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Posts posted by ressurectionx

  1. Thanks Dballs,


    Yeah. Tons of work here man. So many mind numbingly repetitive tasks for probably over 10,000 individual roms now.


    It really is a ridiculous project, and I'm just very grateful to have had all the help I've gotten so far.


    Let's just say that I have more than my share of beer to get me through it all. :)





    The cool thing now though is that I've found a very real interest in updating the artwork packs to have GREAT quality boxart. I've collected a lot of artwork from HD sources such as thecoverproject and HyperSpin and with my own collection I've compared the quality of each of these alternate sets to my own and replaced each game with the best boxart available. I'm actually really enjoying then going through the remaning boxarts and touching them up by hand to bring them up to speed. The big offenders so far are LYNX and 2600, which still had tons of really shabby looking boxart. I think the personal touch-ups look great.


    Plus we've now got Gilles' Generic Boxarts for about 10-12 systems which fill in all the blanks so all games will have boxart representation.


    Lots of new stuff coming out around late February or March. Can't wait to share it all.




  2. New Sega Master System/Game Gear/SG-1000 update released. Vids should be up shortly. The datfiles and artwork are already up. Click the banner below.

    Question do you ever sleep???? :lol:























  3. Playing X-COM: UFO Defence on the PCSXBox now thanks to Sotu.


    BIN/CUE format...


    Core 1.6 everything else standard except, Change graphics fixes to Use PC FPS calculation ON and turn Frameskip OFF.


    Enjoy.... you've now got one of the best PSX games of all time working (albeit about 95% working).


    Here's hoping we can one day get it working 100%!



    Thanks for the settings Sotu!


  4. You can be sure if tomorrow i release a build with most of Sega games working people people will asking for the non working games, or a new feature or something else. So no way for me lol. And as nes6502 managed to release a build with Sega games, that's not problem.


    Ahhh... I see. I just read this now. I haven't been here in a few weeks.


    What is this version that nes6502 came out with? Is that 1.28?

  5. Relax peeps. Been there, done that. Not worth the brain hemmorage. Trust me.


    Besides... Me and BP already have the most disgraceful thread here, thank you very much. And it went on much longer than this. I even took screenshots of pages worth of it and posted it on the other site and uploading the images to imageshack lol. Called him all sorts of nasty names back then.


    BP is a loner and is happy being that in his project. No point in trying to get him to do anything he isn't going to want to do. He just won't do it. But he's good at what he does so I just go about my own stuff and stay out of his way. It's not like I don't have a million things of my own to do with this stuff and every thing he does is one less thing that I have to do.


    He doesn't respect the MAME code license because apparently he's not a coder and he lives above established guidelines. I've given up caring about that BS a long time ago. Just let him do his stuff until he's sick of it. I'm sure he'll pass on his code when it's done.


    Peace ya'all,


  6. My work on the Xtras is winding down. I'm pretty much doing the waiting game on about 5 fronts now. I'm not doing much myself on computer emus, but I'll add anything other people work on. A majority of the testing and artwork is complete now though. I'm spending my time doing tons of cleanup work and getting everything updated and getting XBMC looking great with the wide icons.


    I have some down time now, so if you have a plan let me know. I'd like to get back to the MAME work soon.




  7. I know kenshiro isn't concerned with that type of stuff guys, and that's cool becuase I wish we had people working on updating drivers and cores on the XPORT emus now with the Madmab Edition in the works, but is there anyone who has a debug box that knows a bit about coding and could clean that all up a bit?


    I'm thinking just a basic "Favorites" mode. A judgement call could be made before release as to which version is the "best" and that would be the default favorite version. (A vote here would be a possible way to determine that).


    You'd be able to..


    1) Turn favorites off or on (like you can turn the extra rom info off or on now). Display only the "best" roms or the entire collection at you whim.


    2) You'd be able to manually change which rom is your personal favorite for the favorite's list. The emu would recognize that you selected a new favorite and automatically "un-favorite" the previous one.


    What do you think?



  8. The ideal solution would to have the ability to hide clones if you wanted to. That way, no roms would have to be removed. Subjective or not, though I tend to agree with you, this emu is sloppy looking as hell because of the many clones. I realize that some people like that, but I think it's an eyesore.


    No offence meant to anyone, but that's just the way that a lot of us feel.


    I'd prefer to have the entire set, but not the way that it is displayed currently.


    Hopefully somebody can add the functionality to hide clones. Better yet if they can allow the end-user to select which version of a rom is their personal favorite. Than anyone could afford to be as subjective as they want.

