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Everything posted by alexis

  1. as you here it, the roms are already released
  2. Hey i downloaded triliian just to talk to YOU¡ and now you unisnstalled it, you will burn for this:happyd:
  3. no naked persons at all? i don´t mean hentai i mean really good artistic illustrations like the ones from Manara that has nothing to do with porn, it is art. Would you censor Goya´s naked maja
  4. gr8 description even when i dunno what are you talking about it sounds amazing
  5. yes i mean the lord of the rings, the hobbit it´s a prequel to the story and nope i haven´t seen the film nor did i see star wars the phantom menace bit i should i heard the one from lord of the rongs is very good so is th one of star ones where yoda fights
  6. yeah you are right man if a women rejects you it´s ok but when she says NO WAY that´s sucks you know i mean you could just say no or let´s be friends only, luckily it never happened to me yet
  7. heh i wish, most of the times it isn´t like that but sometimes Girls don´t care about what you study they just want you to have a BMW
  8. how many of you guys have read Tolkien´s writings, i haven´t yet:happy:
  9. ok now let´s go and get som beers
  10. yes they will, they just need winrar. To make them.zip just uncompress them and then compress them with winzip or just choose to compress them in a zip format with winrar
  11. i have only one window to configure both AIM and ICQ and everytime i start trillian i have to change the option to connect in both of them, what i want is that once i started tge program all the messaging programs are automatically connected, how can i do this?
  12. Do you watch The Simpsons? Most of the times Homer gets drunk he start talking about the smurfs or those damn blue little men. Does anyone know why? i´m sure i have watcjed every chapter that appeared at least in my country, any clue?
  13. you should quit smoking *cough* *cough* *finishes his cigarette and starts another one*
  14. are they that challenging? i always get tired of console rpgs because they are always way too easy, BTW ever played Terranigma, that game rocks
  15. gr8 another artist, well after i graduate i suppose i will start working as a teacher and then try to make a career on painting, what i am sure i will be doing is to paint always =), at least always i can
  16. hehe Astral plain or astral pain (right in the a$$)
  17. ok no pro i will find it besides it is not a gr8 deal
  18. didn´t played it much only on pc many time ago but i got bored since i didn´t have a joystick back then, i lended the game to a friend never seen it since then. I heard it has lots of combos possibilitties
  19. good it rocks, yeah i know i don´t like Last Blade that much i couldn´t finish it either =( maybe if you look in gamefaqs you can find some useful guides, aslo go to fighter´s cafe and see if there are any last blade vids if they are i advice you to download them since they are gr8 you will learn a lot specially if you find any made by Persona
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