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Posts posted by ressurectionx

  1. Looks great man.


    Not sure how much new functionality I'm getting because I'm not using the included .xbe, but I'm using all the other files pretty much, but I really love the new skin and the large screenshots.


    Other than that, because of how I have things set up and using my own .xbe it seems to work pretty much the same as the Arcades build does (I may not be picking up on the subtleties yet). Even the sort by type doesn't work for me for some reason still... grrrrrrrrr..


    I know you don't support anything that ain't your own stuff, so I'm not asking you.... just venting my frustrations over my own shortcomings.


    I look forward to getting that feature working.


    Really great looking skin there BP, thanks





    EDITED TO ADD: Why do I have a gravestone with RIP by my name? Am I getting the boot from 1emulation or something? I'm pretty sure that I'm not dead as of writing this....

  2. I've got a fix for it, but I don't know how to do it yet. I'm trying to figure it out.


    Here's what I have figured out so far:


    1) The reason that only one controller plays all in game action on alternating classics is because they only had one controller and you moved out of the way when you died to let your friend play. 2nd player Coin and Start work on the second joystick because there was a separate button for 2 player start.


    2) Cocktail tables had two controllers, so the way the code is written you can go into the UI settings and change to cocktail mode and the 2nd player controller will work like it's supposed to.


    3) Cocktail tables also flip the screen action so the other player can see, so even though the control works like it should now, everything is upside down.


    This is what I'd like to do now.


    1) Inhibit the screen from flipping whenever cocktail mode is set.


    2) Make cocktail mode default for games that used it. (I'd rather change one setting than have to make changes in every game driver).


    Think this can be done? Any ideas?

  3. Yeah. It seems like it's games that are 2 player alternating. I haven't noticed any problem with simultaneous games cause they're all pretty much mapped with 2 or 4 input sections for 2 or 4 players.


    I'm going to check out other alternating games and see if some of them work right. If I find some that work, I'm going to try to do the same thing in 1942 and see if I can get it to alternate right.


    EDITED TO ADD: This might be harder than I thought. Most (All?) of the old classics play that way. 2nd player select and start are set up for coin and 2 player start, but 1st controller controls all in-game action.


    This has to be because there was only one controller on those old Pac-Man arcades and you just moved out of the way and let your friend play when you died.


    There has to be some code somewhere that fixes this, maybe in later builds of MAME? I've messed around with it and I've succeeded in making it so that both controllers control action for both players (even worse). Can't seem to get these old games to alternate from controller 1 to controller 2.


    I'll let you know if I figure it out.

  4. That's cool BP. I believe you. I'm still going to work on it for a while just to have the build clean like I want it and to make faster builds.


    I noticed when trying to get control working on games, that 1942 and Pyros both have a problem. They both use the 1st player controller to control movement and fire. But insert coin and 2nd player start works on the 2nd player controller.


    I tested it on my other XBox in your latest public Arcades build and it has the same problem. Have you noticed this too?

  5. Sure I'm egocentric, and on top of that I was pretty drunk cause it was the end of my work week and there isn't much else to do on a Sunday morning if you're not a regular at the church.


    This ain't a failure though. Just wanted to apologize for my behavior to BP, and now he knows. PM's ain't my style.


    BP - I'll look into that VMM code at some point. I know right now there's nothing I could do about it, but maybe somebody else I do might want to tinker with it while I do what I'm doing. Even removing tons of redundant code doesn't improve performance, it will make the construction of a build much quicker. There are other people who are under the impression that it will improve performance as well, so we'll see what happens.



  6. Hey BP


    You know... for real and I mean this, I do feel bad about the way that I acted around here for the last few weeks. I still don't appreciate the way that you talked to me, but I could have misinterpreted your intent or whatever... I mean I have commented multiple times about how I can't understand half the stuff you say sometimes, but hey man I ain't no saint and I got pleanty of flaws. If no bad intentions was the case I'm cool with that. I don't wanna have beef with you so consider the hatchet buried on my end. I'm glad you've returned to the scene not just for the people looking forward to your new release, but also because I want to see all the cool crap you did with the new build myself. The anticipation is getting to me, as I'd imagine it is to everyone else who is going to benefit from your work. I know the work you do is more than parlor tricks and I do respect the effort it takes on your part.


    [i fully expect garageink to com in at some point and call me a fag at this point.


    BTW garageink, your post about the 18 pages of LOL made me piss my pants.


    If it didn't seem like this was enjoyable to me the opposite is true. All this is is some psych up bullshit about having an adversary and feeding off that to hone that energy and fing do something. Thanks for being a nemesis BP. I'll get to that level that we're working together. So you don't want to teach... cool. I'm learning now. I said I ain't a bad guy and I meant it. The fact is that I do appreciate the fact that GameCop didn't ban me and that you didn't colloborate with others to really persue getting me banned. For that, probalby more than your coding, you have earned my respect.


