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Posts posted by Gryph

  1. actually i did this to a jehova's witness once when i saw them comming up my building from the window, i knew they were comming to me since i was the only non jehova in the building.



    so me and my buds quickly put on some black metal, and we smear our faces with black crud, and grab a pair of knifes.


    *knock knock knock*

    *i open the door and my friend has the knife to my neck*

    witnesses:*shocked* uh, um, eh....

    me: are you the sacrifice we've been waiting for? Hurry Lord Lucifer awaits.


    they never came back.


  2. I like AirSoft guns more. They are a lot more realistic and they don't hurt as much. Basically what it is, is a BB Gun with plastic pellets. You can also add little paintball's with them too. Of course they don't work as well with a real paintball gun. :lol:

    I love the realistic look of Airsoft guns. We used them in one of our little short "action" film.



    Oh and I did play Extreme Paintbrawl! once. That was also terrible.

  3. wo-wo-wo-waiiiiit


    there has to be a part where kof2004 is released and noobs attack the group :phe4r:

    Aha! Yes! Good one.


    Sharim returns with news that he has played Kof2k4 with BillyJr. Hordes of noobs are attracted by this news and attack the people with questions like "Is it out on NRX yet? When is Kawaks coming out?! Mame32 su><0rs!"


    There can be an epic battle like the one in Braveheart. "You make ask us stupid questions! But you will never take our freedom!"

  4. Oooh I got another one. Due to a malfunction in the 1emulation server, the world of emulation is transported back to 1997. All the ROMs, emulators, etc. are gone. Trapped in 1997 are all the members who were browsing the forum. Due to a technicallity of the server specifications, Gamecop and Magnis are the only ones able to escape. It is their duty to save the world of emulation and retrieving all of the roms.


    However, the people who are still stuck in 1997 must learn to cope with crappy hardware and the scarcity of ROMs. They too are trying to escape this prison of time. Emsley (the fat chick) tries to eat her way out but to no avail. Due to the team work and expert skills of the trapped members, they are able to come up with a plan that will get them out. But they need to contact Gamecop and Magnis about their plan so they can work together. The only way to do this is use to Ironman's (IJTF_Cinder ) remaining power to send a broadcast signal.


    The two group working from both sides eventually fix the fatal error and return emulation to what is was.

  5. Here's another plot device.


    SNK/Capcom/Sammy/Nintendo send a bunch of their goons to 1emulation to arrest and detain everyone in the forum. The leader of these goons is none other than Sharim. The members of the forum must come together to defeat these goons by using their special talents.


    Then there is the final showdown between Gamecop and Sharim. It will be like the battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vadar.

  6. Mine would have to be in Unreal Tournament. I was playing Capture the Flag on Face and I only had 2 life left. I saw my team mate get killed and drop the flag so I go to pick it up. I side dash perfectly out of the way so a rocket flies right past me (my back was facing the guy that shot me) and as I'm running into my base, the sniper on the other tower keeps missing me. I can see the bullets hitting on both sides. I swiftly jump into my flag and let out a rocket just incase someone was coming. I kill that flocker with the rocket launcher and I score the winning point. It was the coolest win pose ever. I was half rolled in mid air.


    Pure awesome.

  7. Story line twist -


    Atomiswave is finally emulated and the forum is about to explode by the sheer number of people visiting it. 1emulation is only saved if GameCop sacrifices himself. On one hand, he saves the forum and everyone is happy. On the other hand, he's alive but the forum is shattered into a billion pieces and everyone on the forum DIES!

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