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Everything posted by sammaz

  1. well, i got the 128 meg upgrade and now i would like to include all the newer roms in mameox so i can just use mameox for all my neogeo stuff...would this be difficult? i dont think any cps1,cps2,neogeo games would have a problem running in a 128 meg mameox
  2. alot of the rom sites originate in japan so thats why we will see it shortly after its arcade release im sure alot of chinks want to complete thier entire geo collections....theyre mad about that crap dont worry....theyll come thru
  3. nah faster than that....the last few came quick and since its the last one im sure it will be dubbed quickly.....
  4. everyone has been asking where to get cabs. you need to go to superauctions.com they go all over the usa i got my cab for 150.00 mint...so you should be able to do good too
  5. * fixed : display fix (maybe a little faster) thats what im refering to... it does play a little better maybe thats just my eyes...but there are 2 major bugs with this rel. 1.) every time i restart fba-xxx it resets the sound settings to low quality... 2.) if i want to have neogeo be the 1st menu to show when i boot it always defaults to the CPS-1 menu
  6. can someone throw out a link for the 6-1-04 fba-xxx hack that runs kof2003... i only use fba-xxx to play kof2003 so if it has improved speed like the nfo says that should be good thanx all
  7. igot it comming in now over 100 megs its big...
  8. sweet i thought this was dead as kawa-x....do you think they could fix ki2 slowness problems? is that feasible?
  9. thanx for all the positive feedback...ive seen all kinds of vga to jamma cabs running pc's but they just dont get it right like the xbox does...i am limited by the 733 mhz processor for mame though...i would looooove to get tekken 1,2,3,tag and ohhhhhh man sould calibur 1 arcade would be the cooooolest to get running on mameox....but the toss up to that is all the amazing fighting games for xbox that are just sweeeet like soul calibur 2 and guilty gear xx reload and marvel vs capcom 2... my next project is a capcom 6 button cab from like marvel vs capcom and tweaking it out perfectly..... you all ownz! ps... i get xbox's for 100.00 used.....thats far cheaper than any pc that can do the same horsepower\money.....and waaaaay cheaper than buying 4800 arcade pcb's lol
  10. theres a new dump of samsho5 floating around... probly be here soon
  11. 1 is original big xbox controler and 1 is a 9.99$ madkatz one...works exactly same as arcade response times.....its identical
  12. i shot these today to show someone so i fugured i would post em... http://www.pixagogo.com/4126245911
  13. luv my ubber cab http://www.pixagogo.com/4126245911 this thing rox...now its on wireless so i play alot of xbconnect from the aracde cab....i put a wireless logitech xbox controler on controll port 3 so i can play all regular games with full buttons.....if you look at the top of the cab you can see the wireless antanea
  14. you guys are the shiznit for taking up the cause... if you guys get all the neogeo games in there im getting the mem upgrade
  15. well, i just put in a request for the sources for this amazing emu...if we can get this running on xbox we will have some sweet new roms to play...if everyone can go here http://nebula.emulatronia.com/ send a request for the sources in the "contacts" section the more people who request the faster we can get this ported.... i know everyone will come through on this one...this is gonna be sweet!
  16. well, i just put in a request for the sources for this amazing emu...if we can get this running on xbox we will have some sweet new roms to play...if everyone can go here http://nebula.emulatronia.com/ send a request for the sources in the "contacts" section the more people who request the faster we can get this ported.... i know everyone will come through on this one...this is gonna be sweet!
  17. cthd2k3 is working fine in kawa-x...remember kawa-x prican...remember how good it is?....lol
  18. hey HK$ see if you can use the new dump in fba-xxx that would be cool
  19. can someone get this running on fba-xxx? the new dump
  20. i dont know how to seed .... this disc rox...i want to share i need a ftp to up to msg me with info
  21. i made it into a 227 meg.zip give me a ftp to send to
  22. yeah i just sold a real tekken 4 arcade machine...i played it all the time when it was here...you just have to play in the arcade cabinet
  23. i went straight to snk neogeo and got thier press kit so it has all the new.mpgs and shots from the company...its a 444.00 meg iso...they had kof maximum impact....it is sooo smoothe...
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