponpoko 2 1982 Ponpoko 3041 popper 2 1983 Popper 3055 powrplay 2 1985 Power Play 3092 progress 1 1984 Progress3059 psurge 2 1988 Power Surge 3144 puzlclub 2 1990 Puzzle Club (Japan prototype) 3159 qbertqub 1 1983 Q*bert's Qubes 3167 quantum 1 1982 Quantum (rev 2) 3177 quester 2 1987 Quester (Japan) 3336 redbaron 1 1980 Red Baron 3340 redrobin 1 1986 Red Robin 3351 rescue 1 1982 Rescue 3362 ridleofp 2 1986 Riddle of Pythagoras (Japan) 3385 ripcord 1 1979 Rip Cord 2605 rocktrv2 2 1986 MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (Part 2) 3459 roundup 2 1981 Round-Up 3499 sadari 2 1993 Sadari 3512 samurai 1 1980 Samurai 3541 satansat 2 1981 Satan of Saturn 3546 saturn 2 1983 Saturn 4122 scfinals 4 1993 Super Cup Finals (World) 3560 scregg 2 1983 Scrambled Egg 3561 screwloo 1 1983 Screw Loose (prototype) 4125 sdtennis 2 1983 Super Doubles Tennis 4044 sfz2aa sfa2 2 1996 Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826) 3626 shangkid 2 1985 Shanghai Kid 3650 shootbul 1 1985 Shoot the Bull 3662 shuuz 1 1990 Shuuz (version 8.0) 3694 skybase 2 1982 Sky Base 3704 skylancr 2 1983 Sky Lancer 3805 spaceint 2 1980 Space Intruder 3848 spacetrk 1 1980 Space Trek (upright) 3802 spacfury 2 1981 Space Fury (revision C) 3826 spcking2 2 1979 Space King 2 3870 spdcoin 1 1984 Speed Coin (prototype) 3867 speedbal 2 1987 Speed Ball 3895 springer 2 1982 Springer 4280 ssozumo 2 1984 Syusse Oozumou (Japan) 3927 stargrds 3 1987 Star Guards 4230 stoffy 2 1994 Super Toffy 3964 stratgyx 2 1981 Strategy X 3967 streakng 2 1981 Streaking 4064 strnskil 2 1984 Strength & Skill 4108 superbug 1 1977 Super Bug 4225 supertnk 2 1981 Super Tank 4187 suprridr 1 1983 Super Rider 4287 tactcian 2 1982 Tactician (set 1) 4322 targ 1 1980 Targ 4333 taxidrvr 2 1984 Taxi Driver 4334 tazmania 2 1982 Tazz-Mania (set 1) 1865 teamqb 4 1988 John Elway's Team Quarterback 1987 knockout triplep 2 1982 Knock Out!! 4763 ultraman 2 1991 Ultraman (Japan) 4802 vanvan 2 1983 Van-Van Car 4956 warpwarp 2 1981 Warp & Warp 4974 wfortune 3 1989 Wheel Of Fortune 4983 wildplt 2 1992 Wild Pilot 4998 wiping 2 1982 Wiping 5000 wits 4 1989 Wit's (Japan) 5006 wolfpack 1 1978 Wolf Pack (prototype) 5047 wsf 4 1990 World Soccer Finals 5051 wtennis 2 1982 World Tennis 4942 wwjgtin 2 1984 Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! 5103 xyonix 2 1989 Xyonix 5106 yamato 2 1983 Yamato (US) 5130 zerohour 2 1980 Zero Hour 5148 zodiack 2 1983 Zodiack 5158 zzyzzyxx 2 1982 Zzyzzyxx (set 1) When you guys will finally get the point ? zzzz... edit. Au fait Sparda, cette sous-merde ne peut bannir personne. Ils sont pas aussi cons que ça ici finalement. Tu vois un peu Louis de Funes dans la folie des grandeurs, mwarf ?
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