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Captain FuKu

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Posts posted by Captain FuKu

  1. Hey, what happened to Guilty Gear. That game has some of the best music in a fighter -- or is this SF only.


    Hmm... well, many of the old SF2 games had good music. Mainly, Ryu, Bison, and Vega. I can't recall others at the moment.


    But when it comes to music from video games, I've always found that the music from RPGs are the best.


    Yeah, that's my $1.00 on it. LOL

  2. Oh yeah, Has anyone seen House Of 1000 Corpses Unrated Edition? hell, even the R version? thats 100000X more violence and blood than this movie had!

    Wanna see violence? Check out the series: The Faces of Death. Man...my friend let me borrow it a few years back and...god, it was pretty intense (most of it). I DO NOT recommend it, but for the sick @#$#s who enjoy that kind of thing, you'd be in heaven. (Supposedly, some of the footages are real -- especially the politician committing suicide -- but others are questionable.)


    Back to topic, well it's interesting no one really had any comments to some of my earlier statements. Especially the one concerning how Jesus in Hollywood movies is always played by a Caucasian man. Because if you know your history, what ethnicity was Jesus?


    Anyhow, I purposely avoided making any comments on the topic of religion because I know from past experience that it always gets ugly, and most often than not, it will not be a rational discussion/debate, but turn into a flame fest.


    Also, glad one of the members here (Gryphon) is a med. student -- thanks for confirming my earlier comments about the nail/spike through the wrist deal. :lol:


    I guess that's it for now.

  3. I really don't know see what all the big fuss behind this movie is. Many will say it is gruesome and bloody... Yeah, well, I'd think when the Romans crucified people it wasn't exactly in the most humane way. Audiences -- especially in America, it seems -- are way too sensitive to graphic scenes. It's almost like they are little toddlers making a big deal out of seeing their first porn flick.


    At least some people are finally starting to cut through the bullshit censors and make things as they should be (i.e. when you see someone getting crucified, they are probably not going through a pleasant experience). As for the rest of the movie and its religious overtones, I have no idea since I haven't watched it. But my comments regarding realism (and your average person's fear/discomfort/avoidance of it) merely pertains to the process of crucification itself, and it does NOT pertain to Jesus's "miracles" and whatnot, since I'm agnostic.


    But speaking of realism, the Western civilization is STILL portraying Jesus as a "white man" (aka Caucasian). Why? This is hardly realistic/accurate.


    Also, the whole nail being driven into the palm deal: I've read an article somewhere (can't recall where since this was years ago) that said the popular images of Jesus hanging from the cross with nails driven into his palms were inaccurate. Inaccurate in the sense that when people were crucified, a nail being driven into the palms of the person's hands eventually would not be able to hold up most of their weight (though a part of it is held up through their feet being nailed into the cross, but can't recall precise details). Instead, the author claimed that to support the person's weight, the nail would have to be driven through the wrist -- not through the main blood vessals there, but just below it (you can look at your wrist to see what I mean).


    So, I suppose besides the no nonsense brutal depiction of the crucification, I wouldn't be surprised if there are still many inaccuracies; and of course, besides the fact that it is intended as a religious film, and I am sick of religious films as I've had my fill of them over the years. So, yes, I am not going to see this film (probably), unless, as someone mentioned earlier, I can get in for free. :D


    As for Mel being religious, I think I've heard that he recently converted or something. Don't really care either way.


    As for the mid-aged woman dying of a heart attack while viewing this film: Call me sadistic but I have to be honest, I did get a chuckle out of it when I first heard of it on CNN. (Some people just can't stomach graphic scenes I guess -- especially those in the North America, it seems.) :lol: I guess they should include a warning to those with heart conditions and such... Lame. :)


    On a different note: Allah simply = God. Period. Nothing more.


    To Gamecop: I don't think any of my comments in the post were religiously or racially offensive. And my comments are not meant to be inflammitory (sp?), but an expression of my take on this topic. But if for some reason you decide to delete my post or whatever, please PM as to the specifics why.


    I can back up my comments BTW, particularly regarding the constant depiction of Jesus as a "white man" and regarding the Allah meaning God. They are facts, and you can even ask your college professors (if that is their field).


    I am agnostic, and not religious in any way. Just wanted to throw that out in case someone wants to jump on my back.


    If I don't respond till Saturday, don't be offended. I am busy with mid-terms. You finish one mid-term for one class, another one pops up for another. Mid-terms rock my world! Thumbsup!!

