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Everything posted by Krosigrim

  1. Thanks Sturmvogel And thanks for the input Shiba. But every job I had did not appreciate me fully. Even when I got promotions and advancement and more hours at the warehouse in Florida, I wasnt treated with respect fully. I am was asset to most jobs I worked. Though I was never treated as such. I think dynamically, quickly and completely about any given situation. Im charismatic, polite-friendly, I dont bring garbage bullshit from my personal life into work with me. When I am at work, I am the role needed: I dont become the role, Im already there. I have gotten alot of positive feedback from my customers at most jobs and it makes me feel good. I go above and beyond what is necessary to achieve perfection. I am high energy. And not 1 job fully appreciated what I do. Not one. Point is, Im used to places taking advantage of me. I cant think of one job where they didnt benefit from my employment, and at the same time treat me as such. I was "replaceable" as there will always be customers and someone else can do my job, even if its not as good. Nobody gives a fuck. So now there is GameStop. I dont expect them to say "holy shit Will your the best ever!" Even if I was. I will do well and I hope that I get lucky enough to make those numbers add up. As for the store employees and Manager, they are good people and I have known them on a first name basis for over a year now. I will be noticed, for good or bad. As for the GM and DM and etc etc... I dont plan on them seeing me more than just a #... until my #'s start adding up and they see I am responsible for X ammt. of $$$ coming in. Even then I will not get paid what I am worth, Im used to it. Shit happens, life if random. Who knows what is going to happen. But I plan on wrestling this bull to the ground and then go after another. If I stay on, I plan on advancement... As for fun... I have high hopes, lets see
  2. Hmm. And they have a point. To hell with the new guy, his game sucks anyway
  3. Well I believe he was trying to oppose my possibly thinking of it as all fun and games. Im stoked. I know works work, and I gotta preform. Often this is luck... Did enough people come in? Did I upsell enough? (strategy guides, insurance, etc.) Sales is a pain in the ass sometimes, and thats what this job is. Sales. At least I'll be working with something I "believe in" Opposed to marketing for bullshit like the telemarketing I did. But then again... there are things like... game boats... LOL I'll curdle up inside every time I sell a Kenetic game or accessory, Wii fitness, or any of those stupid imagine games on the DS. Etc. Etc. But I'll get over it.
  4. I know I was slightly on the negative side about this game, but It looks like its going to get it done!
  5. Its a job just like any other in respect to your examples. I have had alot of different types of jobs over the past 15 years, and there is no difference in my opinion, when you break factors down. The only difference from other jobs is the perks of working with something I know best, and the discount on games. Ah, that and I know the staff very well and they will be great to work with. I know shit happens, but my job stability will not be fragile. I wont fuck up. Im used to customers that dont know what the hell they are doing. I spoke frankly to one guy at ACE Hardware. I was pretty damn good at fixing just about any problem. A customer was being an ass and I said something contrary to what he said. He said " The customer is always right " which isnt a literal figure of speech. I looked right at him and said " If that is so, why do I have a job? " Or something to that extent. My point, is throughout the years I am very very used to customers who do not know what the fuck they are doing... at all... period. My point, the job is fundamentally identical to any other random job.
  6. Oh hell yea, you hit that on the nose. I think it fits. well, I'm the kind of person that likes to hear Patrick Stewart talk. You havent heard alot either. Its just my opinion anyway. Im pretty strict when it comest to judgment, and I have a very good speaking voice. Even though, Its good to hear Stewart. He only got a small role on Oblivion. Yea I know exactly what you mean. It will take alot of work to break new turf. To make gameplay fresh. Enslaved brings enhanced emotional content or more realistic interactions. Everything else is like something before. LoS is a bunch of different game types combined. The thing about LoS, is its challenging so I dont notice as much, but what happens when I beat it completely. It'll stay in the stack most likely, not to be played again until I forget about it for a while.
  7. Done and dun. Turns out they were going to hire me even before the interview, it was just a formality. I figured as much. It's still not official, but yea, I got the job. I utterly destroyed the interview, it could have not gone better. There will soon be advancement availability, I intend to fill that next step too. I dont expect to be let go after the holiday season, but I will prepare for it. Mission accomplished!
