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Posts posted by Gouken

  1. Technically yes, without the SNK part since this game was stated to be just Sammy and Capcom characters. We could see a 3way VS game since Sammy has SNK's IP's now (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

    No no, you are right. But part of the deal was SNK be on the development team all the way. Thay want newer graphics, but basically want their old animator's to have a part in the process.

  2. I need pictures! But anyways, Nintendo did have great competition back in the day. Game Gear's graphics were stunning compared to Game Boy's. But alas, Nintendo's marketing was much to good for Sega to even compare to.


    BTW, I want to see Nintendo FAIL! Fall on your asses for once dammit! I vote PSP only because I can watch movies on it. ^^


    P.S. I hate Sony, but a portable PS2 is too good to not try out.

    It's called Virtual Boy. I'm glad no ones heard of it.


    I'm not upto Sony's PSP. I find the DS likeable because it already has thousands of titles to work with on release. Yes, thats right, It's backward compatible with every GB/GBC/GBA game.

    Oh my... Well that certainly is a plus! But hopefully mini disc's are the future of hand held storage devices. Even though their are so many good things about a cartridge, one of the bad thing's about it is the lack of memory that can be stored. Sony's got the right idea, hopefully Nintendo will realize after the DS is obsolete that everyone already OWNS a Gameboy in some form or another. So switch mediums and go mini disc dammit!


    :( Virtual Boy... Thanks for reminding me! :lol:

  3. Main Entry: con·de·scend

    Pronunciation: "kän-di-'send

    Function: intransitive verb

    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French condescendre, from Late Latin condescendere, from Latin com- + descendere to descend

    1 a : to descend to a less formal or dignified level : UNBEND b : to waive the privileges of rank

    2 : to assume an air of superiority


    Now that's twice I've gotten that vibe from you. I know you may not mean it at all, but it really seem's as though you are acting a bit condescending. I'm sure everyone appreciates the help you're giving, but please don't make a fuss if a poster's views are not the same as your own.

  4. Take a pinch of salt.

    You're gonna have to explain that one to me. :P

    I think it means that you shouldn't take things too seriously or believe that everything being said is automatically true...


    I'm not a native english speaker, so feel free to correct me.

    Dammit, and I thought he was gonna cook tonight... :)

  5. I need pictures! But anyways, Nintendo did have great competition back in the day. Game Gear's graphics were stunning compared to Game Boy's. But alas, Nintendo's marketing was much to good for Sega to even compare to.


    BTW, I want to see Nintendo FAIL! Fall on your asses for once dammit! I vote PSP only because I can watch movies on it. ^^


    P.S. I hate Sony, but a portable PS2 is too good to not try out.

  6. That movie was hilarious! I know it's not supposed to be an outright comedy, but I was rolling on some of those jokes. Pegg likes to "mention" pop culture a lot. So far what I can grab out of one viewing is:


    Dawn of the Dead (Music at the very end of the credits, it was played in the mall during the original "Dawn")

    28 Days Later (Reference to "Rage" monkey's at the end when Shaun is watching the tele)

    Day of the Dead (Shakling Zombies as playthings and labor)

    Night of the Living Dead (The Cellar)


    All of these are very subtle and you really need to of watched the following movies to know what I'm talking about. Overall, I though it was a great follow up to watching the overly depressing "Dawn of the Dead 2004".

  7. What is this "sleep" you all speak of? Is is a new game or something I'm missing out on?


    Seriously though, I stay up for DAYS on end. It's been so long since I've only stayed up for the required 12-14 hours that I know exactly when to call it "tommorow". Sometimes, when asked how my day was at around 12-1 a.m. I usually just give the answer "it's just started".

    are you bipolar?

    Who knows. I'm a lot of things, why not add another notch... :P

  8. Hostility?

    Yes. :)

    You're reading into it too much.

    I might be... :P

    This is an online forum where anyone and everyone can post masquerading behind some nickname.

    I know, I've been here for quite some time now, and we have had our share of mean people here. Not saying that you're one of them. ^_^

    Take a pinch of salt.

    You're gonna have to explain that one to me. :)

    IMHO, the best browser right now is Konqueror. But you'll need to switch your entire OS (I'm assuming you're on Windows or some variant)  to use it. The best browser on Windows (IMO again), would have to be Opera. I have had no problems with it so far. It's fast, small, doesn't pollute the registry with crap, handles those pesky popups, has an intuitive UI, mouse gestures, allows your browsing record (history/cache/urls etc) to be deleted easily (whether thru the browser UI, or by manually deleting files) and Opera Software (the company) has a fantastic track record of fixing bugs and no, I don't work for Opera Software, nor do I own stock.

