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Posts posted by Agozer

  1. I'll dig around a bit and see if I can find the exact times for each time-release. A long shot, but anywho.


    EDIT: Holy shit. Well, my example is for Street Fighter EX, where the time-release characters unlock after 400 hours. Don't know how that translates to EX2Plus, but have this feeling that I have to take back my earlier statement.

  2. IIRC, you more or need to find a hacked NVRAM files for the game with the secret characters unlocked. Or you know, keep the play time counter rolling for several hours (If MAME or whatever you use keeps track of this, good), and at certain hour milestones a character is unlocked. I'm talking about dozen of hours at worst.


    Also, the Color menu cheat / getting enough points only works in EX2. In EX2Plus, all hidden characters have a time-release.

  3. I think that the EX series has gotten some unneeded flak over the years. Sure, the mechanics in all three games aren't nearly as deep as in other Street Fighter games, and the 3D graphics are a bitch blocky thanks to the rather ancient Capcom ZN tech, but these games are still a lot of fun to play.


    I mean the characters created specifically for the EX series and stages haven't really been seen in any other fighting game, Street Fighter or otherwise., though there are some exceptions. Might have something to do with the fact that Arika developed the games and owns the rights, but whatever. The soundtrack was also quite good, especially in EX2Plus.


    P.S. Skullomania ftw.

  4. Our beloved cat named Piki (eng: Pitch) passed away around 2:00pm local time at a local veterinary clinic. She was put to sleep and her body was donated to science and teaching. She's been a part of this family for nearly 20 years, and her old age finally caught up with her.

  5. The info on Versus has been very scarce so far, so this is certainly something to look forward to. Very Kingdom Hearts like combat system, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Neo-Tokyo meets a behemoth, heh.


    Both XIII-2 and Versus seem to be far darker than any other FF installments.

  6. Full set up? Ask specific questions. Don't expect us to give you a guide to an emulator that's easy to figure out if you just put some effort into it. It's not rocket science, really. Look around the menus and see what they do. If entries are greyed out, there's usually a good reason for that. FBa Alpha comes with a good Help file too - read it, it's not just filler.


    To give you a starting point:


    • If you don't know where to put your games, the default is the subfolder 'roms'.
    • Games are loaded via Load Game (surprise there, huh?), available ROMs are scanned by clicking Rescan ROMsets.
    • You cannot set your controls until a game is loaded (Game --> Map game inputs)


    Like I said, if you need help with something specific, ask. Don't be broad, be concise.

  7. Pouring my life into Mass Effect 2. It's great.

    Same here. I have Dead Space 2 but ME2 is occupying my time :D

    Now that I got ME2, I don't have the money to get Dead Space 2 brand new --- need to wait. :(


    Still, the demo convinced me that Dead Space 2 is filled with scary awesomesauce.


    P.S. Lair of the Shadow Broker =

  8. So you can or can't over Overkill?


    I got nothing. Seems to work fine for me (despite no Practice mode, it seems), and I can't figure out any reason why it wouldn't work for you. You are either still doing something wrong, or there's some emulation aspect that neither of us has thought of.


    EDIT: I did some digging, and apparently the Console mode's Practice mode is officially considered a bug, hence why it was removed in uncut (Set 1) version of the game.


    The only way for players outside of an arcade to experience the Zetsumei Ougis was either through emulation or to get an unfixed version of the game and apply Razoola's Universe Bios to it, which allows access to the uncensored versions of the moves and fixes the bugs that the censorship created.


    Have you enabled blood and/or fatalities in the Universe BIOS' internal cheat menu?

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