  8. Thanks! Yea the China thing is out. I wasnt treated with respect, in my opinion. Thanks! Indeed, I hate jamming stuff down peoples throats but I will do what I have to and it wont seem like its a sales pitch. It will come with a constant pleasant attitude. I can handle practically any situation, and every type of person. Ill not get into it now, but it takes a whole hell of alot to get to me. Well here we go, off to the "interview"
  9. High profile yes, but Stewart uses weird emphasis alot. Octaves going up on things I dont think should, and it sounds odd. The game is technical, pretty challenging. Much more challenging than Darksiders. You will die learning implementation. The combos are tight work and the game looks gorgeous.
  10. What? Naruto goes with Tekken? You've gone mad
  11. Dude, Castlevania pisses me off sometimes. I think I perfect blocked... but I didnt. And some of the enemies movements throw me off, as in I dont know what to do other than roll away and chip away somemore. And I hate when I get hit by an enemy I didnt know was there or just plain didnt see due to the environment being in the way. Thought I was getting better... guess not
  12. Thanks guys. Come to think of it, I got a job on my birthday a few years back. Yesterday was my Birthday, but its close enough.
  13. GameStop called me up and set up an interview! Holliday time. I know its pays next to nothing but its GameStop. I have been waiting forever for this store to be hiring. I literally handed in another application 3 days ago, what timing. I buy my games here, practically exclusively. I have a ton of games and I think I have spent more money than any other customer since I got my 360, in the same timeframe. The guys/gal there know me well. It real close too, 5 min drive. I will be the first of my friends that have actually landed an official job at a gamestore. We all joked that they didnt hire us because they didnt want real gamers working for them. Anyone who grasps who I am or what I am about knows that the job is a great fit... other than the fact that Im over qualified and will get paid nothing, but gain, its gamestop! Who knows, perhaps I will do so well they will keep me after the Holliday season, or transfer me to a store that need another clerk. Technically its just an interview, but ca'mon. It would be foolish not to hire me. Yea last time I had an opportunity, EA was hiring QA testers... but I missed the window. I thought that was a given, so... wish me luck then.
  14. Bump Because I like to listen to it now and again.
  15. Thats the law of the world. The rich pull the strings, mate. How else could you explain Bush... running 2 terms, let alone 1: easiest example I can think of
  16. What I want to know, is what the fuck is that kid doing?! I saw this coming. Not this specifically. Yea... this I could have never imagined, its so fucking stupid. At E3 when some jackass with a suit said something to the extent of "exciting stuff for the Kinect" or "exciting times for 360 with Kinect" I knew When I saw that little girl petting a cub... I knew. I knew that jackasses would try to empty every stupid consumers wallet with useless and stupid bullshit.
  17. Honestly the demo doesnt give you a feel for the game. All it really lets you see is what to expect visually.
  18. See, he just warned you about thinking inside the box... But yes, that is generally what is perceived.
  19. This is why Im pacing myself. I hate beating a game just after I bought it. Im still in chapter 2.
  20. Um... Will he be playable in Tekken Tag Tournament 2???
  21. Once you get the flow down, nothing can stop you. Especially once you get all the hidden armor fragments.
  22. Yea my friend said something about having a rough time on him. I didnt get decent until I killed 26 warthogs on the replay of the level where you first ride that thing.
  23. Krosigrim(32), Xtreme2damax(27), Dark Naruto(22) HAPPY BIRTHDAY OTHER GUYS I NEVER REALLY SEE! Yep, 32. When the hell did that happen! I may be in my 30's but I look much younger, I act and think differently than most in my age range. Alot of guys are starting to get lines on their face from stress, kids, life in general. Before too long they will start getting crushed by shit and start loosing their flair for life. But I wish they wouldnt. LIGHTEN UP! Life is a blast, and everything is exciting. Its my Birthday and my wish to all of you is for peace and prosperity. I wish for ample food in your cabinets, and money in your pockets.
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