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Posts posted by Xeon

  1. i just bought a generic USB gamepad which is basically a clone of the playstation gamepad. generic, but does the job so im fine with it. i notice that it also has a vibration function which sounds pretty neat to try. however i dont have a stinking clue of titles that does support vibration (i cant even recall the name of the one i remembered :D)


    it would be appreciated if anyone has a clue on these games


    thanks in advance.


    and i dont buy that video filters crap either, as none of those are in the real machines, so are the macros.


    you have obviously never played in mexico or in south america in general, most of the screens if not all have the scanlines, and some around here have different filters too, like the SVC chaos at my local arcade has terribe chopy looking quality and its far smoother looking on kawaks


    i dont need to or have to go to mexico/south america. we have enough arcades here in the philippines to make my observations.


    also, im not against scanlines, the RGB aperture grills, and any filters that tries to approach the actual arcade monitor feel. im talking about the HQ2x/4x/2xSai types of filters (those enhancers type) and the arguments about those (like: Kawaks is teh cool because it has a nice frame blending+SuperEagle - bleh :D ).


    the real arcades show pixellation and other imperfections to your eyes and thats that. now tell me, where have you found a real neogeo arcade that has HQ2x/4x/SuperEagle/2xSai/etc?


    as for James, gee what can i say? its been years since i saw him on the internet but this is the first time i saw him blow a candle on the intarweb. besides, im not any good at making birthday greetings, especially to someone nearly 50% older than me :P

  3. the perfect synchro isnt enough to make Kawaks the perfect emu. it doesnt have complete BG rasters emulation (no emu has it perfect but Kawaks is the least complete when compared to MAME/Nebula). also, the real hardware has 4 Mhz for the sound CPU but Kawaks uses 6 Mhz


    how did i find that out? its one of the version histories of Kawaks, Raz changed it to 4 Mhz in an earlier release but it broke a lot of games, so he reverted it back to 6.


    and i dont buy that video filters crap either, as none of those are in the real machines, so are the macros.

  4. I've been wondering about how this patch business might be able to be used as a loophole. Distributing roms are against the rules, period. But distributing patches seems to be ok.


    So what's to stop somebody from generating a patch for a romset against any arbitry known file (eg command.com) and posting that? All the user has to do is apply this patch on the known file, and he'll get the rom.


    the idea is simply not to take the risk of being sued / shutdown or any crap like those by helping in distribution of copyrighted ROM images. patches alone are useless without the ROMs to begin with. they are simply considered tools and are as legit as other ROM utilties on the internet (ROMBuild, MGD -> MVS converter, etc.)


    You don't get the point. The originals are not needed if you generate an IPS against some known file on the OS. Afterall, a patch is really just the diff between ANY 2 files.

    eg. i generate an IPS between m1 and command.com and distribute that "patch", anyone with the same command.com can apply this IPS and it gives back the m1.


    well yes, its true that its possible. but IPS patching basically has a general usage that it cant really be deemed as illegal. theres just too many variables (not to include end-users ability to understand these). i think what theyre really trying to do is to prevent any illegal material on the site/forums and IPS patches are the next best thing to circumvent ROM needs.


    if IPS patching are law-breakers then this site would have been shut down by Nintendo ages ago.

  5. I've been wondering about how this patch business might be able to be used as a loophole. Distributing roms are against the rules, period. But distributing patches seems to be ok.


    So what's to stop somebody from generating a patch for a romset against any arbitry known file (eg command.com) and posting that? All the user has to do is apply this patch on the known file, and he'll get the rom.


    the idea is simply not to take the risk of being sued / shutdown or any crap like those by helping in distribution of copyrighted ROM images. patches alone are useless without the ROMs to begin with. they are simply considered tools and are as legit as other ROM utilties on the internet (ROMBuild, MGD -> MVS converter, etc.)

  6. put your encrypted Vs into the same folder as the extracted.exe files

    run vconv or vconv2 (try both, as I'm not sure which one is exactly right)

    and then just merge the 4 Vs together.


    i can assume both works properly, i used the second vconv tool to extract and i got a different CRC when all VxDs are merged (compared to the James "godly" set :P). differences are most likely virtually non-existent


    however i did notice some "bugs", the music doesnt end right in final round, but that may be due to my driver defaulting Fatalities to ON (since UniBIOS seems to be aware of it). i havent tested a lot though.

  7. im stuck with the game due to the damn store policy (which only applies to defective CDs no matter the reasons - and they DONT REFUND :D )


    oh well, i guess it wouldnt be that bad as this may become a rare item later on :naughty:


    as for the versions, i can try asking to some uhrmmm...people later.

  8. I think you may be reading something into nothing.  The developers should have never assigned an incomplete game a version 1.0 build number.  It's also possible that the "Version 1.0" was just in the text and was never changed in the complete final retail build.  Meaning it was just stuck in the txt file early.  Does anyone here have a copy of the actual initial retail version?  That is the only way to tell.  Also, you said the text file appeared to be incomplete.  It could simply be that they didn't keep up with the text file(s) very well and stuff was left in there that no longer applies.  You really have no way of knowing from this what Gamespot actually received.


    damn, you may be right, the review was posted eight days after the release date. the Debugging errors they mentioned got on me though


    about the text files, well im half-sure it just wasnt completed, well at least previous readmes tell me that. all previous readmes (that i saw) gets finished by a company contact information, this one ended up in a software rendering note plus shiatload of carriage returns :\

  9. I seldom go to the cafe's in the Philippines because some of them dont have the games i like.  At least there are arcades everywhere you look and they're cheap to play too.


    yeah, youre better off gaming by your own PC if you want everything personalized, im actually more interested in internet gaming than LAN gaming.


    as for arcades, there are a lot of arcade places that has good old games but a dull place to play on (lack of players, etc.). and there are a few arcades that gets really updated. but then again, most of the new games doesnt look appealing at all (who the hell plays that Mushiki card game :huh: )

  10. the only problem i have with LAN gaming here (i live in the Philippines too, and boy, third world :banghead:) is that school necessities thats supposedly served by the shops (like printing, net surfing for research or just plain typing for a school project) are brushed by it just because it doesnt have the same demand as LAN gaming itself.


    not that i hate the games they cater but really, it gets in the way when something urgent for schooling happens and you NEED it BADLY. ive seen experiences like this and actually happened to myself (got lucky on submissions though) :\


    as for actual internet gaming, nah, too costly for me.

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