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Captain FuKu

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Posts posted by Captain FuKu

  1. goldenboy: thanks for the link. ::(:


    Now, if anyone downloads from that link goldenboy posted, could you tell me if the roms were bin files or already rom files. Just want to know prior to downloading if I should expect to be doing some renaming or not. Also, was everything fixed up -- such as the file already contained the correct p rom -- to run on NRX, or did you have to do some manual fixups yourself. (I'm on dialup so I don't have the advantage of quick downloads.) Thanks.

  2. The hacked NRX is the one that had the password, right? Or is there a even more recent one, made specifically for Mslug5?


    Edit: Man, so many forums... Alright, just read some threads in the Current news or whatever forum. From the comments, it seems that there is yet another hacked ver. of NRX for Mslug5. Confirmation, anyone? Anyway, guess that answers my question.


    Damnit, so many hacked versions popping out left and right. Would love to just play all my roms in just one emulator.

  3. Man...what's with the GGXX dissing? That's arguably one of the best fighters I've played (and still do). I don't see too many problems with "girly/fem looking guys" in that game besides Testament. And as for Bridget, that's how the creators intended him to be, and the whole crossdressing thing also plays a part into his particular story. We can't have all "manly" looking dudes in games, can we? There should be variety.


    Besides, Sephiroth is one fem looking dude, but look at how many stupid fanboys there are.


    Enough of that... Um... On a more kof related note: check out http://cyberfanatics.cjb.net/ Seems they have some combo videos and stuff, but it looks like you need to register first -- gay. :/ If anything, check out the links in the "interesting facts" section on the left; especially the one with Mai and another with Athena. LOL


    P.S. Sorry for the useless contribution James.

  4. Many of the complaints have merit. Yeah, I have to agree that overall it could have -- and should have -- been much better. I.e. more new backgrounds, more old favorites, etc.


    I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they took out the fatalities...that's like a samsho tradition. Sure it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay itself, but it was a nice addition.


    Despite all these, I do like some of the new charaters. (That dude with the seven swords reminds me of that sword collector in Kenshin.) And the whole meditation mode seems interesting; I dunno, have to tinker with it a bit more. But in some videos, I've seen it used to make some flashy comebacks. Yeah...I'm done.

  5. Kof 2k3....though probably not for the same reason as most of the peeps here.


    My arcade already has this, and from watching people play, it looks pretty damn good.


    I wish to be able to play this at home so that I can get much needed practice before I head to the arcade to challenge people. Yeah, I don't simply want it cuz it's the next newest thing, but more so that I can practice from home and become decent at the game.

  6. If anyone wants to learn this game in-depth then the following link is a good resource -- 30+ pages though, and you'll have to filter out the info amongst the chit-chat.



    Tourney vids can be found in the following:


    1) http://www.mfr.jp/acho/


    Note: Just click on "movie 12" on the left. They also update quite often.


    2) http://www.challenger-am.com/


    Note: They have some other tourney vids as well.


    Anyhow, just trying to give back in what ways I can. This is a great site -- thanks guys.


    Edit note: 3) http://fierceslash.com/phpBB2/index.php


    Yup, I added another link. Shoryuken.com is not a great source for SS5 info/strategy -- mostly a Capcom fighter dominated site. This new link is probably the best resource on samurai shodown tactics/strategies available in english. (Well, whatever -- no one gives a damn, but I like to correct myself. LOL)

  7. FINALLY!!!


    Well, originally I was hoping to get this working on NRX, but the p1 rom didn't seem to match. I tried hunting for it, but it only lead to dead ends and blind alleys. Originally the romset I've downloaded were bin files, so I checked the CRCs of the roms and they matched with my dat file. I just put 'em in the rom folder, set the path, and loaded it. It works! (hmm... too bad the graphics are the same as SSVI, but I never played SS for graphics.)

  8. Agozer: Thanks for the offer. I'll consider it, but I don't want to be a burden so I'll search for the rom on my own for a little while. But if I have no luck (which is most likely), check this thread and I may give you a notice to check your PM.


    I used to have AIM, till my computer recently crashed and had to recover everything. Don't have experience with ICQ, so email seems more likely.


    BTW, I won't be online for like the next 15 - 20 hours or so -- gotta do the daily routines, ya know.

  9. Um...sorry, I guess I should have added more details. Yes, I know that it's supposed to appear on the bottom of the list, but this is not happening.


    Anyhow, I was wondering if it had something to do with the p1 rom and so I checked the CRC or whatever it's called. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but the correct p1 rom has CRC number of 611A6887, right? Well, mine has 611A6687 -- notice the 6 when it should be 8. So perhaps this is the source of the problem? I dunno, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these things.


    Is there a way which I can change the number or do I need to find the correct p1 rom. Man...this is fustrating. Besides the spanish site listed earlier in this thread, I don't know where else I may download that p1 rom individually.


    Again, as mentioned earlier, nobody else seems to have a problem with that site, but I don't know what's going on nor what the problem is whenever I try to download from there. So, is there someplace where I can get this p1 rom individually?

  10. Here's an update: Decided to just download the whole thing from that 3x3x place. It didn't take as long as I imagined, and completed the download just under four hours. :-D


    Anyhow, next I checked the roms to find that they were all bin files. Since I want to play it using the NRX emulator (yeah, I got the latest one; the one with the password and all) I created a separate zip folder and put all the roms there after renaming all the files to ssv_"whatever".rom Then I named this folder "samsho5" and placed it where I put my other neogeo roms.


    Finally, after opening the emulator, I set the rompath under directories. Next, I hit "import", and I find that all my other neogeo roms become available on the list... However, yup, samsho5 is no where on the list. WTF?! Damn, there must be something wrong with the roms or something cuz the darn thing is not picking up!


    So close, yet so far. Sorry to be a bother guys, but what is the problem here? Does it matter whether the renamed roms are lower case or capitalized? Is it something wrong with the p rom?

  11. Hey everyone. My first post here, and... Well, I'm ready to get flamed.


    See, whenever I try to download the individual roms from that spanish site, the link changes -- or is it redirects? -- to some "network.vizit.us" crap. There's like a user agreement contract, members area, login, and it starts downloading some "vizit us" application crap. Now, I've look through the past posts in this thread and it's made no mention of this, so I'm assuming I'm the only one with this problem. Well I assumed maybe I needed to first register on that site before I could start downloading anything, so that is what I did and I got the same results. Either way, I'm lost and I'm spanish illiterate.


    I could just download the whole thing in one big zip file from another site, but I'm on dialup and this would take me well over five hours -- not to mention the likely possibility of repeatedly getting cut off. Is there any other site from which people can download the individual roms or I can only get them from that spanish site?


    On a side note, though I've got the right version of NRX to play this rom, won't I also need to have the Bios files? Where would I download the Neogeo Bios?


    As to my emulation history, it's pretty pathetic. Though I do have a very general understanding of using roms and such. I have used zsnesw, FBA, Neorage-x, visualboy advance, etc. in the past without too much problems however.


    Well...thanks for whatever answers you can provide.


    P.S. oops...I think the bios already came with that latest NRX emulator. They're the files that are in the neogeo folder which is in the ROM folder, correct? Also, if I were to try and download the whole thing from http://3x3x.com/kof/samsho5.zip do the roms work in NRX and include the correct P rom or whatever, or would I have to go about manually changing names?

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