    I ain't kissing your ass though man... lol. Already been the guy to accuse too many people of doing it to start doing it now.


    I got something in the works that you may be interested in. I know you hate long posts and like working more on IM, but I think with my temperment I work much better myself reading like a story than an interactive movie.


    I'm figuring out a lot and I just recently started a project with the original source that you gave me before that I truly believe could revolutionize MAME on the XBox (that I would believe to be nearly 100% integrateable into yours if you decide that you like it, because I'm under the impression that you don't alter the drivers ".c" files very often. I take perfect notes of what I'm doing, so it will be easy to tell what you would want to add or not. I won't get into it too much now until I get the true results of a few days straight working on it, but at this point I expect to cut about 10MB to the original driver's code.... maybe more, maybe less, but it will be quite a bit however it ends. I know that what I'm doing will make rebuilds of MAME quite a bit quicker when it is done, but I was thinking that maybe it would free up memory to get games that maybe didn't play at 100% to play better. I don't even know if that last part is possible, but I like clean code and I'm trimming the bullshit fat. I don't belive that anybody has even tried doing this before or you would have had it in your original source. I'll be working on in the next few days and I'll let you know how it comes out.


    Tons of work ahead of me testing what I'm doing, but it so far has cut down 1.3 MB of original source code without effecting gameplay at all. I'd love to hear what you think that removing a signifigant chunk of unnessacerry C++ code from the source might mean in terms of end results on MAME performance.


    Hope you don't mind that I posted this in a public forum, but I don't like talking behind closed doors. My Grandpa, God rest his soul, would never hesitate one second to tell anybody, even complete strangers, that if they had something to say that minute that they could say it loud enough so anyone around them could hear.


    Later BP, and good luck with your project and thanks for the things you have taught me and more importantly thanks for the drive you've given me to persue .xbe perfection.





    EDITED TO ADD: As much as I blame you for making me learn how to code for the XBox, I thank you for making me learn how to code on the XBox.

  7. New GUI start better or worse?


    I'm diggin' it. Looks pretty with the big screenshot and all, especially with the fade behind the rom titles.


    I'm a fan of a dark emulator skin behind bright letters as well. Always prefered your Arcades skin over the skin for MAMEox128 that had all of the different sized screenshots on it. That one drove my eyes bonkers.


    Nice work BP. I know my opinion means nothing in here at this point, but if it were up to me, I wouldn't make any changes to it. Looks perfect as it is.





    EDITED TO ADD: How does the GUI handle a screenshot which is longer vertically, like Pacman? Cause that looks beautiful the way it is but I'm just wondering how the other sized pics are showcased.

  8. Hey everyone. Hope I can post here still if it's not source related or anything. :( Promise, I'm not looking for any trouble, as I'm rolling right along with my own build with ecksbox's help now.


    I was just wondering if NBA Jam(s) would be included along with fumanchu's suggestions. It pretty much suffers from the same problems, doesn't it fumanchu?

  9. Not sure what you meant there for the most part BP, but I do appreciate freedom of speech. Kudos to you and GameCop.


    Does this mean that you're not giving up on your fans on my account now? That really is great, and I mean that.




    (aside: I see my Professor X mind control powers still work flawlessly :P )

  10. You are mistaken. I was replying to BP's post here at work and I got distracted by something I had to take care of here. When I got back to it and posted it, I was suprised to see that there were 3 or so other posts in here.


    As simple proof that I am respecting GameCops wishes, I have not and will not make anymore personal comments. However, I do not edit and censor my own posts when something has already been written. I leave that to moderators to decide if censorship is their bag. I haven't since said anything regarding BP's or anyone elses character.


    Calm down man. You'll hurt yourself.


    Good day to you,


  11. That's still not very cool though BP. Lot's of people don't get the release now just because you don't like me. Doesn't seem fair to those who were waiting for the last 2 months for something that will never materialize. Damn shame. :D


    Oh well.


    Sorry everybody. Guess I'm the bad guy here....



    EDITED TO ADD: If you were to do that to your next build and not release the source at the same time, I do believe that you would be in violation of the MAME source usage. Guess there really is no punishment for doing that. Just kinda an inconsiderate kick in the face to the people who coded all that source before you picked it up is all.

  12. You're just throwing a temper tantrum BP because you didn't have the pull around here that you assumed you did. Now you're taking it out on innocient bystandards by not releasing the code to everyone and trying to manipulate people into being mad at me in the process. People have noticed and already commented on your drama and manipulative ways and at this point I really can't imagine that people are going to be falling for it.