  4. I've seen it before. Not sure what the big deal is. Well, when I first saw it, I was like, "What the !@#$ are those things singing on screen?" Then I found out they were supposed to be hamsters, and I just thought that was interesting. Yeah, there's too many "weird" commericals on t.v. so I guess many people are desensitized. LOL


    Edit note: Wow, I can't even use the "F-word" in these forums. I feel like I'm in elementry school again. :)

  5. Alright checking in, once again.


    Um...I forgot to add that the article I've linked is a bit old. How old? I'm not sure, but just something to keep in mind. Still, the author raises many good points, and they are relevant.


    Starbucks and coffee shops in general do quite well here. Why? We can just make our own coffee at home, so why would someone go to a store to *pay* for coffee at a more expensive price than when we can enjoy at the comfort of our own home. <---well, that's one of his examples actually, but worth a thought.


    Personally, I think (like Antiwinner pointed out) has to do with differences in culture and the different attitudes toward gaming. This in turn influences things like how many places you'd find with arcade cabinets, etc.


    Japan (I suppose stemming from their attitudes toward gaming) just has the market for making profits off arcades. Hence you find an arcade in like every block, which in turn equals to more exposure, drawing in more customers, thus better competition and more money the arcade businesses rake in.


    Not so here... What you are into *gaming*?! You loser... go get a life! LOL

  6. I'm just checking in for a minute (break time).


    Some comments:


    James and to anyone else: Yeah, I never meant that article to be taken as gospel, but he makes some good points which almost never gets mentioned when this topic surfaces.


    The real question to why the arcades are dying in the U.S. is WHY? People continously say it's the consoles, and roms, or Xbox live, or whatever. And really, I strongly disagree.


    Japan has all of this, yet the arcades are thriving there -- it's the polar opposite to the state america is in.


    One major contributing factor of why it is still successful there is because you can literally find arcades in every few blocks. Which is a big plus, considering issues with travel is not a concern since pretty much anyone can take a few minutes to head to there local arcade and... *gasp* actually find competition there, pretty much any time of day. In the U.S., some states may have one or two major arcades (some none at all), and many have to invest a great deal of time and money to travel miles to even find the closest arcade.


    I'll continue, depending on the responses, as soon as I'm done with my paper.

  7. Interesting thread. I'm running out of time, but you guys *need* to read the following. http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/ext_column...p?f=176&t=34763


    Arcade scene IS in fact dying in America. But the key point is, this is not true in places like Japan.


    Reasons? Many argue that it's the availability of consoles. And others say we don't need to travel to the arcades just for competition when we have things like Xbox Live.


    Sorry, these are simply not true; and they are not the reasons why the arcades are dying in america. The fact is that Japan with home consoles and all the other arguments, still, their arcades are thriving.


    So, read that article I've provided -- please.

  8. The site in question is called Vanitydate...and it seems to live up to its name. Now, I really don't give a crap about these online dating things, but I happened to see a coverage on this site on t.v. a few days back, and curiousity struck and I checked it out. It was amusing to say the least, but I can also see how this site may be offensive to some people -- considering its stringent requirements to even be a member. :)


    Well there's nothing much to really see (or say); maybe check out the top 10, and you could click on the "if you don't like our site click here" option. Hmmm...pretty lame actually, but I did find it amusing how the owners of the site tried so hard to offend as if the idea behind the site was so unique.


    Oh...and also notice how under "Join Free", you notice that though membership for females is free, if you're a guy, then it's 20 bucks per month. Classic! :P


    And when rating members, it seems you can't rate any lower than 7. What's with that? :mrgreen:


    So, hit back with some comments if you have any. And to the mods, delete this thread if you feel like it -- or whatever. :P



  9. GryphonKlaw, I think I can sort of relate to your situation.


    I envy those who's got nothing to do, and basically just watch movies or play games, drowning in self-pity over things which really don't matter... just whatever they want. (I wish I had that sort of time.)


    I'll be spending the next four days or so working on my reasearch paper, finish two sections for my math assignment (about a little over hundred problems), start reading my chapters for history, and to top it off, study for a midterm exam for geography. Hurray!!


    So yeah, I'll be pretty depressed this Valentine........all thanks to school. Nope, girls have nothing whatsoever to do with it -- I'm over that phase already. College life....wonderful.


    Yeah, I'll probably check in here from time to time during my "study breaks."

  10. When it comes to reply value regarding fighting games it comes down to a number of factors: 1) Game engine, originality in character designs, grapics, etc., 2) how good the competition is (people tend to play/practice harder if competition is fierce, hence reply value), and 3) whether you are really into fighting games or not -- if not, you'll be bored in a matter of minutes, if not seconds, and should stick to other games.


    At the heart of fighting games is competition, and if you don't like competition or there is a lack of it, then you'd probably get bored real fast. Seriously as long as there is strong support for a game from the players, and they are continously improving, some fighting games are still played to this day, dispite the fact that they may have been released years ago.

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