    Thanks! I might try it out. If it's that good maybe you should think about working for / owning their stock. :D

  9. What is this "sleep" you all speak of? Is is a new game or something I'm missing out on?


    Seriously though, I stay up for DAYS on end. It's been so long since I've only stayed up for the required 12-14 hours that I know exactly when to call it "tommorow". Sometimes, when asked how my day was at around 12-1 a.m. I usually just give the answer "it's just started".

  10. Well I use IE6 of course. I understand what you're saying when it doesnt feel right. I was using this other browser for a couple months and everything imported right, but for some strange reason I went back to IE6. Though I am willing to try something new. What's the best browser out there as of now? I'll download that. ^^


    Funny how I don't experience them (sans the importing of favourites). My conclusion: yup, you must be too accustomed to IE. Hopefully you are also not accustomed to the popups/adware/spyware/blahblah that come "bundled".

    I'm sensing some hostility. I hope this doesnt escalate into something like an argument. :P

  11. a co-op arcade game where you and your friend play as 2 chicks in bikini's takin on the evil cooperation ,SNOOPI. side scroller.


    this you play as a chicken who likes n sync who has to take on britney spears and her silicone minions.......

    1. Charlie Brown's Extreme Volleyball, Dead or Alive: Operation Charlie Brown


    2. Chicken Run: The Pop Star Slayer, N Sync - Chicken in Britany's Revenge

  12. I imagine the roster would be pretty limited. It would take ages to get the Capcom characters visually identical to Sammy's characters.


    Also, why does everyone put Resident Evil characters in Capcom fighting game roster wish lists? I'm not starting a flame war or anything, but I don't think RE characters belong in a fighting game whatsoever. It's a good Capcom series, but the characters are pretty forgettable to me. Jill was the only one who stood out.


    And sorry if this was a repost.

    I agree. They're not that many RE characters to begin with, none that really had the kind of fan appeal as Jill does. So we should really just stick with her for a couple more years.

  13. Anything from Karin Park ( All happy songs...some with a domestic abuse theme ::no idea why:: )


    It's such an upbeat song with no real bad tones.


    Karin Park - Wear My Skin


    "Energy when you're punchin me! Punchin me!!!!" :P


    What a wacky girl, cute though. ^^


    Anything from Alanis Morissette, Sarina Paris, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, or Shakira.

  14. For the past week I've been seeing this torrent link up at suprnova and thought it was just some low budget spoof on Dawn Of The Dead. Boy was I wrong. Reading up on the movie, the film went into production a good few month's before the remake of Dawn did. As a matter of fact, the film makers didnt even know about the remake until the movie was half-way finished! But that's not really the point now is it? View the trailer, then you'll see why I'm currently downloading this movie.


    Shaun Of The Dead Trailer


    Shaun Of The Dead IMDb


    Shaun Of The Dead Main Site

  15. Well it wasn't cancelled. The cast thought it was time for things to end. Trust me, that show could probably go on forever. Everyone is doing new things though, Joey Tribiany (Matt LeBlanc) got his own show. Everyone else is either into producing or directing. All in all it was a great ending to some of the best moment's on TV in the past 10 years. :D

  16. Pissed me off? Let's see...



    Virtua Fighter 4 - Best game of the year my ass. It's only good if you know all four hundred and one of your characters moves.


    That's about it though. In order to reduce stress in my life I've stuck to using Gameshark, Trainers, and Hacks for all of my games. True I don't really have any real triumphant feeling when I'm done. But atleast I beat the game. ^^


    Street Fighter has never given me any stress, it just comes naturally to me so I kinda skip the learning curve and went straight into the fight most of the time. Moves and strategies are very simple.

  17. Duke Nukem (Haha, if anyone get's this, please feel free to laugh too)


    Capcom vs. Street Fighter vs. Marvel Super Heros vs. SNK vs. Marvel vs. Sammy vs. Midway vs. Nintendo vs. Sega vs. Sony vs. Square/Enix vs. Tecmo vs. DC vs DBZ vs. Bob Hope


    American McGee's Alice:

    I need either OZ or Alice this time. OZ is in the making for the past 2 years, but a sequel to Alice would be fun. :lol:

  18. Well, I finally had a few lazy idea's. The first one was originally very small, but everyone at the -x- team liked it so much I decided to enlarge it and make it a header for the site. It was a biatch combining the two seeing as I finalized the first part with all sort's of effect's, now I had a second part to merge with it! In the end I think i did a good job.




    The next 2 are really bad. But I'll list them anyways. :lol: Well "Crimson Death" was very simple to make and it shows. Though I like the avatar "Orochi Iori" it wasnt my best work ever. I kind work half assed when it's just a simple request for an av or tag.




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