    As for your emu, I always highly regarded it. It is the best MAME emulator available on the XBox, which I've said many times before. It's just incomplete is all, and with your vision it will never be complete. It might even get to 98%, and for most people who have ever used it it is so good that it doesn't even really need to be updated anymore, but it will never be complete.


    With developers or without, I will figure this out and I will take what you have made and make it 100% complete.


    I do look forward to your release BP. Even though you're doing everything in your power to keep it from landing in my lap, I will acquire a copy of it. The only way for you to keep it out of my hands is to not release it period. Be a pal and release the source along with it... the full source this time too, okay? :D





    EDITED TO ADD: Sorry Gamecop. I just read your latest post. I was in the middle of writing this when the last few posts went through.

  13. Nobody wanted to harass bud. I wanted to help, and you were insulting from the start. I still have our two IM converstaions saved and I'd be more than happy to post them here for everyone to decrypt for themselves.


    I wanted to help you as much as I could to get this where you wanted it to be and I also wanted to learn along the way so I could in turn take your finished project and morph it into what I wanted MAME to be. Don't go blaming any tantrums you've had on me. You brought this all on yourself.


    Did you ever ask yourself why it is that you don't get along with so many people on different forums? I certainly wasn't around at all when you had whatever originall fallout you had at xbscene.


    Seems to me that the common denominator in those cases is you, my friend. You might want to work on the way you talk to people.

  14. That's truly unfortunate BP.


    I was just discussing this with my brother today after seeing how things went down in this forum. (I room with him, so we both kind of take turns half-heartedly paying attention to each other's rambling and bitching about what happens in the forums we're involved in from time to time). I told him that I hoped that you wouldn't stop providing for the scene after all that went down, but I had my doubts that you would even post again when I woke up and read all that had happened today before I went to work. Not only was it decided that my actions were not banworthy after you assured me that I would be banned, but other developers came out (some posts pretty harsh towards you) and said that your degrading behavior towards another person who is enthusiastically trying to join the scene was out of line that you should release your source on a regular basis when your project is based on an open source MAME in the first place.


    Though I did appreciate support from some of the bigger players earlier today, it was not my wish or intention that you abandon the scene or that you take a beating in there today like I always take from your supporters when I'm there.


    I feel this is a very hollow victory for me and that I have lost far more than I could have gained. I'm sure that I've now made quite a few enemies in your supporters as well today too. It's a shame if you really do leave the scene, and a lot of people will be very disappointed if you aren't a part of it anymore.


    I wish we could have worked together. And I'm truly sorry for how things have turned out.


    Take care of yourself,


  15. If we're still voting I vote B.


    The Xbox scene is entirely based on a few dedicated people standing on the shoulders of better coders and building on their work. If one more person wants to learn then I don't see any benefit in being obstructive.


    I dunno about everyone else but I'd rather wait a few more weeks for a release of whatever and have one more developer in the scene since the long-term benefits are far greater for everyone.


    BP, it seems to me that what you've done with MAMEoX doesn't seem radically different to what I was doing with FBA-XXX Pro. And it really didn't take me very long at all to get to that stage from knowing absolutely nothing. I just got the right help from the right people. But if those people had responded to me the way you've responded to RX then the project never would have happened.


    We need to keep in mind that none of us are big powerful coders here, we're all just porters and tinkerers and we should be helping each other out as much as possible if we don't want what's left of the scene to die.



    Thanks man. You don't know how much that means to me, especially coming from an emulator author. I'm really not a bad guy and I love the scene since I got my first XBox in November of 06 and spent the greater part of my free time making it the best damn museum of classic games that it could be. My hat goes off to all the emu authors who have unleashed such potential on this now primitave computer, even BP though we might not get along very well.


    Playing Nesticle on my PC was fun back in '97 when my friend first told me there was a way to play all my old Nintendo games on my computer, but nothing beats the experience of playing all of my old favorites and tons I've never even heard about before right on my big screen TV, and also being able to stream all of my media to it to boot (and hopefully I'll get the karaoke thing working on this soon because they've banned smoking at bars around me and I know a lot of people who would come over for the occasional karaoke night if I hosted it :huh: ).


    I have a lot of enthusiasm for the MAME project on XBox. A LOT. Until I found Arcades I was disgusted with how complex an emu it was and after months of locating a complete .84 set I was devistated to find how a lot of games didn't work at all and the tons of clones that haven't been removed. I had been working several months on getting a 100% complete compatibility list on PCSXBox before I decided to change it up and make a complete working set for MAME 128 Plus! Along the way, I found arcades and couldn't believe that it had gotten as far as it did. I fell in love with it upon using it and I was thrilled that the author was still actively updating it. Even moreso when I found out he was willing to work with me after all of the work that I had done. I even re-tested all of the games with the latest Arcades build. 2 times testing all of the games took weeks to do. Unfortunately, as is pretty evident now, our personalities kind of clash and we're at where we're at now.


