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Captain FuKu

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Posts posted by Captain FuKu

  1. It used to be used in relation to preversion...but times have changed my friend and there are some fine MILF's out there....

    Yes, especially with the availability of plastic surgery. Still, definitely not my sorta thing -- "MILF" I mean.

  2. Ah, Hammer, they're definitely classics of the genre.  Unfortunately, I've lived a sheltered life and have yet to see very many (possibly any) of there films.  On a side note, I really wish Bram Stoker's estate didn't sue the makers of the silent film Nosferatu.  Has anybody seen the fictional movie based on the making of the film?  It was William Defoe as the vampire and John Malkovich (if I'm not mistaken) as the director.  I think it also has the main character from Princess Bride and Robin Hood Men in Tights.

    I saw that movie. I think it was called "Shadow of the Vampire." Not scary, but still a good movie.

  3. This was brought up on a message board a few months back -- I just remembered it now though.


    Anyway, let's cut to the chase: Supposedly this site can tell you what physical traits you are attracted to in the opposite sex. There are two different types of tests you can choose, one is the "personality test" and the one I'm talking about is the "physical attraction" test.


    Pay no attention to their BS about this being scientifically designed and how it's a multi-million dollar scientific research, blah, blah. Once you take the test, you can sorta guess how the results are chosen by your previous answers.


    I only bothered to take the physical attraction test or whatever, and only the facial portion -- there's also a body. Supposedly, the claim is that as long as you choose honestly, the results will tell you what physical traits you are naturally predetermined to be attracted to. I think mine was close, but it missed the mark. I'd give a link, but this was months ago -- but maybe I'll go over again.


    Anyhow, I am *warning* you folks who do decided to take the test: I have never seen so many UGLY faces in such a sort amount of time. They'll force you to sometimes choose amongst a bunch of ugly -- and sometimes OLD -- people, who if they were the last person on earth, you wouldn't mind (or something like that). Yeah, also have to provide your email, I think.


    If you're aware of the warning, then go.



  4. Wow... quite an interesting thread this is becoming. :blink:


    At the moment, my online journal would probably look something like:


    Thursday: Yay! Got no class today, so I slept in and woke up around 1:00 PM. I then play video games for the most parts of the day. That damn poli. science research paper is due about a week from now. I shouldn't procrastinate, and I hate doing things at the last minute.


    Friday: Damn! Woke up late, so I was late to class. Came back home, slept. Then went over to my local arcade where it's busy only on Fridays -- I just don't understand people. Met the usual peeps, got in some good games. That damn poli. science research paper is due about a week from now. I shouldn't procrastinate, and I hate doing things at the last minute.


    Sat: Woke up late, again. Did the usual crap. And in the back of my mind, constantly playing over and over: That damn poli. science research paper is due about a week from now. I shouldn't procrastinate, and I hate doing things at the last minute.


    Sun: Woke up late, again. Did the usual crap. Now that damn poli. science paper is due less than a week from now. I shouldn't procrastinate, and I hate doing things at the last minute. But then I also remember that I got a math exam on the same day my paper is due. And only a couple of days after, my history paper is due. Wonderful.


    Yep, it'll probably look something like that. Gotta find another job already. LOL

  5. Since everyone seems so interested in people's personal lives, or in other cases, more than willing to share details of their lives on the internet (lol), perhaps some of the members could start an online journal and post the links on this board.


    Just a thought. Carry on. :blink:

  6. There are just are too many to list all the crappy games -- just like crappy movies (heck, crappy anything). heh


    But E.T. for Atari: yeah, I played that when I was in Kindergarten. I confess, I didn't know what the hell was going on in the game, but at the time, I probably found it interesting. Cut me some slack, I haven't played any video games prior to this.

  7. This game gets my vote for the easiest last boss of all Final Fantasy.  :ph34r:

    What? Vegnagun? Don't spoil it for me now. :blink:

    No, not Vegnagun -- though Vegnagun wasn't much either. Let's just say if you can beat Angra Maniyu, you'd have no trouble with the last bosses. Anyway, I get the impression you already know who/what the last boss is -- as obvious as it already should be from the story. ;)


    On a different note, I heard good things about the earlier Suikoden series on the Playstation (can't find it though :) ), but also heard almost everyone bashing on the Suikoden PS2 release. So...I suppose try out the earlier ones, and maybe give the PS2 one a rent.