  9. Its a bug or somesuch. If it really bothers you just edit the xml files on a skin you like and

    swap Misc Games header with NeoGeo


    That won't work unfortunately, because there are a ton of misc games that would show up in the NeoGeo games. Hopefully when the driver updates are done somebody could figure it out.


    I'd also like it if the "XXX/XXX" for the amount of games in a category was removed as well. Eventually I would like to remove all of the clones and get a set with only the best version of each game, but it will show that a lot of games are missing (and my brothers and friends might ask why games are missing). Better not to have that, I think.

  10. Hey Gavin. I see you have the alternate dat up now and that you've had it up there a while.


    I had downloaded about half of it so far, but megaupload says I'm over my limit. I figured I'll just get the rest and make my own datfiles too. Thanks for the help though.




  11. Thanks gavin. I just tried it out and it's not working for me. It says " Warning. Field 'refname' is empty in the datafile CoinOPS.Ignite. It is recommended to set a correct value in this field".


    I click on OK and then it pops up another one saying "Error. This version of the datfile CoinOPS.Ignite is not supported. Please use another datfile, or download a new version of Romcenter.


    (I have RomCenter 2.71)


    I also tried it in CLRMAMEPro, but I don't know how to use that program to do anything but create datfiles (since I never figured out how to do that in RomCenter).


    Any suggestions anybody?

  12. Does anyone have good datfiles for the roms included in CoinOPS Ignite? The datfiles that came with it are huge and didn't remove too many of my roms from my .84 MAME set. The romset I have after using them is still somewhere around 10-11 GB. I know that BP likes keeping the size to under 1 DVD so you can play straight from the DVD, so something is wrong with these datfiles.


    Anybody who has his full suggested romlist, could you use THESE DATFILE CREATION INSTRUCTIONS to make good datfiles that will purge out dupes and all the games that BP doesn't have in the main romset?


    Many thanks,


  13. Damn... the guy I know has so much code now he probably wouldn't consider doing it here at this point. I wonder how easy/hard it would be to "port" the video playing capabilities from the XPORT emus to this emu.


    I'm too dumb when it comes to coding, and too impatient to learn it. I at least gave it a shot for a few months....


    Hopefully somebody who knows a bit about code can do this in the future. 4 DVD's worth of arcade videos I'm sitting on and nowhere to play them on any arcade system yet.


    Thanks for what you're doing K,



    I m asking you kenshiro ifyou are ok to integrate the possibility to view videos preview like in zsnexbox. There is a ton of roms for fba xxx pro, so we need a fast way to see if a game is good or or total crap, for this ; the videos previews are perfect.

    If it's a code problem, i can ask madmab if he knows how to integrates the code to fba, since he has succesfully added the wmv8 video preview in all the Xports emus.

    My friend RessX has all the fbaXXX preview videos ready to go we could share with you.

    Let me know Kenshiro


    I'll be honest: that will be a nice feature, but not interested at all to work on it. As this is an open source project (in contrary of some Xbox project, no comment :) ) , if your friends wanna code it, go for it ;)


    Just keep in mind that what i'm doing is 100% drivers related, so if some people want to work on UI definitly go for it ;)


    PS: btw i will post my Neogeo code on Neosource, for those who are motivated to compile it ;), i wouldn't release a new build now, not enough time lol

  14. I just played "Gain Ground" on the Genesis the other day for the first time. I beat it in easy mode in under an hour with the save states, but I bet it was hard as hell back in the day with no saves in "hard" mode.


    Pretty awesome oldschool game if you ask me. I was always a SNES guy, but there are a few really great Genesis titles. Kid Chameleon comes to mind. I'd also recommend Flashback and Shadowrun which were both vastly superior to the SNES versions for some reason.




  15. Geez.... I wake up and the site is still down hard. That's almost 2 days now. Wonder if it's time to start worrying that all our posts are gone. At least I have the links for everything uploaded saved in about 3 other places if the worst case scenario rises.




    If the site ever goes back online, I'm going to ask BombBloke about separating each type of screenshot. As long as we're going to the trouble to do this, we may as well do it right. Since I named everything perfectly, it shouldn't take much extra effort once the batch is written. His program that I mentioned above works lightning fast with all characters including the &.







    EDIT: We should be in business soon....






    yaya I know ... we were offline for +1 day.



    Need to do some work on the forums now, will be back in 30mins or so

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