    I plan on learing as much as I can about coding this. I've never picked up a book on C++ since '98 or '99 when I had a class or two on it in Junior College. I don't intend to. My mind doesn't work that way. I figure out stuff all the time and in the last month in a half, I've gone from a regular softmodded XBox to a fully fledged debug box and I've also figured out how to remap one of my favorite Williams games from my childhood so it works perfect in MAME. It was Inferno. I(t's really fun 2 players simultaneously, and you should try it if you haven't. Not many games back in '84 were simultaneous.)


    I can give you the code change if you want to make a build and try it out. As it is, it's not playable on any MAME on XBox because you have to control movement with the left stick, gun direction with the right stick and press A to fire. Not very fun. I mapped it so whatever direction you press the gun it autofires at the same time. Kind of a primitave "Smash TV".


    As for my behavior here, I know some might think it leaves a lot to be desired. The truth is, I'm a very strong willed person by nature, and more importantly, I have quite a bit of downtime at work between babysitting computers and taking care of/preventing disasters. I wouldn't waste my time quibbiling if I didn't enjoy it kind of and espeically if I didn't have the downtime at work. So I won't apologize to anybody. If that's going to get me kicked off of the site, so be it. I hope BP doesn't mean he's going to try to get me banned from XBScene cause that would be pretty lame and I've logged quite a bit of hours over there.


    I'd love to talk to you more about your experience. I know I'm really green in the gills at this point, but I'm a quick learner and I'm very enthusiastic about this. I don't know if you were meaning at all that you'd like to maybe show me a few things, but I'd happily oblige if you were to show me a trick or two.


    Thanks for the post.




  16. I wonder if you like your name....ill ask thraxen..... say your good byes guys to rx he broke the rules and I might just talk to some others I wonder if he likes his handle.


    Ressurection, even though it is spelled incorrectly and I'm well aware of it, ivokes images of one coming back from the dead. Could be this has happened before?


    Your threats don't scare me my man. Do your worst.

  17. how far up your ass does your head go RX.i think most people on this forum are fed up with your crap.roll on the new thread,cant come soon enough.


    That's cute. You ho,RX.

    fixed. :huh:



    See man. Coding is easy. I told you that anyone can do it.


    And now I can add Down Syndrome babies to the list of people who can code. :lol:


    Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything you special little man. Never give up. Never surrender.

  18. Well... since I've noticed that you changed several posts after my replies again BP, allow me to do the same now to answer them.


    PS I worked with gogo on KIXXX Bendermike HK and ebsay on Mamedox, XBMC with tonnes of people DVD2xbox with wiso and you say I dont help or teach people do your research each of these had something to offer and you do its just not your skills, so why bother teachin you.


    I don't have to ask around. I see your name here and there as support on project. I have no doubt that people who have use for your skills can put up with having to try to decode your posts like they were Nicholas Cage on National Treasure. I'd imagine that you probably didn't insult them every step of the way either since they were letting you join their project.


    You don't teach anyone though, and after experiencing your tutelage, you're not going to convince me of that ever. I might not know a ton now, but I pick things up quickly and I'd be running circles around any one of these other guys who post in here if we were in a race to make our own emu ports. I would have considered it an investment. I'm not going anywhere and I will learn to do this. The fact that I'm remapping and changing titles in the source as opposed to wherever you happen to be doing when you code it is simply because no matter how much I asked you how you did it, you would not tell me where or how you were altering them. All it would have taken was a few moments of your time to point me in the right direction and I could have taken it from there, but you choose to waste tons of time arguing with me on this thread or the other site. I don't need somebody holding my dick for me when I piss, I just need them to show me where the bathroom is.


    Im buying time as I know when I move to a proper thread im going to have to axe you..... it actually make me sad your quite a human oddity...rare breed


    Axe me for what? What rules am I breaking? I didn't see the rule that states you can't call BP on his bullshit. And besides, who else is going to interrupt you and give you these much needed breaks from coding? And who else are you going to be able to study and use that online psychology degree you got from your mom's basement while sitting in your underwear that's sticking to you and is stained with pizza sauce?

  19. Haha! fuman. I got Russel Simmons on the phone. He want's to know if you're available to do the Def Comedy Jam revival. :huh:


    I'm not really a bad guy when I'm not delaying the release of a highly anticipated emulator by simply willing it to be for months on end.


    Pretty impressive, right? Professor X can eat a cock. He ain't got crap on me.

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