    Personally, I've been thinking of getting into Vagrant Story, but it seems almost unanimous that this is quite a challenging game; and the box puzzles and assembling weapons does not sound appealing. Maybe I'll try Shadow Hearts, though I've almost no clue what it's about, but it's only 20 bucks.

  8. What, Angra Maniyu doesn't do anything?


    Yeah, that Underground Bevelle mission was called Via Infinito, I think.

    Uh...can't remember for sure. I don't recall getting wiped out by it, so it probably just knocks out (as in out of the battle field) one or two members of your party, but it doesn't deal damage -- at least, not at that portion of the game. Yeah, can't recall for certain.


    This game gets my vote for the easiest last boss of all Final Fantasy. :D

  9. Yeah, same here. But then I found out that it didn't retaliate or anything, so... :lol:


    Wait till Chapter 4 (or was it 5?), there'll be a new mission in the desert where you'll have to bring down the Angry (is it angry?) Maniya. It took me a number of tries to figure out the right pattern, and even then, it took me around half an hour to beat it.


    It gets even better when you go underground in Bevelle later in the game. The bosses there gets more and more insanely difficult -- good thing it's optional.


    I probably got a crappy ending for the game (finished at around 85% without any guides). So far, I haven't had the urge to play it over a second time. Battle system is fun and fast-paced though.

  10. Yeah, FF9 was easy. But I'd say the same thing about ff8 and ff7. Either way, I still enjoyed the game. It didn't try to take itself too seriously, as if the plot was more deep, tragic, epic, whatever than it really was. *coughFF8cough*

    I found FF8 to be hard if you didn't whore it through with "Squall in constant yellow + Renzokuken madness" FFX-2 throws some pretty nasty monsters at you early on.

    Regarding FF8, I think as long as you don't level up hardcore, the game will be relatively easy throughout.


    FFX-2 featured a different structure in terms of allowing the player to now chose different paths/missions and such, so yeah, there'd be a couple of missions from early on which would be too difficult to complete unless you're at a certain level or mastered a few job classes and whatnot -- that's why you avoid them unless certain conditions are met. Like the underground Bevelle mission (something 1000 maze of Incognito or whatever it was called), I think I've only made it to the second boss (that black elemental), and I didn't want to put in the extra time and work needed to complete the rest.

  11. For some reason American "horror" movies seem more comedic (is that a word?) and action oriented -- especially the more recent ones. They're never scary.


    The closest horror movie that made me feel slightly uneasy was probably The Ring -- and I also found the original version to be better.


    28 Days Later: I had high hopes for this film based on the reviews on the net. It was average at best. That one scene in the beginning where the main character after waking up from the hospital to find the entire city deserted, roams around the streets, looking around (probably thinking where the f@#k is everyone?), picks up a newspaper and glances at the headline for a second or so......and just drops the paper and starts walking away with that same puzzled look. WTF?! Now what's wrong with this picture?


    Anyhow, yeah, The Ring is decent -- original version recommended.


    Also, the japanese director of Ichi the Killer has also made a bunch of other horror films from what I've read. I'm still trying to find those.

  12. Where's the option to vote "This is an emulation board, you're better off asking elsewhere?" j/k


    Anyway, what else can I add? Simply, the fact that the chick has kids really can complicate things if events in the future goes wrong. And alot can go wrong.


    But ya know, you only have one life to live. Why limit yourself -- experience all that you can in life (good and bad, because it's impossible to just have wonderful experiences in life, though I'm always trying to avoid unnecessary drama, if possible).


    And since according to ForceX, the chick is the one who is coming on to you -- if that is the case -- then you know her hubby ain't doing his job properly -- if you know what I mean. It's likely that she just wants a little excitement on the side (something which she probably ain't getting from her husband). I wouldn't think she wants her marriage to fail or her children to face truama or anything like that -- just wants some spice back in her life. And the same is true for you, no?


    Personally I wouldn't do it if I were in your shoes, but that's only because I realize that things can take a sudden wrong turn in the future, and one thing I'm always trying to avoid in life is unnecessary drama. Life is stressful enough as it is, I don't need anymore crap to deal with just because I decided to tap some married woman's ass six months ago -- with kids, nontheless.


    Really, it's up to you -- and you know it as well.

  13. LOL "Starfucs"? Well, I go there once in a while to get coffee, but don't know about the people who typically go there. I just go to get coffee; go in, and then I'm out.


