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Posts posted by Krosigrim

  1. Bored as ever, I scan through my titles and am dismayed. So many games bought up but even as good as they are, I cannot find the will to play them.


    Why do I get so bored! I am not the only one, a great many of you feel the same.


    But regardless of my discontent, I fire the console up. Lately I've been trying to get back into RE5. I have yet to finish the achievements on the DLC and there are 5 more weapons left that need infinite ammo. And between the times I get bored with that (often) I fire up Puzzle Quest 2. I quickly tire of everything already played.


    So many titles but nothing to play.


    Will there be any games that can hold my attention! Castlevania HD: now boring, Dragon Quest IX: now boring, Lost Odyssey/ Star Ocean/ etc etc... I NEED A GAME THAT WILL HOLD FAST!

  2. I've heard the guy on XM comedy channel before. I didn't think to much of him.

    I'm picky about my stand-up, just like I am picky about my music. I'm a narrow minded fucker.

    I'm picky too. Stand up is generally crap. I liked this guys material and delivery. He has intelligent comedy. I hate stupid humor...


    As for Emsley, watch The Incredibles as Veristic suggests. Wall-E is ok but nothing amazing.

  3. Boondock Saints II - most disappointing sequel ever.


    How so, the first one sucked ass.

    I never watched the first... but I had to cut the 2nd one off. It was utter shit.


    Watched a few recently. Seems as if Inky is going through Netflix as alot of the movies he mentions is new stuff released by Netflix streamable.


    Event Horizon; amazing how far CG has come in 13 years

    SuperNova; Lame as I remember, had the gay kid from "My so called life" (I had to IMBD that) Robin Tunney had some nice tits

    Star Trek; Oh my gawd... This directors cut was filled with scenes that shoulda been cut... this movie is filled with retardedness. I love Star Trek TNG and anything since then. I can handle the ST movies but this first one is utter shit. Its mostly filled with shit that just doesnt make sense. From scene to scene nothing makes sense... right from the start. "Mr Spock, Its how we all feel" The writing and directing are beyond trash.

    Star Trek: Remake; Now this move was filled with sillyness but it was good enough to watch. The visual effects are top notch and the director did his job well. Syler made a good Spock. Bones Scotty and Spock were far better than Kirk. I recommend this move, its not bad

  4. I remember playing Duke Nukem at a PC shop in the mall on my break. I was 17 I think. I played the hell out of it. Its on the Microsoft arcade marketplace and I gave the demo a shot... I did buy Doom I&II on the markeplace but duke nukem didnt make my cut.


    The game is olded. Anyone who remembers the game is older... They should jut make it AO and throw the OG's a bone.

  5. Played quite a few games since I posted here.


    Heres one


    Played Castlevania HD. Its pretty fun for a while. Spent around 170 hours on it. Lots of grinding for Items or magic. Drop rate for the uberest of gear is ridiculous. Ive killed Dracula over 150 times and still dont have what im looking for. Most unfortunate is how old it gets. Theres only so many times you can grind one of 6 stages.

  6. I remember seeing a ladys tumor that had teeth and hair in it.


    I wonder how hard it would be to trick the genes to grow a new set of teeth. Im sure replacement limbs would be too complex. Growing from a stump that is. Lizards have clean breaks for that reason.


    But I wonder if it would be possible to greatly extend life expectancy without fucking shit up. Im not talking about just making everything healthy longer, but manipulating what actually happens when we age. Im certain there will always be groups that mess with this stuff...


    Too bad spidermans wall crawling ability is impossible. Id like to have that.

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