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Captain FuKu

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Posts posted by Captain FuKu

  1. I like nachos, and...wow...I'm a bit surprised that most others picked nachos as well. :)


    Seriously, I haven't been keeping track of the latest news in the gaming world, and I was not aware of a new system for nintendo. But aside from that, over the years -- as much as I hate this -- I've slowly lost respect for nintendo.


    The years of Nintendo and Snes were the golden years for them, IMO. From there, I think sony took over with their PSX games. PSX games had a lot more variety, while Nintendo, it seems, more and more, began limiting the types of games they'd release for their systems. It seems increasingly, they are focussing more and more on a very narrowed down select target audience... namely, little children. Most of their game releases would cater/interest more to little elementary school kids -- and perhaps a few hardcore fans -- but aside from this, I'd say not much of Nintendo games nowadays would interest young adults and adults.


    Edit: Just thought I'd add, I think the only way this thing will have a chance at success is whether there'd be a wide diversity of games released for the system -- much like the PS2.

  2. My average is.33, and my best thus far is.25 -- yup, it's a tie with Gamecop. I may be able to get a better score, but grew tired of it... :)


    To get a score of 0, I assume you must get lucky and just happen to click at the right moment. I can understand.14 or something, but 0... sorry, but I don't think it's biologically possible to be that fast. (You know that whole deal of 1) your brain must register/recognize the change in color, and then 2) sends signals to your muscles to click on the mouse, which 3) is definitely not an instantaneous reaction -- 0 seconds being instantaneous -- and thus there is always a passage of time, no matter how fast... yeah, something like that.) :P

  3. Hmmm...you should try Berserk (if you haven't already). I don't know, but I've enjoyed watching that series. Animation could use a little work, but nice story.


    Haven't seen Evangelion though... Sci-fi themes in anime usually turn me off for some reason. I guess if i ever switch to a faster connection, I'll try to download some. :/

  4. Yeah, I also heard about that Darkstalkers thing... I hope it's true, because imagine Axl vs. Dhalsim. :lol: Now *that* is simply retarded! Seriously, the SF cast just would not mix in well in the same game as the cast of GG -- like oil and water, or something. GG features crazy original character designs, while SF is...well, it's SF, and not as wildly creative in terms of characters -- Darkstalkers would probably fit in better with the GG cast.


    On a side note, the game is still in -- I believe -- the early stages of development; and I don't think there is even a single screenshot of it available, so there's no sense even to begin talking about character rosters. Anything else at this point, is just wild theories and speculations -- so a waste of time to bother with those.


    Anyhow, the whole versus series have got out of control. Now, it seems most fighters released are all versus games. :lol: Soon-to-come: DBZ vs. Capcom vs. Sammy vs. SNK


    Oh... and I've played GBA ver. of GGX on a rom, and...yeah, well, just get GGXX for PS2. :lol:

  5. I know Yoshitora is overpowered, but the dude is too cool to not play. :D Like I said before, he looks almost exactly like that sword collector in the Rurouni Kenshin series (anyone know who I'm talking about?).


    Yeah, and the whole mediation-mode-combos is also what keeps my interest in this game. And though there are balance issues, it's no where near that of MvC2 -- sorry, I hate that piece of crap. If some people made some effort to learn more about the mechanics of the game, they'd find that it still has a bit of depth and strategy behind it. Uh...if interested, watch some tourny vids and there are forums where players gather to talk strategy; early Jan. I have posted the links to these resources in its own thread, but I don't think anyone cared. :lol:

  6. Wow...sixteen pages, and nothing.


    Seriously, what's the point of posting speculation after speculation (all of which has been nothing but dead ends/fakes/publicity stunt/etc.)? Just give it time and it'll be out.


    It helps to get involved in other things, and before you know it, this game will take a backburner in your mind; and it'll be out when you're thinking of it the least. So let's save ourselves the torture and let it slide from our minds -- when it comes out, it'll seem like it came out in no time.

  7. To me, every year there is a mixture of good and horrible music; so I can't pinpoint and say X was the best year(s) of music while everything else sucks.