    But if you wanna talk about posers or such, I'd have to go with Jamba Juice. That place...or rather, their regular customers are pathetic. I don't know why but Jamba Juice is a hangout place for teenagers. Got nothing against teens (was one myself), but I just don't see why it's considered *the* place to hang out according to many teens -- well, at least around where I live.


    In fact, I'd hear things like "Oh, wanna go to Jamba Juice", "I was at Jamba Juice" (for god knows how many days in a row), etc. And teens would go in there and just hang out day-in and day-out. I finally get curious, and step into the place for the first time (a few years ago), and...what? What is so damn cool about it? They've got some interesting assortment of beverages, I'd give them that. But it's still just a place that sells drinks.


    Young people in particular are too quick to try and conform it seems -- they have no mind of their own; beliefs, knowledge, everything is handfed to them in this fast-paced techno world, so they never have to think for themselves.


    Eh...whatever. LOL

  14. You r incorrect.  I dunno any links to it but i've gone through lenghty topics in other forums about SF4 with ppl who know all the details.  It is in production n it's been slated for a release during Capcom's 20th anniversary, somewhere between 2005-2007.

    Look, this topic -- SF4 (as well as others)-- comes up every so often in fighting game forums. And in these discussions, you always have people who make bold claims that such-and-such is coming out next week/2010/whatever. This usually results in fanboys jumping in saying how that is SOO cool (!) and how they'd wish such-and-such characters would be in it, then next thing, you have some people making up fanfiction along the side on how they think the plot would turn out. And everyone is all very very excited about it. It's the same deal over and over; see it all the time.


    But in the end, the bottom line is, do these posters making bold claims/predictions have any evidence (links, etc.) of the company making an official statement that this is indeed the case, or even a possibility that a certain game may be considered for future development is fine -- so long as it's a comment made by people working for that company. Anything else is just pure wishful thinking.


    Sorry, I never fall for such hype when there isn't even a mention of SF4 from Capcom, or even that they're considering it.

  15. Just had to say this: SF4 is not even in production, nor is there even any plan to make the game. I'd love to think otherwise, but until I see an announcement from Capcom that they are in fact considering this, everything else is just rumors and wishful thinking. Again, if I'm wrong, provide a link with such announcements.


    As I mentioned earlier in this thread, Capcom started the whole fighter genre and made it popular. Yet over the years, they've slacked and grown lazy. In fact, they've pretty much given up on creating fighting games. Their last quality fighting game IMO was SF: TS.


    Their only future involvements in the development of new fighting games is Sammy vs. Capcom, but even that, Sammy is charge of much of the production. And that's probably for the better since then we'd be guranteed that sprites won't be reused and we can be sure the grapics will be hi-res. Oh, and we can be sure that there'd be no JAZZ music in a fighter game -- *coughMarvelvs.Capcom2cough*.

  16. Thanks for taking the time to respond Agozer. :lol:


    Back to the main topic: I personally liked FF9; many of my favorite tunes are from that game. The story as well as much of the character dialogues didn't try too hard to come off as "serious" and "dark", which is one thing I liked -- many of the dialogues were also quite funny.


    I know many were turned off by the character designs, saying things like how the characters looked deformed or like little kids, but those people often don't understand that it's just a form of art.


    Battle system was pretty fun, with the job class and all that. Yes, I do know that some parts of the plot were borrowed from older FF, but to me, I think they made some improvements and it worked out in the end. That's just my opinion though, and I know many didn't like this game.

  17. The box puzzles in Vagrant Story aren't that hard. It's the fighting system that you either hate with a passion or then you love it.


    Wild ARMs 3 gets my vote...and Dark Chronicle.

    So, just wondering, did you like the game (Vagrant Story) overall. If not, what annoyed you about the game?


    I'm asking because I don't have the option of renting this first before buying. Obviously since the game is a bit old, I can't find anyplace that rents it out. I do know a place I can buy a new copy so... Also wondering how I'd do considering that strategy guides are no longer in print. Well, there's always online faqs, but I never liked those for many reasons.

  18. Trust me...you will not regret it....VF4 Evo is much better than VF4 (I own both and I have compared them together)....

    I wish I could find Evo at a reasonable price somewhere around here. I have VF4, but the Kumite kinda wore me out, since the opponents start to be tough nuts to crack.

    How much are they charging? Are you in the US?


    Unfortunately, I think US is the only place you can get it for 20 bucks. I think it was due to Sony starting some crap with Sega saying VF won't sell, so the only way they'd be allowed to release it in the states was to lower the price to the Greatest Hits price. More and more, I don't hear very good things about Sony it seems.

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