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- kenshiro -

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Everything posted by - kenshiro -

  1. I am sorry if I offended you, Honorable Fu Manchu, father of Shang Chi, the Master of Kung Fu. That will never happen again. Please have mercy of my humble soul. Cospefogo. hmmmmm... I gonna use Hokuto Shinken on you both Edit: Tulius, i made a test with latest NASM (2.06) and it works fine here. I use a previous version since ages (can't remember which version) which of course work. Do you have a single source directory or severals? I mean in the same directory (can't explain that properly sorry, or learn french and it will be better lmao)? Edit 2 : lol i just made a copy / paste of my source in the same directory, and get exactly the same error as you( error: more than one input file specified) . Search in that side
  2. Looks ok for me, i'm currently at work, i gonna send you binairies tonight (in 2 - 3 hours). Moooooooooo!
  3. Recently some people were interested on how to set stuff needed to compile FBA-XXX Pro. Here's a small description - First install Visual Studio.net 2003 (which takes ages lol). - Then you have to install the XDK, and perform a full installation on the set up wizard (if Visual STudio is not installated, you can only perform a normal installation, watch out!) - Now you have to download NASM (available on Sourceforg.net) and put the executable "nasmw.exe" in WINDOWS\system32 - Download latest FBA-XXX Pro source, and launch fba.sln which is in FBA-XXX root directory. That will launch Visual Studio, on the bottom click on "Build" and then "Build Solution". A bit less than 5 minutes, you will find default.xbe in the directory named "old". Hope it will help
  4. Just try to put the binaries in #xbins, but a message appears "You have no upload rights for this directory! " If someone here know how to upload in #xbins this is the perfect time lmao! Hopefully you don't have the right to write on the FTP, only administrators can do it, imagine if everyone could upload stuff on Xbins In that case i will probably upload naked pictures of iq_132 on Xbins (definitly not nice... ) @yoyofr: of course you can help in any way you want , source code is here, so you're more than welcome Also it depends on what you wanna code, if it's drivers related you need to know C and absolutly not specific XDK stuff. Myself i never wanna learn more of XDK librairies, as it's a specific stuff which can be use on the same hardware. That's why what i'm coding is 99% C (and 1% C++ lol).
  5. XorXe, yoyofr, dziad, as your PM box is currently unactivated i can't send you a message... It's definitly necessary to find a way to share in an efficient way, that's start to be really complicated to send the binairies
  6. Good news: i've found why PCM2 Playmore V roms wasn't decrypted properly , currently fixing that issue
  7. In the contrary, if source are close, people can't learn how Mameox works. I had the same problem with FBA-XXX Pro, the source code was released ages after the 1.28 was released. Moreover, a bug free software probably doesn't exist... And honestly, i had the idea to try to add drivers to CoinOps, as he's close source i'm definitly not motivated to work on it, even small things
  8. As you can see this is a Neogeo release Stuff sended to everyone Good night (late here) PS: Hellfury you're dead again lmao
  9. lol believe me i did a lot, i worked mostly on Neogeo and also to catch this CPS2 memory leak (which is also in the official FBA). Also took a look at this f****** coin button and inputs, and was definitly surprised of what i found, i mean some parts of code are simply unreadable (can't see where the brackets are, code not indented...)... I gonna do what i can
  10. Huh? Can you take a screenshot please? Can you reproduce that on FBA (pc version)? To describe (sorry no picture): The road in Riding Hero is always straight (no curve) with a little part of the road in the sky, In SSidekick series the supporters disappear and the grass is deformed "in real time" on top of the playground. Neo Turf: No "3D" effect for the ground. (meme probleme que pour Riding Hero en fait) Trash Rally: glitches when the car jump. (I'm still using your beta released on 12/22/08). The problems aren't seen in the PC version (I gave a try). Thoses problems already existed in FBAxxx Pro128 (I had to use an older version for a few Neo Geo games with problems). That's really strange , i played a bit of Riding Hero and can't notice a problem, so screenshots are definitly useful, or at least just tell me when it happened in the game (which level etc...) Thanks
  11. Huh? Can you take a screenshot please? Can you reproduce that on FBA (pc version)?
  12. Absolutly, you can generate the dats directly in the emu and then scan your roms with BTW, mtsaint and Cospefogo, i had an idea and want to speak about it with you both. I'll try to send you a message tonight (currently i'm at work ), if i'm not too lazy lol Is it something for the little people? LMAO HF- You're definitly a mental XxHellsFuryxX lmao
  13. Absolutly, you can generate the dats directly in the emu and then scan your roms with BTW, mtsaint and Cospefogo, i had an idea and want to speak about it with you both. I'll try to send you a message tonight (currently i'm at work ), if i'm not too lazy lol
  14. More news about Neogeo... I tested the others decrypted sets (KOF2003, Sengoku 3 etc...) and they all works fine The code was rewrite to be used on PC and Xbox at the same time, just have to comment / uncomment a line and you can compile it ^^. The interest is the code is easy to update (and very clean), and i can test directly my code on a Debug PC build. I know most users don't care about the code, but if few people use it ATM, just throw it up and wait for the new one. Also get more sets working: http://www.mameworld.net/maws/romset/kof2002b http://www.mameworld.net/maws/romset/matrimbl Fixed a crash with Fatal Fury 3 by entering the ingame menu, remove the code to keep the cache file, get the code more compact, and reduce a bit more loading times
  15. Je suis fier de nos produits nationaux lol
  16. So news... I worked a bit on Neogeo code and finally get all the decrypted sets working ATM i tested Metal Slug 3, 4, 5, KOF99 / 2001 / 2002, Garou Mark of the wolves, Samurai Shodown 5 and that works pretty well, can't notice a problem (i assume the rest works fine too). That's mean that except very few games, all the romsets are now playable! @Tulius: Lansquenet 2004 works fine here, the code to get run Power instinct 2 is currently in progress. For Shadow Force, i don't know why it crash ATM Edit: and XxHellsFuryxX has been killed one more time, what happened here? lol
  17. [jackal mode on] Do like me, just buy a Nintendo DS, and you will see the miracle , a lot of free time to put in your PC [jackal mode off] PS: i'm incarnation of evil lol
  18. I noticed that too about BioMechanical toy... Something weird happened with my tmnt(world and japan) rom: it was working, but just after I delete the old saves and ini files, the rom stuck in a mask rom check screen the neogeo bios file 000-lo.lo always send a size error message no matter what (64kb? or 128kb?) I need an accurate list of all games in this fba version... the gamelist in fba source is already outdated... any help? No problem for Kaneko16 drivers, i gonna readd it. Same for Sega drivers... BTW Tulius you're absolutly right, i noticed the same problems. Currently i'm not at home, i maybe have an idea on the reasons for TMNT (for biomtoy, absolutly no idea lol). Edit: god XxHellFuryxX, each time i come here somebody has killed you lmao
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