    Um... And the music I've enjoyed in the past, if I happen to hear them again...nostalgia. It's like, whatever recent music I enjoy, if I hear them again years later, I can recall some highlight events of my life during the year which that particular song(s) came out. Know what I mean?

  8. Put the Zip in your roms folder, load up EGCG NRX, Click Import and pray...

    :lol: "Pray"? Maybe you meant 'play'? But then again, you might have indeed meant "pray", since he'd be praying at that point for the rom to work. :(


    Sorry Agozer, I just couldn't pass it up. :)

  9. Controller I use for roms and such: Gravis Gamepad Pro or some crap like that. Looks sort of like a PSX controller, though the D-pad is not as smooth as I'd like, but overall it gets the job down.


    Controllers for PS2: Regular PS2 controller for most games. For fighting games, I use the SCII Hori stick, which I think is an all-around arcade stick for fighting games in general.

  10. Alright! Now that the forums are finally back... :(


    Here's an update: I was able to get Chronicles and Xenogears a couple of days ago -- wasn't able to get Anthology since it was currently out of stock, but picked up there last copy of Chronicles. :lol:


    I've mainly been playing FFIV, and from playing, I get the impression that the changes were for the better. Basically it is much more difficult from the snes version, and the dialogues have been altered in a way that it flows much better and it is now more understandable; whereas in the snes version, it often didn't make much sense and I believe certain texts have been censored from the original intent of the Japanese version.


    From what I hear, there are only two FMVs in the entire game, which is dissapointing. (I just hope Anthology will have a bit more.) On a side note, the slowdown is not bad at all; you just encounter it when saving your game -- which is like any PSX game.


    I haven't started on Chrono Trigger yet, but I heard good things about the extras included in this remake, so I'm looking forward to that. Seems they have some anime-like cut-scenes which judging from the picture, looks great.


    As for Xenogears, I haven't even opened the package. :) In fact, as mentioned earlier, I have never had the chance to play this game. I just hope I'll enjoy it as much as those who talk highly of this title.

  11. Wow! I actually got some response! For some reason, I didn't expect much of the crowd here to be RPG gamers. :)


    Well, it seems that no one here has really complained about slowdowns -- that's interesting. From some of the negative reviews I've read, they made it sound like like loading times were 5 minutes long or something. If it's no different than any other PSX games, then I see no problem.


    Yeah, I already played most of these games on zsnesw but (as stupid as it sounds) I want to see those FMVs that were missing from the original; and to a lesser extent, I guess I want to own the actual CD of these games manufactored straight from the factory (with instructions, covers, and all). :huh:


    Curiously, I don't think Anthology nor Chronicles ever made it to Greatest Hits. Even Xenogears, with its rave reviews, I don't think made it to Greastest Hits... Could be that Anthology/Chronicles caters more to "old-school" players, and I've no clue about Xenogears.


    Anyhow, I think I know a store in my town that sells all these titles, as well as others. So if they have it in stock, I'd probably get all of these. lol


    Thanks for the response.

  12. I hope this was posted in the right forum.


    I'm not sure how many RPG fans we have here, but if any of you have played Final Fantasy Anthology, FF Chronicles, and/or Xengears for the Playstation, I'm basically interested in 1) feedback on just how bad the slowdowns were in Anthology and Chronicles, and 2) if you really enjoyed anyone of these titles in particular.


    I've played most of the Final Fantasy series and overall I find them 'good.' My favorites are FFVI (or FFIII in U.S., I think), FF VII, and believe it or not, FF IX.


    Anyhow, I've never got to play Anthology, even though it included a remake of FFVI, as well as FFV. Um...based on reviews many complained about slowdowns. Just how bad could they be? There's slowdowns only right before FMVs, right? And with the PS2 there is an option to speed up loading process for PS games, won't this help? And is slowdown more of an issue with Anthology than Chronicles?


    As for Xenogears, well I've heard good things about it but I haven't played it at all...


    Anyhow, I suppose the number of responses will depend on how many actually played these, so I'm not expecting much. Either way, it's fine, though it'd be good to hear some feedback. :D

  13. MvC2 hit the arcades in like 2001 -- it's been like four years since the release. I played MvC2 regularly for like a year and half or so; then I got tired of how unbalanced the game is (like 10-12 characters simply dominate all the other characters; and in tourneys, people would only pick those same 10-12 characters in order to improve odds of winning). In a game of 50+ total characters, only about ten or so has any potential to win in a serious competion.


    After all these years, gamers (particularly Americans) still love this glitch-filled-unbalanced-to-hell-sorry-excuse-for-a-"fighter." As a result, America dominates in this game in national tournaments. However, U.S. sucks ass in all the other fighters (mostly attributed to the fact that they typically ignore everything save MvC2); where as in other countries such as Japan, competition is fierce in various fighters, and serious gamers in general recieve more respect/recognition. In the U.S., if you tell someone that you compete in video game tournaments, they will likely label you a geek and tell you to get a life.


    Enough rant.

  14. Clocktower! :blink: I played the one on snes, which I think was only released in Japan. I just got the rom, and some translation team translated the whole thing and put out a patch for it.


    Pretty entertaining, considering the one I played was on snes. Yeah, and I love that music that just suddenly plays when Scissorman is nearby.

  15. No, Justice and Kliff were in GGXX -- but, only on console versions and not arcades. I'm assuming that they're still there in Reload, though probably only on console; not to mention that to those of us in the U.S. would need to import and get the PS2 modded if anyone wants to play reload. :/ (Highly unlikely that U.S. well ever see an official release of Reload outside of Japan.)

  16. The main reason why I went with RE is cuz I remembered the cheesy voice acting in the first and second ones in the series -- anyone remember? Some hated it, but I thought it was hilarious and added to the game. LOL


    Yeah so in terms of scare factor, RE is not even on my radar, but I do like it for overall fun.


    Also, in the SH series I'd be doing alot of walking around encountering pretty much nothing while hearing these supposed "spooky" sounds. It may be disturbing at first, but once you've played through the game, you sort of get used to it and it can become boring. While in RE, even if you've played through the game and so the element of surprise is no longer there, you can still have fun blasting some zombies.

  17. Basically in Reload, Robo-Ky is part of the roster without having to unlock him and such. Also, he now has his own distinct moves separate from the Robo-Ky of regular XX.


    The other characters have new selectable colors. If you lanuch the character with a dust attack, the background has been changed. Um...basically, the most important changes are gameplay related. I.e. changes in the timing of FRCs (false roman cancel) for some characters, some of the old special moves that were not FRCable are now so. And, certain attacks have been toned down to make what was already quite a balanced game even more balanced.


    P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge there are no "new" characters added. You could say Robo-Ky, but he already was in GGXX, though he now has his own separate moves.

  18. After just reading the topic header, I thought to myself, "Kingdom Hearts." Many people said that this game was worthwhile and well-made. I wasn't too sure with the Disney characters and all, but I borrowed the game from a friend and dispite the Disney influence, I found it very fun.


    Anyhow, I'd get dizzy from playing after an hour or so, but I tried very hard to presist since I found the game somewhat interesting. However, after like 2 - 3 hours later, I felt like I was going to throw up. That's when I had to stop playing or seriously risk throwing up. I've made like 5 attempts to try and continue the game, but I get the same side-effect each time, and I just gave up on the game.


    So now whenever I think, "Kingdom Hearts", I start to feel queasy and all. :rolleyes: I think I have problems with games with constant changing/shifting camera angles (boy, this game sure have alot of those) cuz other RPGs I've played didn't really have too much of those and I felt fine.


    Though I've never played any of the games listed by GameCop, I think from reading his brief descriptions why some people may have problems with them: constantly shifting camera angles.

  19. Damn...I think it's been like two years since I got this rom. Yeah, I can't remember how many times I continued to beat that last boss. I guess it was pretty good overall, but I don't remenber much of it, considering I just played it once. LOL

  20. Yup, some thing here BlaZer. I wanna be able to somewhat practice at home before playing regularly at the arcades. Considering that they're charging nearly a dollar to play one game of kof2k3, trying to practice at the arcade will put a huge dent in my wallet for sure!


    Anyhow, anyone know how long it took the samsho5 roms to be released from the time that it was officially released in the arcades? Just asking cuz I wanted to get a possible estimate of how long it may take before kof2k3 roms are released.

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